
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Prominente
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83 Chs

Chapter 55

Yoongi must sense the tension because he slides out of the room saying he needs to use the bathroom before they leave, but it's an excuse, it's obvious. Namjoon doesn't speak to me, he goes to Jangmi and strokes her face. His hard exterior softening momentarily as he smiles at her. "Morning" I say to him in the nicest friendliest tone I can muster. He doesn't answer me. "Did you manage to sleep?" I ask, he doesn't reply.

5 more pairs of feet trundle down the stairs, one by one passing through to the kitchen, saying morning as they go. I hear Yoongi tell them I made breakfast for them, and they are all happy about that. "You can't ignore me forever Namjoon, you have to talk to me eventually" I say, trying really hard to get something out of him, but he still stays quiet. The 6 other members come out of the kitchen, ready to leave, drinks and fruit bowls in hands, heavy bags with their belongings over their shoulders and thank me as they go past. I nod at them all to be polite.

"Are you coming Namjoon?" Jin asks him, and he replies back immediately "yeah" and then kisses his fingers, places them on Jangmi's cheek and turns and leaves, still not uttering a word to me. I don't get it, I poured my heart out last night, played that song to him, I thought it might have softened him a little. He didn't even take his fruit or coffee and he was the main reason I did it in the first place.

I'm so frustrated that angry tears begin to fill my eyes, I feel my bottom lip quiver and I come over all hot. I still cannot believe that he thinks I would rather be with Jimin than him! Mine and Jimin's brief relationship, if you can even call it that, lasted about 3 weeks, Namjoon and I have been together now over 2 years. I married him. I had his child. I need to know what was said yesterday, how that spurred him on to making love with me as passionately as he did, but quickly spun him out after I asked Jimin if he was ok.

I don't know if I can wait all day for that conversation. I rush to the front door to see if I can catch them before they leave but the cars are disappearing down the driveway. Maybe I should get Ji-Ho to take me to the venue. Maybe being there and watching might give me an insight. Perhaps I can get him to talk to me in a break?

I scoop up Jangmi and head upstairs. She is out for the count. I place her in her cot in the room she shares with Yeong, he is still sleeping and head in to mine for a shower. I get dressed in comfy casuals, tie up my wet hair and head downstairs. Sakura is up and in the kitchen preparing for the children for the day. "Morning Sakura. I need to head off for a fair bit of the day, I'm sorry it's last minute, is that ok?" I ask, she returns my platitude and nods it's fine and asks if everything is ok. "Yes it's fine, I'm going to watch rehearsals, get a feel for what they do as I have never been before. Oh, Jangmi had a top up bottle about 5:30am and then fell back to sleep so she might be a little off her routine this morning" I add.

I grab the fruit pot and iced coffee intended for Joonie and then my bag and head off outside to find Ji-Ho, he is usually stationed at the front door. Thankfully he is there this morning too. I ask him if he can arrange to take me to the venue, and he calls for one of the fleet cars and a replacement for his station and within 5 minutes we are heading off. You have to hand it to Big Hit, there is not much they cannot arrange at short notice.

I sit in the front with my large protector and chit chat about little things but then he tells me his wife is expecting their first child. I congratulate him, they are a sweet couple, and told me at our wedding they were trying for a baby. I ask if they have any names picked out yet and he says no, but that they will find out the sex of the baby at some point to help make the decision that little bit easier.

My stomach is in knots, I'm so nervous about what they might say when I get there, whether Namjoon will hate it or love it. I sip the coffee but can't stomach the fruit, I offer it to the hulk in the drivers seat and he nods, he always seems to be hungry. Come to think of it though we rarely see any of the security eating and they do really long shifts.

The traffic is pretty good this morning and the usual 30 ish minute drive only takes us 20, I think I was only about 30 minutes behind them so they should be here now getting ready to start. Ji-Ho organises passes for us both at the main entrance giving us access everywhere and in we go. My stomach flips, I feel sick, for some reason my instinct is telling me something bad is going to happen.