
DXD The Tru Alpa

Before my new life started I was a big fan of Werewolves and other supernaturalbeings and anime and hentai but who would have known that I would lose my life in a instant Au version of DXD Gender blinders

Dracoking · Fantasie
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4 Chs

03 The Familiar Forest Pt.1

As the four of us arrived in the familiar forest while the four of us was standing there an Ash wanna be appread in front of us. Dante ( I'm here for a unique and rare familiar and someone strong to fight) I made my intentions clear after Kalawaner and Mr. Wannabe heard they could only deadban at my reasons for coming here and it's because they only knew one creature here that is considered number one here.

Kalawaner and Mr. Wannabe thoughts ( Tiamat The Chaos Dragon) when I see the realization adone their faces all I could do is smirk while both Venelana & Claire only shook their heads. Dante ( well where is she )? I asked while staring off into the full moon. Dante ( Y'all can stay here if Y'all are scared and I will meet y'all 4 when I'm done). Claire Phenex and Venelana Gremory both nodded their heads and set cross legged.

Kalawaner was surprised at their actions and couldn't help but ask what was on her mind since she decided to follow him and met up with them two ( um excuse but why are you two following him )? The two older ladies looked at each other before one decided to answer her question with a bright smile on her face Venelana ( well the answer is quiet simple he is our mates) as Claire was shaking her head to confirm Venelana claim.

Kalawaner couldn't believe what she had heard ( but aren't you two married) when she asked that the mood of the two women changed Dante ( ENOUGH) I said with a growl as my eyes started to glow a deep shade of purple Kalawaner ( I'm sorry) she stuttered which I just ignored and went over to the two older ladies and wrapped my arms around them to let them know I was there for them.

Dante ( I'll be back sit tight and what ever y'all hear don't come for me) I said after I gave them both a kiss on their cheeks as i start to walk towards where i felt two powerful Auras towards The mountain.