
Eating Beauties to Level Up

Content Warning: R-18, step-Incest, S&M, multiple partner, exhibitionism. All of the sexual scene between the character will be consentual. --- Struggling to cope with his sweetheart's death, Kim Siwoo lived his life meaninglessly like a walking dead. Suddenly mysterious self-proclaimed God knocked on his door and offer him an opportunity to reunite with Ji-hyeon, the love of his life, but he had to participate in the so called "Game" devised by the God and to clear it he had to get laid with countless beauties. Could he clear the game and meet with his lover again? or would he sink into the depth of pleasure and forget his original intention? Let's watch Siwoo's journey together, where he learned to love other and himself once more! --- There'll be dimension-hopping story in the latter arc so the genre will be set as Fantasy even though until chapter 100-ish will be set in modern times.

Titing21 · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Checking New Skills and Spending Points

"Let's check the new skill first."

I focused my gaze on the skill list, and soon after their detailed explanation was displayed on the translucent window.


Skill Name: Eros' Pheromone Lv.1 (passive)

Effect: Your body constantly emits a scent that could arouse women just by standing near you. Favourability increase by 5%, Arousal increase by 5% (The effect doubled by Ero's blessing)

Condition: in a range within 1 meter, arousal level of the target must be above 30% for this skill to show an effect.


Skill Name: Kiss Lv.3 (active)

Effect: Improve the pleasure gained from kissing act. Favourability increase by 1.5%-3%, Arousal increase by 1.5%-3%, sensitivity increase by 10%-15% (depending on target's arousal point). Bonus stat: +6 technique. Consume a small amount of stamina. (The effect doubled by Ero's blessing) (effect stack with other skill)


Skill Name: Caress Lv.3 (active)

Effect: Improve the pleasure gained from caress act (only in sexual activity). Favourability increase by 1.5%-3%, arousal increase by 1.5%-3%, sensitivity increase by 10%-15% (depending on target's arousal point). Bonus stat: +6 technique. Consume a small amount of stamina. (The effect doubled by Ero's blessing) (effect stack with other skill)


Skill Name: Fingering Lv.3 (active)

Effect: Improve the pleasure gained from fingering act (only in sexual activity). Favourability increase by 1.5%-3%, arousal increase by 1.5%-3%, sensitivity increase by 10%-15% (depending on target's arousal point). Bonus stat: +6 technique. Consume a small amount of stamina. (The effect doubled by Ero's blessing) (effect stack with other skill)


Skill Name: Flirt Lv.1 (active)

Effect: Improve the pleasure gained from talking dirty in sexual activity. Favourability increase by 0.5%-1%, arousal increase by 0.5%-1%. (depending on target's trait). Bonus stat: +3 charm. Consume a small amount of stamina. (The effect doubled by Ero's blessing) (effect stack with other skill)


"Damn, this awesome!"

I unknowingly let out a squeal in excitement as I read the effects of each skill. It was 100% worth of the prestige of Eros, which I assumed to be something in the line of God of Love or God of Pleasure based on His' name.

Although Hand of Eros was very powerful on its own, but it has a long 'casting time', so I couldn't expect an immediate result when using this skill. In addition, the effect was so abrupt that my target might spot the incongruity if they suddenly become excited out of nowhere.

Fortunately, Yuna was as inexperienced as I was, so she didn't realize at all when I used Hand of Eros. If I were to use it on women with a lot of experiences, they might be able to tell that I've done something suspicious to them. This might put me at risk if I accidentally let my excitement overtook me just like today.

Especially the skill Eros' Pheromone and Kiss which might become my main weapon in capturing my target in the future. From the articles I'd read on the internet, women generally more susceptible to kissing which they often associated with act of affection.

If I used this skill well, I might be able to make them melt just by my kiss alone!

I couldn't wait to use it on Yuna and watch how that cheeky junior would response!

Giggling evilly like a villain, I could imagine how she'd cry and purr like a docile kitten when I devoured her lips and put her under my skilful ministration.

Then, I moved on to the attribute section to look at the change in my profile.


Current Level: 1

Main Attributes

Intelligence: 12 (D)

Strength: 29 (C)

Luck: 7 (E)

Charm: 11 -> 13 (D)

Minor Attributes (Related to Sexual Behavior)

Appearance: 65/100 (D)

Technique: 0 (F) -> 15 (D)

Size: 13 cm (placid) / 16 cm (erect) (C)

Stamina 31 (B)

Free stat points: 23

Eros points: 61,000


My main attributes almost didn't change at all except for my charm which increased to 13 points after getting a bonus stat from the hidden achievement I obtained when having sex with Yuna.

My minor attributes also as pitiful as ever, but my technique had improved by a whopping 15 points just from one sex session! Although it still graded as a D, I couldn't be happier to see that I the egg was finally cracked, and I had been set free from the only F in my status.

"So… where should I put my point?"

I currently had a total of 23 points. Five points remained after I used one point to increase my size and I got 18 points total after finishing my first official raid.

Originally, I wanted to cover my lack of technique by adding some my free stat points into it, but now I knew that it would automatically improve just by having sex, I quickly changed my mind.

"Should I use it on my appearance?"

Even if my appearance was reverted into the looks prior to Ji-Hyeon's accident, I was just a mere 65 on the scale of 100. I was by no mean ugly, but I wasn't exactly what you call handsome either. Just a run-of-the-mill face where you could see anywhere. Dull and boring.

I often dream to get plastic surgery to improve my looks, but I couldn't afford it when I was young.

When I grew up slightly older, I already, though not officially, date Ji-hyeon and strive to enter X university of which the tuition cost me a fortune already, so I didn't want to waste my money only to feed my sense of vanity.

After Ji-Hyeon died, I lost my interest in life itself so I couldn't care less about my appearance as it had nothing to me already at that time.

Now that I had a chance to start over again, my desire to change kept getting more and more greedy, knowing that I had such a convenient system that could alter my appearance just by spending point.

Come to think about it, it would also make my task of clearing the game became easier.

The more I thought about it, the more reasonable I felt about investing the points into my appearance.

"Here comes nothing!"

After making up my mind, I pressed the plus button beside the "Appearance" stats and elevated it until it reached 75 points.

Suddenly, a dazzling light was enveloping my body like a cocoon, forcing me to momentarily close my eyes from the glaring brightness.

The light came and went in an instant, when I opened my eyes again, my vision became clearer as if looking through high-definition glasses. Everything in the line of my sight became more vivid and vibrant.

Looking down at my arms, I found that I'd gained muscle mass. The flesh and fat of my body had filled out, and now my once-pale skin became radiant and flawless, with a hint of rosy hue that glowed like embers.

Fortunately the change was instantaneous and painless, unlike often mentioned in fantasy or martial arts stories where the characters underwent metamorphosis, with their bone cracking and shattering before reborn anew and impurity gushing out from their body in a form of black gross gooey liquid. I was certainly grateful for being spared from experiencing such a dreadful feeling.

I undressed all my clothes and stood in front of the mirror hung on the wall beside my drawer and inspected the changes to my body with a closer look. I seemed to be taller an inch or inch a half than before.

My body had grown as well, stronger and more toned, while not reaching Taeyang's levels of muscularity and bulkiness, my figure could easily rival those who spend their time training in the gym every week.

I traced my finger down my abdomen until it rested at the waistband of my underwear. When I pulled back my waistband, my abs were there, perfectly defined and cleanly chiseled like a delicious bread bun. Maybe I could try to be an men's underwear model or something like that later.

Giggling at my silly thought, I glance up again, stare squarely at my face. It was a a perfect symmetry of softness and sharp lines.

My jaw line looked more defined than before, exuding a lot of masculinity. My eyes were bright like little stars as they reflected off the glass. My nose was more prominent than I remembered it before, adding to my strong features. My cheekbones looked sharper and more defined, giving me an air of handsomeness I've never had.

"That's incredible."

I had a hard time to believe that the figure reflected on the mirror was in fact me. I once again marveled at the awesomeness of the system given by Eros.

I checked my status window and found that it had changed in a way I hadn't expected before.


Current Level: 1

Main Attributes

Intelligence: 13 (D)

Strength: 29 (C) -> 30 (B)

Luck: 7 (E)

Charm: 13 -> 15 (D)

Minor Attributes (Related to Sexual Behavior)

Appearance: 75/100 (B-)

Technique: 15 (D)

Size: 13 cm (placid) / 16 cm (erect) (C)

Stamina 31 (B)

Free stat points: 13

Eros points: 61,000


Another new discovery I found that by altering my appearance, some of my attributes also improved, albeit in a small, insignificant change. Funtastic.

I still had some points I could spent so I decide to make it even and distribute three more points to my attributes.

I added two points to my intelligence, raising it up to 15 points. I unknowingly let out a satisfied sigh when I saw the even number, I might have a little obsessive compulsive in me which I didn't knew before.

Although it wasn't as drastic as the change in my appearance, I could feel my mind became clearer and my thought process seemed to speed up. My memory seemed to improve too. Nice. Very nice.

I spent another point into my size. Well, bigger was better, wasn't it? Please don't judge me, dude.

Now my dick had become above average in size and grith, almost rivalling the proud goods of AV actors, and its shape also became more pleasant to look at. The shaft had a pronounced curve, and the skin was shiny and smooth. The head was large and bulbous, with a foreskin that slid loosely back and forth over the tip.

I couldn't help but smile at how good it looks,"I bet Yuna would love to see this change." I grinned perversely at the thought.

My points spending bonanza was finally completed.

Overall, I found myself became more confident about myself. Now I knew why people spent so much money to improving their looks. It was worth it.

I smiled contendedly and decided to call it a day and get some rest.


My dear reader,

I thought that I'd be able to publish all the bonus chapter today but I clearly overestimated myself. I don't know writing could be so exhausted that I couldn't seem to have a right mood to finish the second bonus chapter I promised to publish today earlier.

So, I asked for your understanding, and I promise I'll make up for it tomorrow! Please don't hate me!

That's and this is a little update on our missions, yay!

[ Weekly Votes Lv. 1 ] : 200 PS/week (reset every week). Reward: 2 bonus chapters. Current progress: 7/200

[ Total Collection Lv. 2 ] : 500 collection. Reward: 3 bonus chapters. Current progress: 210/500

[ Total Review Lv. 1 ] : 10 reviews. Reward: 2 bonus chapters. Current progress: 0/10