

As Demian pondered his newfound skills, a message from the system interrupted his thoughts. It appeared as a blue box in front of him, and although he tried to touch it, his hand passed through the holographic display. The message filled his mind:

"For having the skill Sword Mastery above level 1, you are awarded the skill 'Learning.' For more information about the skill, look at the description in your skill list."

Demian processed the news, and his inner monologue followed:

"So, I'm starting with an advanced skill. But I'm guessing I'm not the only one. Most must have received these skills, but extra help doesn't sound bad."

He proceeded to check his skills, finding that he now possessed five:

1. Sword Mastery Level 3: Increases sword damage by 3%. With each level up, you'll receive hints and ideas from the system on how to improve your swordsmanship.

2. Learning (Rank G): A special skill available only in the system store. This skill cannot be leveled up, but it doubles your learning capabilities.

3. Focus Level 2: Enhances emotional control in stressful situations, allowing better concentration.

4. Martial Arts Level 3: Increases unarmed damage by 3% and offers improved techniques with each level.

5. Identification Level 1: A system-granted skill that provides information on the level and species of a person or weapon you focus on.

Demian continued his inner thoughts:

"Not bad at all, I suppose. It looks like close combat is my forte. I'll need to check the system store for magic skills since this is the only way I can upgrade my 'Learning' skill."

Just as he pondered how to utilize these skills effectively in combat, a new message interrupted his thoughts:

"The first trial of the tutorial will begin in 5 minutes. You'll have a chance to choose a weapon. If you lose or break your weapon, a replacement is available at the end of each round. For details about the first trial, say 'first trial.'"

Intrigued and eager to know more, Demian inquired about the first trial. The system provided a comprehensive response:

"The first trial comprises 10 rounds, with a weaker boss monster fight on the 5th round. The first wave features two weak monsters, and each subsequent wave increases in difficulty. Completing rounds and defeating monsters earns you shop points, with the shop opening after the 4th round. For weapons, imagine what you want, and it will materialize. You have one free life; a second death results in automatic ejection from the tutorial. Best of luck."

Demian was now well-prepared and eager to face the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in this mysterious tutorial.