
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Underworld

[[A few days later]]

Skin Tight black pants, a white tee and a brown trench coat with a black under collar.

He did not go overboard with the clothing, just simple ones alongside the adjustable coat that he got from the quest.

He did not have to worry about keeping his items with him as he could summon and dismiss them at will. This allowed him to keep a minimalistic look.

As for Rias and her peerage, they dressed in their usual clothes which gave him another reason not to bother with dressing extravagantly.

However, while he thought that his clothing was not that good, the people around him had a different opinion.

"Are we underdressed for this?" Akeno smiled, looking at Kento. "Because Kento went with quite the fashionable look."

"You think so?" Kento asked, not believing that the bare minimum could be considered fashionable.

"She isn't wrong." Rias agreed. "That coat really does look good on you."

Kento knew that the ability to adjust the design of the coat was pretty decent, so when Rias told him that his coat was pretty –he did not deny the claim.

"Ugh!" Issei groaned. "I don't own any coats."

"You don't own any proper clothes." Koneko corrected. "You always wear the same ones."

This made Issei's face sulk a little, but he knew just as well as the others, that she wasn't wrong.

Kento smiled hearing this but his face paled as he laid his eyes on Issei.

{Size Scouter: Issei Hyoudou: Size 4.5"}

Seeing this, Asia was confused and asked. "Are you alright, Kento?"

The boy tried his best not to show his annoyance. "Y-Yeah, I am. I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Now now…" Rias calmed her members. "Let's focus on what's important."

This made Kento wonder. "So, what can we expect from your place or the underworld in general?"

"That… is difficult to answer." Rias stated. "Do not worry about my place. They are always welcoming to my friends."

Kento nodded, but her initial hesitance made him a little worried.

"And what about the underworld in general?" He asked.

"That is the difficult part." Rias didn't appear to be certain about the part. "The underworld just like human society is composed of the old and young, powerful and weak, rich and wealthy. So, just like in human cities, how one might experience racism and other things –you might experience the same in the underworld. So… Just be mindful of your actions."

Kento could understand this as the views of most humans were twisted about people of different color or even religion.

"As for basic rules, just follow the usual etiquettes that you know."

This was something that he could easily do as dealing with the rich and powerful was his livelihood in the past.

"We should get going now." Kiba suggested. "He will know the rest when we reach."

{Size Scouter: Yuuto Kiba: Size 6"}


Rias agreed, and as such –she summoned a teleportation circle with the Gremory crest right under them –teleporting them right to the destination.


[[Gremory Estate]]

Everything that Kento knew, and everything that he thought he knew–

Even common sense that he believed in –was invalid in this world.

He was slowly accepting the fact. Because just when he felt like he knew something, he was smacked with the `Fuck your common sense, you are wrong!` 

Even now, he was blown away as he witnessed his original opinion of the devil world shattering into a thousand pieces.

"This…" Issei was baffled as he witnessed the place.

"It's different from my initial vision." Kento said truthfully, because the place was indeed different.

"Volcanic surface, lava lakes, demons punishing humans and corpses lying around?" Rias smiled. "Was that what you imagined?" 

Kento nodded. "Somewhat."

He knew that the place won't be that accurate to the depictions of the underworld as found in human media, but he did expect it to be at least somewhat similar.

But then again, neither were the devils any similar to their depictions made by humans.

"In the olden times, the devil world always had a purple sky. It didn't matter whether it was day or night." Rias said. "But after Satan Beelzebub introduced the reincarnated devils, all the Satans decided it was best to create a daylight cycle system to help the reincarnated devils adjust to the underworld."

Kento was baffled hearing this.

"The Satans using their demonic power, created a moon to match the night darkness of the human world." Rias explained, not being aware of how ridiculous of a feat that was.

Issei sounded impressed, but even he was not that aware of how great of a feat it was.

'Creating a moon to help the reincarnated devils adjust to the underworld…' Kento knew that he had to increase his previous evaluation of the Satans.

'Are they stronger than the gods that I have met?'

"There are a few differences from the human world, like the lack of water bodies." Akeno said. "But we have water as the Satans designed artificial flow for it."

The Underworld was roughly the same size as earth, but the lack of water bodies meant massive landmasses for devils.

And this allowed the higher class devils to have huge estates for themselves.

And the Gremory estate was no different.

"This is huge." Kento said, impressed by the massive area. 

They did not directly teleport into Rias's house, instead they teleported a little away from it to let Kento and Issei get an idea about the underworld.

Rias chuckled as she heard the compliment. "I am glad that you like it. However, it is only a portion of what we actually own."

Kento raised an eyebrow. "How big is your complete estate?"

"Uh… Roughly the size of Honshu." She revealed, nonchalantly.

Kento stared at Rias as they flew towards her mansion. "You are telling me that your estate is almost 60% the size of Japan?"

"Oh, is it that big?" Rias asked, a little surprised.

Kento sighed. He knew that people like her had no clue about such things and he could not hate her for it.

She was just born in a place and family which had everything.

'Other than freedom.'

But after a while of flying, they finally reached the place.

The Gremory Mansion.

While describing the place, Kento felt like the word `Mansion` did not suit it. 

Rather, something like `Castle` would have made much more sense to describe the place that he was seeing.

It was simply put –humongous. It had a sheer size that he could not estimate, much less measure.

"Welcome." Rias smiled. "To the Gremory mansion."

Kento did not have time to ask about the place, as the moment they landed, they were greeted by a bunch of servants.

"Welcome back, Lady Rias." 

Followed by the voice of a very familiar person. 

"The Lord and Lady are waiting for you." Grayfia said as she directed them towards the mansion.

Seeing Grayfia made Kento wonder. 'Why is she always in a maid outfit?'

This made even less sense when he remembered whose wife she was.

'Akeno once told me that Rias' older brother is the current Satan Lucifer.' Kento recalled. 'Then why is the wife of a Satan dressed in such a way?'

Back when Kento first learnt about Rias being the younger sister of a Satan, he was beyond shocked. But after a while, he realized that the things following Rias made sense considering she was the little sister of Lucifer.

Not only that, Sona was also the younger sister of the current Satan Leviathan. 

And thus the two heiresses obtaining Kuoh to supervise and also the Shinto faction allowing them to do so made much more sense to him.

"D-Do all these maids and butlers work for your family, President?" 

Kento could understand Issei's shock. Issei was from a modest Japanese family, so the tradition of having servants and on top of that these many servants seemed unreal to him.

Rias giggled at the question, while it was Akeno that answered it.

"You are correct." She said. "And if you can become a high class devil in the future, you will also have a lot of maids and butlers."

Issei's eyes immediately twinkled at that, but Kento could guess what the boy's actual reason was.

'He will never change.' He sighed as they all walked towards the Mansion.

Taking a few steps forward, they heard an enthusiastic shout, one that most certainly belonged to a child.

And it was indeed a child.

"Aunt Rias!" 

Everyone that was present saw a red flash darting towards the Gremory heiress. And in the blink of the eye, that red flash engulfed Rias.

"Ah Millicas!" Rias was overjoyed as she knew exactly who the person was.

Carefully picking up the boy, Rias smiled at him. "You have grown taller."

The boy was an adorable red haired child with reddish eyes.

"Who is this, President?" Issei asked as he saw how affectionate the two were.

Holding Millicus in her arms, Rias answered. "He is my nephew. My brother and Grayfia's son."

She pointed at the silver haired queen who sighed at the scene. "Millicus, Lady Rias is tired from the trip. Don't cause any annoyances for her."

Hearing this, Millicus felt bad. "I-I am sorry."

But Rias did not mind at all, instead she was ecstatic to see her nephew.

"Don't be sorry, Millicus." She smiled. "And I am fine, Grayfia. I missed him just as much as he missed me."

While Rias was busy with the reunion, Kento was busy with something else.


{Name: Millicus Gremory 

Age: 11 Years 

Class: High Class Devil 

Skills: Demonic Power (B), Power of Destruction (A+), Enhanced Physique (C+), Genius Intellect (A), Flight (B+), Elemental Manipulation (sealed)

Special Trait: Being the son of a Satan and his queen, Millicus possesses much higher demonic power than devils his age. And being of Bael descent, he possesses the Power of Destruction allowing him to reach the realms of a high class devil from birth.}

'These are the stats of a child?' Kento was speechless. 'Why is he almost in the same realm as Rias while being almost half her age?'

To Kento, it made very little sense that such a young boy was so powerful. 

'He is a high class not just in social hierarchy but in power as well.'

"We should get going." Grayfia suggested. "The Lord and Lady are at the main hall."

[[Zeoticus Gremory]]

In the human world, one had to work to get to a position of power and authority. But in the devil world, most of the beings were born to a position of power. 

While it was still possible for a grunt to climb the ranks of a leader, it was much rarer as compared to the human world.

And Zeoticus was the former –one who was born into a position of power. 

"What do you think of Rias bringing a human to be her substitute?" 

The seductive voice belonged to a rather elegant looking woman. One with features similar to Rias yet with flaxen hair and purple eyes.

"You know that our family does not discriminate against people based on race." Zeoticus answered. "And you know what Grayfia told us right, honey?"

The woman nodded. "A boy who possesses a weapon that is harmful for devils." She looked at Zeoticus. "But what if the Phenex forbids the use of that weapon during the match."

"They did not state that rule at the start." He explained. "And even if he tries, I will not allow it."

The woman smiled. "Why do you care, love? You are the one that set this marriage up."

The man looked at his wife lovingly. "You know just as well as I do, darling. The reason for it."

The woman sighed. "Do you think she has a chance?"

The man looked up, staring at the ceiling. "She would if the variables she brings live up to their values."

He looked at her. "So, we can only wait and watch, my love."

The woman nodded and gave the man a smile. "And I believe that they have arrived."

"That they have, Venelana. That they have."


[[A/N: Read ahead on Patre on: Patre on.com/Greedyfrog

Patreon chapter will be a bit delayed because I am not at the hotel atm.

Honshu is 227,960 km² and Japan is 377,973 km².]]