
DxD: The story? No, my goal is to f*ck them all!

Our protagonist die due an accident and reincarnate in the world of Hischool DxD but his objective is not the story, he doesn't want to be involved in an absurd fight, his goal is simple, to fuck them all! this is his objective, follow our protagonist whose only objective is to make all the waifus in dxd his brides. Things to expect from this fic: System: Yes Netorare: No Yaoi: No Yuri: No Sex: a lot Mind Control: No Netori: Yes Update: one chapter for day.

Bloodnight · Anime und Comics
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242 Chs


"Excuse me, I think I misunderstood you, can you repeat what you just said?" – asked Issey.

"I said that yesterday I joined the club and if you can show me the way if you are so kind" – I said.

"That's impossible, yesterday I was almost all day at the club and I've never seen you" - said Issey, frowning.

"Just because you didn't see me there doesn't mean I didn't sign up, I don't want to give you explanations but I'll tell you because I'm an educated person, Rias-sempai has invited me" - I said.

Issey was clearly being hostile which I do not understand because at the moment I have not done anything to him, why is he hostile against me if today is the second day we see each other and the first day we talk? It doesn't make sense.

[It's probably because your aspect host, he is envious of your looks, in the original story I remember that at first he was also hostile towards Kiba]

Yes, you may be right.

"Since you are part of the club you should call her president" - Issey said.

"That will be up to her, Asia, can you show me the way? I don't want to be guided by such a rude person" - I said with a smile.

"You...!" - said Issey angrily.

"Yes, come on, I'll show you the way" – Asia nodded with a smile.

Issey was stunned, until now Asia had only smiled like that to him, she always puts another kind of smile to another but for him there was a special one but now, in front of him, Asia gave her exclusive smile to another boy and on top to a boy that was beautiful, Issey thought that Asia had some interest in the new boy and gnashed his teeth in fury.

"Wait, I'm coming too!" - said Issey.

The three of us went straight to the club and opened the door, there was Akeno, Rias, Koneko and Kiba.

"Finally you are here" - said Rias looking at us.

But then she looked at me and was shocked, don't tell me that she forgot that she was going to introduce me to everyone today?

"Who this guy president?" - asked Kiba.

Akeno smiled at me and greeted me while Koneko just stared at me.

"Right, I introduce you to the last member of my nobility, it is the newly arrived student from abroad, Kazuya Minamoto and he will be our last pawn!" – said Rias.

She had definitely forgotten.

Everyone except Rias and Akeno were shocked at this statement.

"My name is Kazuya Minamoto, it's nice to meet you all" – I said with a polite tone.

"I'm Kiba, it's nice to meet Kazuya" – Kiba introduced himself.

"I'm Akeno, it's nice to meet you" – Akeno said with a smile.

"My name is Koneko, it's a pleasure to meet you Sempai" – said Koneko.

This surprised everyone a bit because Koneko barely spoke or greeted Issey and he had been with them for a while, to be more precise, the first day Issey arrived, Koneko did not even speak to him, it tooks days to get a word out of her and now she introduced herself by her own initiative, did they know each other? Those were the thoughts of everything.

When Koneko greeted me I was also surprised, it should be said that this little kitten is so withdrawn that even in the original story Issey had a hard time until he achieve that she talks with him, that's why I was surprised.

[Host, being Koneko a Nekomata your pheromones increase their effectiveness in several folds, if it were any other race it would not matter, but the Nekomatas are very sensitive to pheromones]

I see... I didn't know that fact but in no other fanfic did I see that the protagonist that had this ability so I couldn't know it either.

"Anyway, you seem to already know Asia and Issey from what I can see" - Rias said.

"Yes, I met Asia yesterday and Issey, well we just met, but we haven't started very well" – I nodded.

"Really, something happened?" – Rias asked confused.

"I don't know, I just know that Issey disrespected me without me doing anything to him" - I said with a shrug.

"Is that true?" – Rias asked Issey.

"It's just nonsense, I have no reason to be rude with you" - Issey denied.

"Well, I don't lie, Asia was there" – I said calmly.

"Asia, is it true that Issey spoke impolitely to Kazuya despite it being their first meeting?" - asked Rias.

Issey smiled in his mind, he knew that Asia would not give him away, it was his Asia after all.

"President, the truth is yes, for some reason Issey was very hostile towards Kazuya" – Asia nodded.

Everyone was shocked again, not only because Asia accused Issey but because of the fact of calling him Kazuya, surely you know that even she calls Issey "Issey-san" so it is strange that Asia calls someone by his name without honorifics.

"Well, Issey, you're grounded, go home for today and think about your actions" - Rias said.

"But President..." – Issey tried to protest.

"Issey, we are all a family, we cannot be cruel to each other, plus there is no reason to be rude to someone you just met, I want you to go home and think about your actions, without protests or there will be another punishment" - she said.

"Ok" - said Issey, grinding his teeth.

But before he walked out the door, he turned and said something.

"President, could you give me the answer I want later?" - asked Issey.

So Rias hasn't rejected him even despite what she said... It seems to me that someone deserves a  punishment.

"Tomorrow you will have your answer" - she said.

"Okay" - Issey nodded.

And then he left but not before looking at me again, angry.

"Very well, as I was saying, Kazuya is our new member, so I hope you treat him well" - said Rias.

"I think we're going to get along really well" - Akeno said with a mischievous smile.

Rias frowned because Akeno had already started flirting with him, she already knew that Akeno became his second wife and also wanted to flirt with him, but there was Kiba and Asia and Koneko were not yet part of his harem, she will have to wait a bit.

After this, the rest of the day went well, we dedicated ourselves a little to get to know each other better, those were the activities of the occult club today.

During this session I improved my relationship with everyone including Kiba, it's always nice to have a male friend and Kiba are a good person.

I already knew Rias and Akeno very well while Asia opened up more and more with me.

However, the most surprising progress was that of Koneko because when I was going to go home to practice a little with my devil fruit, the following happened.

"Sempai, you don't need to leave, if you're hungry I can share my cookies with you" - said Koneko who was sitting next to me.

"Oh my God, did Koneko just say what I think she said?" – asked Rias completely surprised.

Koneko liked to be with everyone, but there was one thing that did not allow to share with anyone, their cookies, until now Koneko had not shared her cookies even with Rias herself, and now Koneko took the initiative to offer her one of her cookies to Kazuya? Everyone including Kazuya will not be able to believe what he had said, even Kazuya's system was shocked.

[... It seems that pheromones act many times faster towads her than I thought]

Yes, you may be right.

"Thank you Koneko-chan but I will go home not to eat but to train" – I said with a smile as I picked up a cookie and ate it with delight.

"You can train with us, the school will be empty soon and we always take the opportunity to train for a while" - said Koneko.

Seeing how he looked at me I could not help but stay, I am very weak to these looks.

When the whole school was gone and only we and Sona Sitri's nobility remained, we went out to train, apparently both trained separately so that they would not see the extent of their strength.

"First of all, we have to check your power, do you have any special magic or something?" – asked Rias.

"Well, technically I'm discovered that I can do fire magic and some wind magic" - I replied.

We hadn't talked about my powers yet so no one knew.

"Not bad, two pretty powerful magics, we can start by increasing your magic power, I can feel it's a lot but since you've just come into contact with the supernatural you shouldn't know any spells and you won't be able to control your mana efficiently either" - Rias said.

I didn't tell them about the Gomu Gomu no mi, I want to tell them at the right time, to summarize, I wanted to impress everyone so don't show it to them, I didn't want to reveal it to anyone, but all these girls here will be my wives and Kiba is a good person and a good friend so I didn't care if he knews but at the moment I don't want anyone else to know about my other power.

During today's training, everyone practiced their powers a bit while Rias and Akeno gave me advice on how to control my mana.

To be honest it was very easy to learn how to control it and creating spells was not the problem, so that's what I learned today.

Glad to have increased my strength a little, I went home with Asia since her house, Issey's, was on its way to mine.

"Thank you for accompany me" - Asia said with a smile.

"You're welcome, tomorrow we will talk again, I'm sure that in a short time we will cure that sadness of yours" – I said with a smile.

"Thank you Kazuya, you are very kind" – she said.

"I'll do whatever you want for you" - I said.

Then Asia blushed and quickly opened the door of her house and walked in.

[It seems that almost all of Rias's nobility will be in your harem in the next few days]






Next R-18: Chapter 12

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