
E Intelligence

James was an awkward young lad who was born with a special gift - the gift of high intelligence. He grew up in London, England with his parents. Even with his special abilities, he was often bullied and shunned by people around him, except his parents. As a result, he became indifferent. Unfortunately, his parents met their demise during a fire accident, leaving James alone in the unforgiving claws of the cruel world. James used his gift to invent things that are impossible by science in his time. But everything came at a cost of his happiness. No one ever believed that James could handle the pressure of being the most intelligent person in the world.

CalebChris · Fantasie
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139 Chs

Hi, I'm Phoebe

Biology class…

"…then observe the diagram of the map of the tongue. There are approximately 10,000 gustatory buds, or taste buds in an average person's tongue. Each receptor is responsible for detecting the taste of a meal. Lack of the function of these little receptors would cause depression, malnutrition, and lack of interest in eating". The biology professor explained, holding a large tablet in his right hand.

In ChrisValle Middle School, textbooks are not used because they wanted to keep their curriculum and teaching up to date. They had this mentality to 'always keep knowledge up to date.

As a result of this, the school officially introduced online education and gave temporary tablets to each of its students. That way, students don't have to carry heavy backpacks to and from class.

The old professor then swiped the tablet screen and brought up the next diagram, thereby refreshing the E-school board simultaneously. "As you can observe in this diagram, the diagram depicts the different regions of the tastebuds that determine specific taste. The tip of the tongue is responsible for sweet taste, the edges of the tongue determine salty and sour taste, while the back of the tongue depicts the bitter taste of the tongue", the old professor explained further.

"If you do not understand, raise your hand and ask your question before we move to the next lesson". He asked as his eyes darted through the class. Just as he was about to introduce the next lesson, someone raised his hand.

"Alright, um-- Smith, what questions do you have?", the professor asked, trying to remember his name. "James sir. I don't have a question. I wanted to point out that your explanation of the tongue is wrong." James said, studying his facial changes.

The class fell into hushed whispers. James' heart started to throb faster. He never said anything wrong, only trying to correct a mistake made by the worn-out professor. 'I pray he does not report this to the principal', he prayed silently.

He could not understand why this myth was even taught of in the most prestigious school in England! It was as simple as googling "tongue myth" for anyone to see the truth.

Luckily, the man showed no reaction at all. He observed the young boy standing in front of him, and though he was too young to be in this class. "Okay James, since I'm wrong, please give the class your explanation, if I'm wrong", the biology teacher replied.

James had wanted to look at his tablet to fine-tune his explanation, but he decided against it. He does not want anyone to think he just googled the answer to embarrass the teacher. He had to make a good impression!

After taking a deep breath, he began: "Just as you said, the taste buds or the gustatory buds detect taste, which was right. But the notion that the tongue has separate areas of tasting is wrong.

"Each gustatory bud in a tongue houses up to 100 different taste receptors, and so the notion that there are separate areas of taste had been debunked for a long time, around the year 1970. You can try placing salty substance at the tip of your tongue and it would still taste salty".

James concluded before he realized he said too much. The old professor subtly squinted his eyes before simply saying "All alright, sit down", which the latter obediently did. He could hear side comments and frequent glances at students as he pretended to listen to the professor. Time seemed to slowly trickle by. He then sighed silently.

The closing school bell rings…

James packed his bag properly before he left the class. 'Sigh, what a day,' he thought, as he then attempted to shut down his tablet before taking it to the school principal. He might have slipped up bad, but at least no one was talking about him, at least that's what he taught.

"We do not shut down our tablets, we plug them to the table and the school would remotely do that. I'm Phoebe by name.". A girl approaching James said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I-I did not know that", James explained, smiling faintly. He then did what Phoebe just said.

"No need. I love the way you proved that biology professor wrong. None of us would be able to have that courage, but you did anyway. I'm impressed" Phoebe stretched her hand, beaming.

James turned around and looked at her. He took her hands and shook them lightly. 'Woah she is really pretty when she smiled,' he thought. Her English was very fluent. When he shook her hands, her palms felt soft and supple. He then got awkward. He had never talked to girls at all, apart from his cousin. He thought of something to say, "yeah, um—I was not too comfortable with the professor's explanation, so I had to tell him how I felt.", was the best he could come up with.

James had never liked talking to people other than his mom. Most of his life he spent in his room either learning something new or trying new to disassemble and reassemble stuff. He never had any interest to socialize at all, not because he does not want to, but because of his experience at his old school.

Nobody wanted him as a friend, a reason he did not know until now. That was until he met Phoebe.

"Can we be friends? I mean I do not mean anything weird or…I-I just… maybe... we can be friends… maybe" James stuttered, immediately regretting saying that. 'I thought I was smart? Why would I say something stupid like that?' he screamed inwardly, furiously scolding himself.

The girl laughed like an angel, which made James' heart somersaulted. "Of, course! Let's be friends, and study buddies too, if you're okay with dad" she replied, causing James to nod in approval. Phoebe took at her backpack and removed a book. She then wrote something and tore the part of the paper, which she gave to James. "This is my cellphone number, that way we can keep in contact, and maybe share weird facts".

A jeep horn was heard in the school premises, prompting Phoebe to repack her backpack hurriedly. "Oh, that's my dad's car. We'll keep in touch". Phoebe conclusively said, promptly leaving the class.

James sighed in relief. He looked at the paper she gave him, which stated her phone number. She had beautiful handwriting, he thought. He too left the class.

He looked at his time, 3:36 pm as he strolled to the parking lot. Sure enough, his mother was waiting for him, munching on a snack. "Mom looks like you had a covenant between you and your chips huh," James said as he happily jumped to the backseat. "I had to fat up a little, you see I'm a bit too thin honey. Well that's all about me. Tell me about your first day at school?".

"It was, really not that bad. For the fact that I was the youngest in my class, I think, I made a new friend, Phoebe. She's friendly. Oh, and I love the teachers. They're even better than my old teachers." Except for that old professor, which he would never tell his mom about.

Mary dropped her chips and smiled, turning back to face James. "Well, I'm glad that you had a great day at school. That's what mommy what. Tell you what, let's go to that Montego's stake house. I want to treat you. I'm feeling a bit generous today", she smirked as she began driving away from the school.