
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Prominente
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83 Chs

Chapter 47

"Wow, seems like we both had a great night! I did hear you calling for god whilst I was waiting for Joonie" I chuckle.

We came to another T junction and did another left, hoping to end up back at the house eventually but we came to a dead end. It's strange that we haven't come across any shops yet either. If this was London we would have passed at least 12 off licences, a chip shop and a nail bar by now.

Ji-Ho advised us to circle back and try the next road along, he says there are shops further down. He remembers from when they did their initial scout of the area before we arrived. "What do you know, he is right" Lori says pointing slightly further up the road. We see what looks like a coffee shop or sandwich bar. Neither of us has eaten breakfast yet, it's not quite lunch time, but we decide to stop and have a drink and see if there is anything we fancy on the menu.

It is a little cafe and is called Haruto's. It's not huge but as it's on a corner has light flooding in 2 large windows. We walk in and there are a couple of patrons sitting at a table to the rear, both with a coffee and reading the paper. "Kon'nichiwa" the gentleman behind the counter says. We do as we have been advised and bow to him and reply back the same greeting. He seems pleased enough and then says "are you English?" I wonder how he knew that? Was it our rubbish pronunciation?

"Yes" Lori says in response to the small and thin man. He comes out from behind the counter and asks another question "are you the Bangtan wives?" We look at each other and then at Ji-Ho, I think he has given the game away, his dark clothes, sunglasses and the earpiece are very conspicuous. We laugh and say "yes".

"Please please, sit down, what can I get you?" He asks pulling two chairs out from a table by the window. "My name is Haruto, I'm the owner and you are most welcome. We love BTS!" We take a seat, Ji-Ho sits at the table next to us and removes his shades, he looks a little less like secret service now but not much. I smile at him and say "thank you, we love BTS too! Do you have a menu Haruto?" I ask him.

He dashes off to the counter and comes back with a laminated sheet that has his specialities on it but tells us he can make us anything we want. He seems really happy to have us here and is making us feel famous. "We know that when you are in Japan you usually stay around here, but we have never actually seen anybody before, this is so exciting. Will your husbands be joining you?" He queries like an excited teenage girl.

"I'm afraid not Haruto, they are at rehearsals at the moment" Lori advises him. He looks a little disappointed but smiles and leaves us to look at the menu. "You decide what you want and call me back when you are ready to order". He walks off, heading towards the couple at the rear of the cafe. They speak in muted voices, in Japanese and it's obvious Haruto is telling them who we are. It's really rather sweet.

After looking over the menu for a few moments we decide to have coffee and try a cake or pastry called imagawayaki. Neither one of us is sure what it is, but Ji-Ho pointed it out and put his thumbs up. "Haruto, could we please have 3 coffees and 3 imagawayaki's?" I call over to him. He nods his head and hurries back behind the counter and begins fiddling with his coffee machine.

In a few moments we have large round white cups full with foamy coffee and our sweet treats. It looks like a cake, spongy, and a golden colour. I take a bite and inside there is a darker fudgy substance which is sweet but I can't make out what it is. Haruto is standing looking at us waiting for our reaction. I give him a thumbs up as I chew, it's quite nice. Lori also seems to like hers and thumbs up our happy proprietor too. Ji-Ho has already finished his!

We sit there just watching the world go by enjoying our coffee and small talking, I take out my phone to check the time and notice I have a message from Namjoon. I didn't text him back this morning, I completely forgot. I hope he isn't mad. I open it and it reads:

-Hey baby, hope you are ok? Rehearsal is going well. We have done a lot of dancing and i'm sweaty! Jin is really struggling and blames you for letting him have rum last night. Apparently you are a bad influence, lol. I hope your peach is ok? Love you X-

I reply back, feeling guilty for not answering him this morning.

-Hey sexy, sorry for not replying earlier, Lori and I have come outside for a venture and are in a little cafe called Haruto's at the moment eating imagawayaki and drinking coffee! Ha ha to Jin, doesn't want to own up to his own poor decision making then and is blaming an innocent woman? The peach needs some attention when you get home later, but not before I have helped you get rid of that sweat and soothed your aching muscles. Love you x-