
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Prominente
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83 Chs

Chapter 50

The boys walk through the door a little after 8pm in the end, they are all very tired, and all very sweaty still. They have obviously worked hard today. The children are in bed, dinner is in the fridge ready for when they are, Lori and I are in the living room watching a film on Netflix and gossiping.

"Hey guys" I shout to them all. I get a very sedate hi back from them. Namjoon comes into the room and kisses me, I love it when he is sweaty, and he looks sexy in his shorts and vest too, his strong arms on show but his muscular flank peeking through as well. "I've missed bath and bed time haven't I?" He asks me, disappointed that he didn't make it home in time. "Yes, but there is always tomorrow, just try to leave a little earlier if you can" I say attempting to make him feel better.

Yoongi comes into the room now too to greet his wife whilst the other boys head off to their rooms to shower and change. "Hey baby girl" he says kissing her long and slow on the mouth. The affection he gives her is so lovely to see, they are so much in love.

We turn off the film we weren't really watching and take our respective husbands upstairs so they can get cleaned up for dinner. As we pass the children's room they pop in quietly and kiss their offspring goodnight. It's a shame they haven't been able to make it home earlier to put them to bed, you can see they are both upset by it, but these concerts are important for the bands future. I hate to think how hard it is going to be for them when they are completing their National service, both children are going to change so much in that time, and they will only get to see them when they are allowed leave. The thought is heartbreaking.

When we make it into our room Joonie drops his bag and pulls me into a hug. "So, why does your peach need attention?" He asks inquisitively stroking my back. "I think I need to show you!" I reply. He drops his hands and I turn around, pull my bottoms and knickers down and hear his loud exclamation "fuck!"

"I know right! It looks worse than it feels although it is tender" I say rubbing it slightly. He drops to his knees and starts to kiss it better. "I (kiss) never (kiss) intended (kiss) for (kiss) it (kiss) to (kiss) bruise (kiss) baby". I turn my body so I can face him and lift his chin so he looks at me. "I know that, it's no ones fault. We were both into it and enjoying it. They will go, they are not permanent".

He stands and wraps his arms around my waist, places his forehead on mine so our noses touch and kisses me gently on the lips. I run my hands down his sweaty back to grab his arse and then I slap it. "Ow" he says. I laugh. "Next time you are getting the paddle, see how you like it. Come on in the shower, let's get you cleaned up".

He walks off into the bathroom and I remove my clothes quickly and follow him. I know it's unlikely he will have the energy for sex, but I want to wash him and feel him, I've missed him today. He looks surprised when I appear at the door naked. He has only managed to get off his top. His chest and abs look amazing in the pale light of the bathroom, his skin looks tanned. "Get those shorts off and get in the shower, you need a good scrub" I say winking at him.

He removes them, turns on the water and pulls me into the shower with him. I lather up the coral sponge and wash his neck and shoulders, the bubbles finding there way to the drain, trickling over muscle, down to hip before dripping from his appendage or sliding down thick thighs and hard calves to feet. I'm mesmerised by him, still feeling butterflies in his presence, in awe of him and how he makes me feel.

I ask him how the rest of the day went whilst I wash him everywhere, he tells me that Jin felt so rough this afternoon he threw up into a bin, Jimin twisted his back in one of the routines so had to take it easy and see the physio on site and Hobi had issues with his mic and got really frustrated that he threw it. Sounds like it could have gone better! Apparently the dance routines are coming on well though, they have worked out most of the layout of who should be where depending on the song and who is singing or rapping at the time, that feels like the biggest thing to me, they dance so much that if that went wrong it would be so noticeable. There was a camera crew following them today too, filming behind the scenes and completing little interviews with them. Jungkook apparently got flustered because the girl asking the questions was cute, Jimin charmed her like he does to everyone and Tae got emotional talking about having to take a break from the band to complete National service and be away from Army for so long.

I have scrubbed my man mountain from top to bottom and have washed his hair, he is squeaky clean and fresh. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel round me and throw one to him. I find myself asking "so how cute was this interviewer then?" As it leaves my lips i'm not sure if i'm interested because i'm jealous that JK found her cute or intrigued to find out if my husband did too. Maybe it's a bit of both. I'm certainly not too worried about Jimin, he is a natural flirt, it comes easy to him, I'm sure half the time he doesn't even realise he is doing it. I do think that if I clicked my fingers I could have Jimin back in a heartbeat. I know it didn't progress between us because he feels like he needs to marry a Korean girl, but he hasn't dated anyone since, and after seeing how most people accepted Lori and I, I think he could regret his decision of not fighting for me.

"Yeah she was cute, but not womanly enough for me, she didn't have curves like you. I can't get enough of that arse and those tits" he tells me, walking up to me, dropping his towel and pulling mine off of me. I think someone might have just found some spare energy.