

"So nothing" Shin was at his room alone trying to remember what happened after the Diodora mess.

[ Interferences : None ]

The system popped up indicating that there would be no unexpected events.

"Maybe I should have followed and dragged Shalba out" Shin thought to himself. "If I remember correctly Loki's curse was going to act up or Rias was kidnapped, well It shouldn't be a problem since it won't happen"

Shin then opened the punishment dimension he had created. "I see Mil-tan is having fun with Loki"

Shin saw Loki being tied up at the center of a town and hundreds of Mil-tan lining up to play with him.

"Poor Soul" Shin closed the dimension as he soon opened the dimension for Paradise.

"Entoma has been doing good, So I only know she's the parasite Queen" Shin saw how Entoma gobbled the Paradsite Queen as Entoma and Scáthach took care of her weeks before. "I guess I now have another Goddess"

Shin also closed the dimension not forgetting to schedule when he'll return but felt he would soon.

Shin then heard a knock "Come in"

"Shin-san" Ravel came in

"Ravel? Is something wrong?" Shin asked Ravel as she looked worried somehow.

"It's about my brother" Ravel blushed as she looked at Shin.

"Riser? What about him? I made sure he would have full recovery"

"It's not that but, mentally" Ravel came closer "He hasn't been himself so"

"So you want me to help him?" Ravel shook her head.

"No! You're going to cause more damage!"

"Then what do you propose?"

"Can We borrow Issei?" Ravel then took out a notebook and gave it to Shin.

"So you want Issei to help Riser since they're both scared of me?"

"Mm! I've seen how you want Issei to do all the work, plus it''d be great for him to socialize"

"Sure, but" Shin then pointed at a peeping Rias.

"Ria-" Ravel saw that Rias was wearing obscene clothing as she was dressed in a succubus costume followed by Akeno wearing her Shrine uniform and Rin wearing a cheer leader uniform.

"Are you done Ravel?" Rias clung onto Shin's arms and pressed her chest.

"Ye-" Ravel wanted to leave and when she turned around.

"Nya!" Kuroka was there along with Jeanne in a Nun Costume.

"Seriously, Why do I have to wear this" Jeanne complained as Akeno organized the whole thing.

"Are we late?" Irisviel came in wearing nothing only but an apron followed by Artoria who came in a beach suit.

"I think I should leave" Ravel rushed outside as she soon saw Sona come in, as well as.


"Nya! I win" Koneko rushed inside leaving a fuming Ravel.

"I will not be tempted!" Ravel said as she tried stopping herself until she bumped into Asia.

"Ravel-san? Have you seen Shin-san?" Asia asked as the mansion was empty.

"No! Come with me I need your help on something!" Ravel dragged Asia as she didn't want to taint Asia's innocence.

"I see! I'm coming!" Asia followed after Ravel.


"Say Xenovia, how have you been doing?" Irina asked Xenovia as they were in the mansion's guest lounge.

"I'm doing fine if you ask me, albeit with the occasional sleepiness as I haven't gotten much sleep since I arrived here" Xenovia drank her tea as she chatted with Irina.


"You don't want to know unless" Xenovia refrained from saying as she knew that Irina liked Issei for now.

"Fine, keep your secrets then, I want to know how Issei has been doing, he's been weird since I arrived" Irina was curious and pestered Xenovia.

"Issei? He doesn't come here and I don't see him that much since he wallows himself in pity" Xenovia nonchalantly told Irina the truth.

"I guess having your dream girls stolen take a toll on you huh" Xenovia offhandedly commented as Irina was trying to understand.

"So you're saying he's just going through a phase? I mean he doesn't ogle me anymore the way I remembered" Irina touched her chest wondering if it would still grow bigger.

"Beat's me" Xenovia then turned to the door as Asia and Ravel came in with Ravel dragging the clueless Asia.

"So what kind of help do you need Ravel-san?" Asia said to a panting Ravel while Xenovia and Irina looked on.

"You know since you've been ascended, can you heal any injury?" Ravel asked since she thought Asia would be the last resort if his brother couldn't recover with Issei.

"Honestly I don't know, but I feel like I can somehow!" Asia then manifested her Halo and new golden wings she learned yesterday.

"What! Since wh-when did you become an angel!" Irina was shocked as she knew Asia was not.

"Ah Irina-san! Nice to meet you!" Asia greeted Irina. "I Ascended since Shin-san helped me!" Asia smiled but couldn't hide her blush as she thought of how Shin helped her.

"Sh-shin? Is he a god or what?" Asia looked at Xenovia who shrugged her shoulders.

"If he is, I will for sure get his seed" Xenovia drank her tea and wiped her mouth.

Xenovia stood up and when she was about to leave until a portal appeared before hers stopping her in her tracks

"Shin" The Goth Loli looked at Xenovia who came out of the portal.

"He's probably at his room, do you wanna go there?" Ophis nodded and followed after Xenovia.

"No!" Ravel with all her strength dragged Xenovia and Ophis back to the room but she could only drag Xenovia.

"Why did you stop me?" Ophis looked at Ravel and Ravel started sweating bullets.

"Shi-Shin-san said that you should wait! He's currently busy and that if you would ever come by he-he said to wait here since he's bak-baking you cookies!" Ravel sweated but was glad that Ophis nodded, went back in and sat on the chair as she munched her remaining supplies of cookies.

"You can fool Ophis but you can't fool me Ravel" Xenovia whispered onto Ravel who sighed.

"The thing is" Ravel whispered what she thought would have transpired and Xenovia blushed.

"Damn it! I thought it would happen tomorrow" Xenovia sighed in defeat as she accepted that she couldn't join them today and receive his seed.

"What's gotten into you?" Irina was curious as she hasn't seen Xenovia this animated.

"If I tell you, you wouldn't understand" Xenovia said as she walked slowly to the couch and laid her body flat as she couldn't join as she knew that they would lock the room if someone was late.

"What has gotten into everyone since I left!? And how did Shin make you an angel!?" Irina was now confused with everything happening around her.

Asia placed her hand on a confused Irina's head and light glowed on her.

"I guess I've been denying the reality that everyone changes huh and some absurdities cannot be explained." Irina suddenly became calmer as she took a deep breath.

"I did it!" Asia jumped in Joy as she hugged Ravel.

"What just happened!?" Irina suddenly returned to her confused state as she was currently trying to make sense of things.

Ophis just looked at the scene and noticed that her supply was gone, she saw that Ravel was being hugged by Asia, Irina being confused, and Xenovia who looked like she ran out of energy who laid down on the couch.

"Shin" Ophis then went out of the lounge and tried tracking him down so she could ask for more cookies.


"What happened again!" A man shouted as he saw that the system was being overloaded with Holy Energy again.

"Kuoh again" Gabriel saw and decided to come down herself as she trusted them since she had been there.

"Tell Onii-san I'm leaving" Gabriel then teleported back to the Mansion as Michael had been allowed to place a Marker


"I can do it Ravel-san I can do it!" Ravel then removed Asia who was excited, she checked the surroundings.

"Where's Ophis!?" Ravel then turned to see the door unlocked.

"Oh no!" Ravel ran to keep Ophis innocent as she thought she was still Shin's little sister.

But what she didn't know.

"Ophis! And!?"

Ravel saw that Ophis was munching cookies and a strange Beautiful blonde woman.
