
Reincarnated.  Baby Mode?

<Marcus POV>

I felt light blind me. I couldn't confirm my situation. I feel weightless. It seems I'm being carried somewhere. I cough out fluid. It feels like I was about to drown. A wave of tiredness sweeps my body. I have to sleep. The warmth is overpowering. I'm being taken somewhere but I'm at the mercy of whoever is carrying me. I'll have to wait till the next time. Not exactly a good start. I feel a soft landing on a flat surface, probably a bed I think. Those Goddesses said I would be ok. I hope I wasn't lied to. They were very beautiful and they do say that roses have thorns. I'm sorry Cedona-sama. My prayer will have to wait for now. I can't stay awake.

Marcus Looses consciousness.


Time passed. Marcus woke up and spent a few minutes trying to open his eyes. It seems like it was night time now as it was totally dark. Very dark. Not a single light was seen. He could hear snoring not too far away. It sounded like one person. Marcus though to himself.

[I need information. Who am I? Where am I? What's my situation?]

It was then he remembered about Status.

[That's right. I can confirm my situation with that.]


Name: Belnan Whitmoor

Gender: Male

Age: 0

Race: Half-Elven (High Elf)

Level: 1

Physical Energy: 15/15

Magical Energy: 4800/4800

Health: 210/210

Strength 1

Dexterity 2

Constitution 1

Intelligence 16

Wisdom 16

Charisma 18

Occupation: None

Everyday Skills: Housework 6, Cooking 5, Sailing 5, Survival 6, Swim 6

Combat Skills: Martial Arts 2, Archery 7

Magic Skills:

Crafting Skills: Forging 5, Carpentry 5, Architecture 5, Forging 5, Materials Processing 5, Hunting 6, Gathering 6, Construction 5, Masonry 5

Resistance Skills: Sleep Resistance 7

Special Skills: Status, Language Comprehension, Darkvision, Keen Hearing 1, Identify 1

Titles: Reincarnated, Apex of Magic, Spatial Awareness, Ultimate Door Stopper


Protection of the Greater God of Life and Death, Cedona

Protection of the Greater God of Time and Space, Tearea

Protection of the Greater God of Magic, Iris


3rd Child of Hubert Whitmoor(Father)

1st Child of Soliana Leovaris (Mother)


[Ok. Wow. Where do I start? So I'm called Belnan Whitmoor now. That is definitely not the kind of first name that is common in my old world. I'm still a guy. Good. Umm. Age Zero? Shit I knew it. I'm a damn newborn! Physically I don't mind but its going to be nerve wracking spending years as a bloody kid again.]

[I'm a half elf. Well, even I know what an elf is fictionally speaking. Not that I can confirm if I have pointed ears right now. I can barely move. Looks like I'm half high elf in fact. That must mean there are more than one kind of elf.]

[Level one? Is this some kind of RPG? I don't remember my old status showing a level. That must be something that is from this world. Hopefully I figure out how to level that up at some point. I'm not sure about the energy stuff. I know I had 1000 Physical energy as an adult from Earth so I guess for a newborn half-elf, 15 should be about right? If that is the standard, what the hell is with this high ass magical energy? 4800. Is that because I'm part elf?]

[Hmm, Health seems low. I am a baby after all. My physical stats are pathetic as expected but it looks like my mind is intact and that is reflected on my status. Charisma 18? I must be a good looking kid because I won't be charming anyone when I can't even open my damn eyes. My new little buddy will need many years to grow up as well.]

[Well looking over these skills tells me quite a bit. All my gun skills are gone now and it looks like I'm a bow guy now. It's not like I have never shot a bow but it's got nothing on a Rossburg 500 Shotgun or a Faretta 9mm pistol.]

[My crafting skills are all over the place. Looks like all my computer skills and gone. That tells me a lot about this new world. Am I in the damn middle ages or something?]

[Sleep Resistance? Looks like it went up but its not helping me out right now because I couldn't stay awake. Or maybe I'm so damn young that without it I couldn't even function right now.]

Sleep Resistance has raised to rank 8

[I'll be damned. That must be the case. It just went up. I better hurry up with this status check or I'm liable to pass out again. Looks like that notification just popped up in my field of view like something out a video game. That's totally weird.]

[Special skills. Language Comprehension. I guess she didn't lie to me. That should help I think. Identify. What's that?]

He stared at the words on the status screen and another window popped up.


Special Skill

Rank 1

[Very informative. That told me absolutely nothing more than I already knew from the previous window. It does have a rank so I guess it I can level the skill up I could possibly get some more out of it. I have all these skills and I'm not sure of how good they are so I should probably start by getting Identify higher rank.]

[Ohh. It looks like those beauties really did bless me. I have some Protections listed here.]

[This note at the end is really interesting. So my father is Hubert and my mother is Soliana. Hubert seems to be a name I could see being used on Earth but Soliana is pretty strange to me. I wonder which one of them is the elf. I better hurry up, I'm about to pass out again.]

Belnan closed his eyes and let the darkness take him.


The following morning, Belnan woke up. He was very unlike other babies as he would not cry out immediately, or so he thought.

[Ugh, I'm awake and I'm feeling very uncomfortable right now. It looks like I have very little control of my bowels. Not good. Not good. I seem to have peed myself. Being a baby is truly troublesome. I need to get cleaned up and changed. I'm also feeling hungry for the first time in a long time.]

Belnan had his first opportunity to observe his surroundings even if he couldn't get up yet.

He was in a bed of wood with a rustic sort of mattress made of feathers and cloth. The room was a small one. Plain wooden walls, a chair and a single door which was slightly opened letting some daylight in.

[Already on hard mode? I'm not even in a crib. Oi. What if I fall off this thing? This blanket is scratchy as hell. Did they borrow this from a horse of something? Am I going to be ok? That Goddess said I would be. They weren't lying were they?]

Belnan took in his new small world with everything his now baby existence could handle.

Keen Hearing has raised to rank 2

[I can hear the sounds of running water, possibly a stream or river, coming from outside the door and a gentle wind is blowing. Sounds like it could only be trees out there from the sound of it. Am I in the woods?]

Belnan looked around till he remembered everything around him which only took about a minute. His stomach started to growl.

[Damn. Already hungry? I'm a damn baby you know? Is there no one around to feed me? Shit. Is this a new kind of abuse? I can't even get up right now. Maybe I should try yelling.]

Belnan started to make baby crying noises till a woman came in the door from outside after hearing his cries.

With the light from the door behind the person who just entered, it was hard for Belnan to make out details. It was definitely a woman. When she got to the bed, she lifted Belnan up gently and held him sideways against her chest. She shifted him to one arm in a cradle carry and begin giving a gentle rocking. Belnan immediately stopped crying so he could see this new person.

She was very beautiful. Lightly tanned and young looking skin. Tall and slender body type. Pointed ears of an elf. Bright green eyes. She was gazing down at Belnan with a gentle smile and making pleasant noises trying to sooth him.


[My little Bel, you look hungry, yes? Mommy will take care of you so no worries, ok? Your mommy's little man so only cry when you need me, ok?]


[No worries mother. Ahh. I have a new mother and she is quite the beautiful elf. Hopefully I have inherited my looks from her.]

Of course Bel's attempt at talking ended in a cute cooing sound and that was it. There was no way he could form any understandable words yet.


[Oh, my. You are already so smart. I can tell that you understand your mother very well. This is very good Bel. The forest can be dangerous so you have to listen to mommy, ok?]


[Well, I will listen to you as I can't even move around on my own right now. Also, what's this about danger? I'm a damn stationary target here. Please take care of me!]


[You are just the cutest little thing right? Ok, mommy will feed you now so you need to be gentle. Your mommy is a bit sore still ok?]

The woman walked over to the door and shut it then came back and sat on the bed. She pulled up the bottom of her shirt exposing small perky breasts.


[Ahh. This is a wonderful sight. Damn. This is too cruel, Goddess. You know I'm a man inside right? This is going to cause some kind of trauma remembering all this when I'm older.]

Instinctively, Bel began sucking on the nipple presented to him. It got hard immediately and slowly provided some warm milk. To Belnan this was very much different from cow's milk back on Earth but it tasted great to the baby half-elf that he was now. All he could see what his mother's breasts while he tried to suck gently to not hurt her. It was psychologically damaging to say the least. After a few minutes she pulled away as Belnan burped.


[Ahh. That was a dream sequence right there. My mind just zoned out for a few minutes. I'm going to have to do this everyday? I was a single loner for a long time miss beautiful elf. I'm going to cry here you know. My manliness is all gone.]

Bel watched as his mother put her shirt back down and gently placed him back on the bed. Now full, a full bout of drowsiness took him back to sleep.


The next day was similar. Bel woke up in the bed in roughly the same position but his mother was now gone. The door was shut this time however. Not sure of what to do, he thought he should inventory what skills he could potentially train since he was stuck being a baby. It might be useful to get a head start on some things and he seriously would be bored by the end of the week if he did not have something to do while he was awake.

Bel used <Status> and looked for skills that he didn't have to move to maybe use. After looking it over, he narrowed it down to only two. Keen Hearing and Identify. Since Keen Hearing was just something always happening, that pretty much narrowed it down to one.

Looking at the door, Belnan tried to use Identify.

Wooden Door

(A door made of wood)


[This skill is pointless maybe? Let's try it a few more times since I have nothing better to do.]

Wooden Chair

(A chair made of wood)

Wooden Bed

(A bed made of wood, feathers, and cloth)


(A baby sized shirt)

Soiled Diaper

(A smelly piece of cloth)


[Oi! Did I crap myself at some point? You would have thought I would have smelled it. Are my senses too weak?]

You have unlocked Acute Smell rank 1


[What the hell!? Don't unlock that! I don't want to smell my own crap. Ahh, this world is trying to break me. I can't let it. I need help. Ahh, shit! Literally, shit. Wait… This is another skill I can actually level up right now. But I really don't want to level up a skill which makes me lay in my own shit while smelling it.

Conflicted, Belnan did not cry out. He stared at the ceiling of the small room while contemplating his new life.

Acute Smell has raised to rank 2


[This is worse then Hell week back in boot camp. All I ate was milk. How the hell can it smell that bad? That's some weapons grade stuff I made.

Finally giving up on training his sense of smell, Belnan cried out for help. It was a few minutes before his mother came and changed him. The Breeze from the door was cold against his skin. He wasn't sure if there were seasons where he was at, but it definitely was not something equal to summer back on Earth. After another round of embarrassing feeding, Belnan went back to training Identify.

A Wooden Door

A Wooden Door

A Wooden Door

A Wooden Door

Identify has raised to rank 2



A Wooden Door

(A Door made of Spruce wood)


[Well this is slightly better. I'm not sure what I was expecting from a door to begin with. If only I had some better things to Identify. At least I know that it can be leveled up this way. Even if it is boring, I need to hang in there. I'm going to have nothing but free time on my hands.]

Belnan continued to Identify the few items in the room till he fell back asleep.


The situation continued for a few weeks. Belnan would wake up check himself. He continued with his skill training or he would cry out if he was hungry or soiled. Eventually he consoled himself to spending half of his time looking at the door and identifying it. The other half of his time was spent trying to speak or roll over. Bel likened this to strength training.

Identify has raised to rank 3

Identify has raised to rank 4

Acute Smell has raised to rank 3

Acute Smell has raised to rank 4

The door was the only light that would enter the small room and for some reason he felt drawn to that portal and what was beyond. Perhaps his title of Ultimate Door Stopper had something to do with it but he hoped he didn't develop some weird habit of staring at doors all day when he grew up. By the way, the door entry now stated this.

A Wooden Door

(A Door made of Spruce wood. Hardness: 10/10 Crafted by: Soliana Leovaris)

His Identify had reached rank 4 over the few weeks. Sadly, during this time his Acute Smell had also reached rank 4. He found that everything in his sight was made by his mother. A sense of pride welled up in his baby heart.


[My mother is so great. I might have been able to build a lean to in the woods back on Earth for survival but I never got the chance to build a house from scratch. Even if it is rustic, it shows she cares about us.]

In Bel's mind he was already associating himself and his mother as a pair. Almost like it was two against the world.


[I have to wonder though, are we perhaps very poor? Is this world so backwater that this is considered a decent place to live? I hope it's not true because this new second life would be pretty bleak. I need to grow up fast so I can make my mother's life better. She is doing so much for me right now and I know she cares for me. I don't think I ever felt this way with my parents back on Earth. Then again, I can't remember being a baby the first time around.]

Something finally changed when his mother told him that she was going to clean the room today. She scooped Bel and wrapped him in a cloth sling that was positioned around her neck like a baby carrying pouch. It did not afford a great view but he could stare upward at least. His mother brought him outside the door and the sky finally showed itself to him. It was a wide, grey and overcast with clouds. A few trees of some kind could be seen at the edges of his vision and his Identify was ready.

A Spruce Tree

(This tree can be harvested for crafting basic wood items or as firewood. Hardness 10/10)

Well this explained where the wood for the house came from. He was living in the woods apparently. Thinking about it, his mother was an elf so it shouldn't be surprising to be in nature.


[Now Belnan, I need you to close your eyes. Mommy has to stir up the wind so that I can take care of the dust in the house. I don't want you coughing, ok? Can you be a good boy and help your mother?]

Bel closed his eyes like his mother while making baby noises, i.e. talking.


[No problem, mother. What are you going to do again? Stir up the wind? What's that?]

He felt a pressure of some kind coming from his mother.

You have unlocked Sense Magic rank 1

The instant Sense Magic was unlocked, Belnan opened his eyes wide and could see little green dots floating around his mother and him. Soliana extended her arm at the open door of the house.


[Spirits of Wind. Heed my call and gather. Combine and go forth children of Windros, GUST.]

The green particles spun around Soliana's arm like a vortex and burst forth into the dusty cabin. The magic wind stung Belnan's eyes and he was forced to close them. The wind blew inside kicking up all the dirt and dust that was laying around and the pressure built up till it flooded back out the front door. Belnan was speechless. With his sense magic, he could feel the particles project in a cone into the cabin till it hit the walls and scattered around. It was his first time experiencing magic, a power that was not of Earth. The wood of the cabin creaked from the power sent inside but stood standing.

You have unlocked Wind Magic rank 1

Belnan reopened his eyes and they were full of tears. He couldn't help it. The notification just informed him that he learned wind magic. The wind stung a bit and he had no way to cover his face. He could feel the wind particles crashing into his body gently. Now that he was aware of it, he could feel these small green particles all around him in the air. It was as if a third eye was opened to him. It seemed as if they were just randomly floating around. After a few seconds, as if they disappeared, he could no longer see them with his eyes but he somehow felt they were still there. Soliana kissed Belnan on the cheek waking him up from the experience.


[My little Belnan. I hope the wind spirits love you too. The elves have always heard the spirits of the wind you know.]

Bel looked up at his mother and realized he had never used Identify on her. He thought it was rude at first but he figured it might be smart to know how strong his mother was since she would leave him in the cabin by himself. Staring at her, he invoked Identify.

Name: Soliana Leovaris

Gender: F

Race: Elven (High Elf)

Level: 164

Occupation: Mithril Rank Adventurer

Equipment: Elven Shirt, Elven Leggings, Belt, Boots of Striding +1, Skinning Knife +1, Cloth baby sling


[So I can't see as much as my own. That makes sense. Holy Cow! Level 164. My mother is OP. This information tells me a lot. I'm not sure if that is a high level or not but I know I'm only level 1 so I have a long way to go to be as good as my mother. If she is a full blooded Elf, that would mean my father is human. How come he is not here? Is my mother a single mother? Are they not married? I didn't think I would be a bastard in this life. Not that it really matters cause my mom is so awesome. Also, she's a Mithril rank adventurer. I'm not sure how good that is but I know that Mithril is a mythical fantasy metal so it's probably pretty high up there. Also it looks like I can see her equipment and some of it has some bonuses. Is that magic too or is it something else?]

Soliana put Belnan back on the bed and kissed him again.


[Now be a good boy and get some sleep, ok? Mommy has to go get some food and will be right back. I will show you how mommy casts her shield to protect our house while she is out.]

Belnan stared at his mother from the bed while Soliana began casting a spell. He saw different kinds of colored motes of magic this time. Two colors danced around Soliana, one yellow denoting earth magic, and one bright pink which meant light magic. Not that Belnan recognized the difference at this point but he could feel a much stronger amount of magic this time then from when his mother was just cleaning the room out. It was almost as if gravity increased slightly, pushing him down into the soft bed. His skin was tingling with the magic as it danced around the room.


[Spirits of Earth and Light. Heed my call and gather. I, Soliana Leovaris, beseech you to protect this place from harm. Be one, spirits of Earth and join hands with heaven's sacred ones. Form the boundary of Light and Earth. SHIELD!]

A thrumming sound resonated in a sphere out from Soliana. Belnan could feel the wave of magic pulse out a few times from her and gather just outside the cabin. After a few moments he could sense it harden like an eggshell. He couldn't see it, but now that he could sense magic, he could feel the magic exist just outside the walls.

You have unlocked Earth Magic rank 1

You have unlocked Light Magic rank 1

Sense Magic has raised to rank 2


[Is this normal? I'm unlocking all kinds of magic. Don't I need to study dusty tomes or take some lessons or something? This seems to be pretty easy for me. Ahh. I do have the Protection of the Goddess of Magic. I must be a bloody cheat! That's it. This is normal for cheat characters. I didn't mean to steal your hard work, mom. I'm just a damn cheater son. Please forgive me. I knew you didn't leave me here alone and unprotected. He nodded mentally in acceptance of his mother's previously unobserved defense measures.]

All the chatting from Belnan just sounded like an excited baby to Soliana and she smiled at him gently with love in her eyes. She kissed him on the forehead and left the small cabin, shutting the door behind her. The room, with no windows, plunged into darkness. Bel was still wide awake and was thinking about the magic he saw swirling around earlier. Could he make some magic happen? He had magic too so why not?


[I better start with something safe. Light would probably be good since its so dark in here. Let me confirm my magic using Identify.]

Earth Magic 1

Spell: Stone


Cost: 100

Create a small stone. Useful for sling ammunition or rock skipping.

Wind Magic 1

Spell: Air


Cost: 100

Create a small pocket of air in a 10 yard radius. Lasts 1 minute. Can be maintained by repaying the casting cost. Useful underwater or at high altitude.

Light Magic 1

Spell: Light


Cost: 100

Create a globe of light within 10 yards of caster for 1 minute. Globe can move with caster for double the cost per minute. Equivalent to daylight in intensity.


[Earth seems to be pointless right now unless I want to bury my baby body in pebbles. Air? Well I'm not underwater right now so I guess that doesn't have an immediate use unless I want to train it. Also I rather not kick up a bunch of dust in a closed room. Well the room is semi-clean right now of so I guess I could try it later. Light is definitely what I need to be using right now. It seems like I have lived in a cave these past few weeks with only the light from the door. Mom also shut it this time cause she probably has to go further away to get food. This is the perfect chance to make some light in here.]

Thinking about how to make light, word drifted up in Belnan's mind. He said those word's out loud but with his baby body he was unable to form proper words. Only baby sounds came out.


[Dammit. Do I have to be able to speak to cast magic?]

Belnan kept trying to say the words for light but gave up after a hundred tries.


[This is not working.]

By this point, the words were engraved in his mind in a loop and a strange character floated into his thoughts.


[What is this character? Is this light?]

He stared hard at the character in his mind's eye and suddenly light sprung forth in front of his eyes in a quick flash and extinguished, blinding him temporarily.

You have unlocked Chantless Magic rank 1


[Ahh! Looks like you can cast magic without speaking. I'm not sure if this is normal but I'm thankful for that. I would have had to wait years to be able to cast anything as I can't form proper words.]

Thinking of the Light character again in his head he looked at a space near the ceiling where a ceiling light would be if this were his old world. Think. Think. Think. Light. Light. Light.

Motes of light particles swirled around where Bel was looking and eventually formed an orb floating gracefully near the ceiling. It lit the whole room easily.


[I cast magic! This is what I'm talking about. I'm a mother fucking magician now. You see this!? I made that light. Ahh, this is so awesome.]

He continued casting lights all over the ceiling. It was so bright that Belnan had to close his eyes. The lights he made only lasted for a minute but he kept making light orbs to replace the ones that went out. Slowly he became more tired as he made more lights. He used Identify and realized he was almost out of magic.


[So with 4800 magic I can make 48 lights worth one minute each but it seems to put a strain on me as my magic gets lower. Also the lights seem to be lasting two minutes instead of the stated one. This is probably due to Goddess Iris's blessing again. I'm already missing those fine ladies. Ah, I forgot that I haven't been praying. I'm a horrible person. Well I was never a hardcore religious person so I will do it tomorrow. Hopefully the can forgive me. I'm sorry beautiful Goddesses but I'm just a baby right now. I should just try making one light and keeping it going for as long as possible tomorrow. Ugh. I'm ready to sleep now.]

He drifted off to sleep as the lights went out one after another.


End of Chapter 2 Belnan's Status

Name: Belnan Whitmoor

Gender: M

Age: 0

Race: Half-Elven (High Elf)

Level: 1

Physical Energy: 15/15

Magical Energy: 0/4800

Health: 210/210

Strength 1

Dexterity 2

Constitution 1

Intelligence 16

Wisdom 16

Charisma 18

Occupation: None

Everyday Skills: Housework 6, Cooking 5, Sailing 5, Survival 6, Swim 6

Combat Skills: Martial Arts 2, Archery 7

Magic Skills: Sense Magic 2, Earth Magic 1, Wind Magic 1, Light Magic 1, Chantless Casting

Spells Known: Stone, Air, Light

Crafting Skills: Forging 5, Carpentry 5, Architecture 5, Forging 5, Materials Processing 5, Hunting 6, Gathering 6, Construction 5, Masonry 5

Resistance Skills: Sleep Resistance 8

Special Skills: Status, Language Comprehension, Darkvision, Keen Hearing 2, Acute Smell 4, Identify 4

Titles: Reincarnated, Apex of Magic, Spatial Awareness, Ultimate Door Stopper


Protection of the Greater God of Life and Death, Cedona

Protection of the Greater God of Time and Space, Tearea

Protection of the Greater God of Magic, Iris


3rd Child of Hubert Whitmoor(Father)

1st Child of Soliana Leovaris (Mother)

Equipment: Baby Clothes