Ending up in a new world by accident, Naruto's mere presence has shifted the flow of events. So Naruto is sent to Kuoh Academy to ensure peace will eventually be reached in this new world. Can he ensure peace in a second world? He'll sure as hell try,
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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The barrier wasn't the strongest. If she was at full power, Yubelluna was sure she could destroy it with brute force.
She wasn't at full power though. She was exhausted. Yubelluna couldn't deny the brilliant timing of her opponents.
Riser hadn't considered the nun much of a threat. While her healing power was powerful, there were several limitations that made it much less of a threat than it could be.
The nun had to be physically present for the healing power to work, which would leave her exposed.
To their knowledge the nun hadn't had any noteworthy abilities besides her healing, which would simply make her a liability in the middle of the battlefield.
Her comrades would be forced to defend her, which would create openings to finish them before they were healed.
The nun could heal them outside of battle, but that would become a non-factor as long as the pressure was kept up to deny them the opportunity.
Overall, to properly use a powerful, but limited sacred gear like the Twilight Healing in the middle of a battle would require a level of experience and strategy they had believed Rias Gremory lacked.
Which now came to bite Yubelluna in the ass. While she had focused on wearing Akeno down to use phoenix tears, her opponent had been doing the same to her.
Once Yubelluna was exhausted herself, the nun came out. Putting up a barrier that Yubelluna was too tired to destroy, the nun was now able to heal Akeno.
Just as Yubelluna believed, Asia had turned to Akeno as soon as she put up a barrier. Reaching into a pocket, she pulled out a vial filled with a purple liquid.
Holding it out for Akeno, Asia told her in concern, "Quickly drink this. It will taste bad, but drink all of it. I'll start healing you."
"G-Got it. Thanks, Asia," Akeno replied with pain in her voice. Now that she had exited her S&M mode, the burns on her arm and leg were just plain hurting. Not just pleasurable tingles anymore.
Taking the vial, she opened it. Taking a quick sniff, Akeno couldn't help frowning in displeasure. It smelled horrible.
Forcing herself, she threw back her head and drank the potion. Choking it down, she still felt a small warmth start spreading through her belly.
"Kareha-san," Asia called out as she held her hands up to Akeno's burns.
"I know," Kareha called out as she flew towards the two. She quickly began flying in rapid circles above Akeno, golden dust falling down from her trail.
Rias had clearly explained how important Asia's Twilight Healing was to their group, but Naruto had been quick to point out Asia was relatively vulnerable.
So they had quickly come up with a plan to protect her until she was needed. At the beginning of the game Akeno had created a thick fog.
The main purpose of that fog was actually to hide Asia. Asia had been waiting near the edge of the forest, hiding in the fog.
That final attack of Akeno's where she drew lightning down from the sky not only acted as an attack, but also as a signal for Asia to come out to heal her.
The healing then consisted of three parts. Asia naturally would heal any wounds Akeno had accumulated, but that wasn't enough alone.
Akeno also needed to recover her demonic power. Rias had asked Asia to brew up a potion that helped recover energy. Asia was still limited to beginner level potions, so the effect was limited.
The potion would recover roughly 25% of Akeno's demonic power over ten minutes or so. Not amazing, but enough to possibly make all the difference.
Kareha was also using her fairy dust on Akeno. Kareha's dust could recover around 33% of a person's energy. Put together, Akeno would recover half of her demonic power.
Sending a smug smile towards her opponent, Akeno called out, "Just a minute, Bomb Queen. I'll be right out."
Frowning at her inability to stop her opponent from being treated, Yubelluna was still confident. Lifting a hand, she summoned a small magic circle that dropped a small vial in her hand. Phoenix tears.
Produced by the Phenex Clan, phoenix tears were one of the most power restorative agents in any world.
The healing ability of phoenix tears was most concentrated when applied directly to wounds, being capable of healing even fatal injuries near instantly.
If one lacked a fatal injury though, the best method of using phoenix tears was to drink it. The healing effects would then be spread throughout the entire body, healing every wound a person has.
At least any nonfatal wound. Any leftover energy was then used to restore the person's energy levels.
Based on her current condition, Yubelluna would not only be healed entirely, but would regain the majority of her demonic power reserves.
Phoenix tears were actually restricted in Rating Games for this very reason. They were just too powerful.
Phoenix tears could only be used twice per game, unless a rule was announced that contradicted that.
Whose healing technique was superior? Yubelluna would bet on the phoenix tears.
Before she could drink the phoenix tears, a voice spoke up by her ear, "Lady! Hey, over here."
Yubelluna automatically turned, her eyes wide in surprise at the unexpected occurrence. She quickly found herself staring at a figure no more than six inches tall.
The dark-skinned fairy smirked at her, while waving at her. She just stared, baffled by the weird event. Something which Chikyu took advantage of.
By spitting in her eye.
Yubelluna acted as anyone would in such a situation. Letting out a cry, her free hand rose to try and wipe the spit/dirt from her eye.
The hand holding the phoenix tears also loosened, which was what Chikyu wanted. He moved to that hand.
Grabbing onto one of her fingers, he opened his mouth wide before biting into it with his needle-sharp teeth.
Yelping, Yubelluna let go to wring her hand out due to the stinging sensation.
She immediately realized that she had let go of the phoenix tears, but Chikyu had acted to take advantage of the involuntary reaction.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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