
Consolacion Kingdom

Since we haven't found anyone from the ancestral house, we decided to go to the capital city of Consolacion Kingdom.

On our way, we meet multiple monsters and killed them. Resulting for me to gain another level. As of the moment I did not put my points to any stats as I do not know if a change class is available or will it be automatic.

Once we saw the wall that surrounds the capital city, we immediately grew excited since the walls are in good condition which means humans are still there.

We hurriedly ran towards the gate and found out that they are still in the midst of battle. Arrows are being fired everywhere, Fire was rampaging, Boulders are falling and water are splashing.

It was like an all out battle happening outside the walls but the monsters was stopped from advancing. When darkness envelopes the sky, the monsters became more powerful. Flying creatures is now joining the fray.

It became more difficult for us to join the battle since we are outside the gate and may attract the monsters attention. So, we patiently waited until the monsters retreated or eliminated.

While everyone is worried about the flying monsters a girl named Zhasne flew to the air and immediately struck one of the flying monster with lightning bolt. It was an instant kill furthermore, everyone was flabbergasted as to how she has 2 elements that she could use. Right after that she bombarded the monsters with thunder storm which is really effective when it comes to engaging multiple enemies.

The monster was burnt by the lightning and most of them fell. Zhasne's face paled right after using multiple skill and decided to recuperate.

The peoples fighting spirit went up and bombarded the monsters again with their skills. The monsters eventually retreated and it left a stinky smell in the battleground. Multiple were injured but no one died in that battle.

Nene, the queen of Consolacion Kingdom thank Zhasne for the bravery she has shown and was offered to be a countess in the kingdom but Zhasne refuses the offer as she wants to go to other places to help those in need and look for her siblings that may still be alive.

to be continued...