Ending up in a new world by accident, Naruto's mere presence has shifted the flow of events. So Naruto is sent to Kuoh Academy to ensure peace will eventually be reached in this new world. Can he ensure peace in a second world? He'll sure as hell try,
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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In the last ten minutes, three of my comrades have fallen. So I'm rather pissed off. You can keep preaching about your immortality or whatever else you are so proud of, but right now I'm in no mood to humor you. I'm just going to start kicking your ass now."
As he spoke, Naruto's power rose. Wisps of chakra became visible around his form. Combined with the cold look in his eyes, he cut an imposing figure. Even for Ravel, although she wouldn't admit it.
As soon as he stopped speaking, Naruto revealed his devil wings. He then launched towards Ravel.
Crossing his fingers, Naruto created two clones in front of him.
The clones shot off ahead of him. Splitting up slightly, they both came at Ravel from different angles.
Gathering fire around her hands, she shot off attacks at the two of them. They didn't bother dodging.
Their job was already done. While Ravel was briefly distracted by the clones, the real Naruto had closed the distance between the two.
Ravel only had time to lauch a single fire attack at him.
Naruto didn't stop or dodge. He instead held his hands together to form a block of demonic power.
He thrust his hands forward, and the demonic power collided with Ravel's fire to neutralize it.
Naruto hadn't practiced much using raw demonic power, but it was useful for on the fly attacks where he didn't have time to form hand seals. The threat dealt with, Naruto reached Ravel.
Before Ravel could dodge, Naruto drove his fist into her stomach as hard as he could.
Ravel doubled over from the punch, spit flying from her mouth as she gasped in pain.
Naruto didn't give her any time to recover. Grabbing an arm, Naruto used his wings to move downward.
Using that momentum, Naruto spun with her arm in his grasp. The maneuver translated into a throw in midair.
Ravel tried to use her wings to prevent her from hitting the ground, but Naruto had expected that. Several hand seals already completed, he drew in a breath as he called out, "Fuuton: Daitoppa."
He then let out a blast of wind. No cutting or compression involved. Just a blast of intense wind.
The wind slammed into Ravel's back, pushing her towards the ground even faster. Ravel collided with the ground in no way any self-respecting person would want. Headfirst. The impact threw up a cloud of dirt.
Naruto quickly dropped to the ground, retracting his wings. He preferred fighting on the ground, even if he could fly.
He then watched as the dust receded to show Ravel clumsily getting to her feet.
Her previously immaculate dress was covered in dirt, and there was an shakiness to her movements that had previously been absent.
It all confirmed a hypothesis Naruto had come to over the training trip.
Without a doubt, the hardest part of defeating Riser was his immortality.
The Phenex control over fire and wind was formidable, but their regeneration was their greatest asset.
Get rid of that, and most of the battle was done. Easier said than done, but Naruto had experience dealing with hard to kill people.
Orochimaru, Kabuto, Shinno, Tsunade, and those revived with Edo Tensei. Naruto himself had a great healing factor. All of them had weaknesses though.
There was no ultimate technique. Everything had limitations. Including the Phenex immortality.
There were ways to kill a Phenex. The best option was to hit them with an attack rivaling the power of a god.
An attack of that magnitude would do one of two things.
It would crush their mind in one shot or it would damage their body beyond even their ability to regenerate.
Naturally the problem with this option was managing an attack of such raw power. Naruto doubted even a regular Rasenshuriken would be sufficient.
While Naruto has yet to see any himself, Selene and Rias have told him of beings in this world who are far more powerful than even the strongest ninjas of Naruto's world.
So even an S-rank jutsu might not be a 'god-class' attack. So this option was out.
The second option was basically attacking and defeating a Phenex until their will to fight was destroyed.
Most people seem to believe you got to go until their mind was crushed, but a person will naturally give up long before their mind breaks.
This option was a problem simply because of how long it can take. Not to mention they aren't just going to sit there and let you kill them over and over.
Riser is no schmuck. While his immortality was his main strength, he was still a powerful devil. Defeating him once would be difficult enough.
Doing so several dozen times was a task likely beyond anyone not of ultimate-class strength. Unfortunately, this was their only option.
So Naruto had researched the regeneration ability of the Phenex. There had to be weaknesses to any healing ability.
After watching many fights involving members of the Phenex Clan, Naruto came to a hypothesis. Their healing factor seemed focused on 'fatal' injuries.
Naruto had watched Phenex members get their heads blown off. He had watched them get stabbed through the heart. Magical attacks. Swords.
The type of attacks that typically dealt the most damage proved the most ineffective.
So he came to the belief that the type of attacks that are typically the least lethal would prove the most effective. Unarmed attacks.
A magical attack to the face was dangerous. A punch to the face, not so much.
A sword in the gut was clearly an injury, but can a punch to the stomach truly be viewed as an 'injury'? It was precisely the lack of lethality in these strikes that made the regeneration of the Phenex less effective.
It might not even be a physical difference so much as a mental difference.
Phenex members seemed unbothered having half their bodies blown up.
There was obviously some discomfort, but not the mind destroying pain such an injury would usually cause.
Punches seemed more effective at causing them pain.
Naruto theorized there might be some sort of pain threshold. Anything beyond that threshold was suppressed by their healing factor.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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