
DXD: The Game of Dragons

What does it mean to be a Dragonlord? “Some claim It means being the best, leading the world, making the people of the world live and die for you, protecting the world and the innocent from harm, and fighting for justice and peace.” At the same time, others are eager to inform you of its negative aspects. That it makes your skin crawl and your stomach turn. “Many Dragon Lords are tyrants. Some even refer to them as demons because they are a race of beings born from a mix of Dragon and human blood. These wise and powerful beings who have dominion over the beasts and wield enormous magical powers, which they use for evil and conquest” But the answer is simple; “It means to be the best, it means to rule the world, to make the people of the world live and die for you, it means to protect the world and also crush any opposition, it means to conquer the land and the sea.” What is justice? When could you make your own laws and decide how you wish to run things? Or is justice to serve the whims of another and to do whatever they ask of you, regardless of the outcome? So how does a broken boy, with no friends and no one who loved him, fit in all of this? Kaida Fukumoto is now on his path to becoming a King. But not in the sense of being the leader of a country or kingdom, but in the sense of being a Ruler. His role is one that has yet to be defined, but he has been called upon to become one. This is his destiny, and this is the path he must walk. He has no other choice. But for now, he can only see his way forward. For now, he must learn the ropes of this world he was reincarnated in. Link: p@treon.com/HannibalApple

Hannibal_Apple · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs


"Oh dear master~"

As her hands passed through the smooth hair of Kaida, her heart couldn't but ache to see him in this state. The light was so dim; she could only see his face. He looked like a small child sleeping on top of the bedding. It made her feel uneasy—not because he wasn't awake, but rather due to the immense guilt she was feeling in her heart.

She was glad he was sleeping well at least. It made her feel less guilty for not being able to help and making him end up in such a bad condition. But she could feel her guilt wasn't overbearing as before. Helping him through the bond at the end of the battle, made the pain in her heart a lot better.

She was sure she'd never be able to forgive herself if she didn't do something. Even if it meant risking her life to save someone else's, she had to try. Her eyes were drawn to his chest, where a large scar ran along it. His skin was still pale from all the blood loss, and the wound looked deep enough to have severed a major artery.

That wasn't the only scar that was present, his entire body was littered with scars, and thankfully most of the burn marks were healed. She reached out and gently touched them, almost afraid of hurting him again. As her hand passed through his skin, she felt the warmth coming from him. That warmth helped ease some of her worries, but they weren't completely gone yet.

The moment her fingers left his arm, she heard him mutter a soft sound.

"I'm sorry."

His voice was so weak, and she worried she might have woken him up. But then again, she knew what he was apologizing for. He was apologizing for not being strong enough to fight back against Godrick all on his own. She knew how the genius of a man her master was. Even in her rage state, he was able to recognize her voice through the bond.

But the truth is he was too weak.

He was so weak that he ended up relying on her.

Even though the two of them had not been together for a long time, Kaida looked up to her.

Even though Dany was serving him and treated him like a king. He could help but feel a little inferior.

Kaida's heart was filled with regret for the fact that he had to rely on her and apologize to her.

"It's alright, Kai. I know you're trying your best." Dany's voice rang in his head. "You don't need to apologize to me for anything. You did everything you could for me."

"Thank you." His mind said.

Kaida closed his eyes and leaned against her palm on his cheek. He couldn't think of anything else but how grateful he was for Dany and the others(Azalea) for helping him get through the fight.

With him becoming fully awake, he could hear the sound of the rain and thunder outside. He opened his eyes just for a second to check on Dany. His eyes widened when he saw her puffy eyes, which looked as if they had been crying for hours. He smiled slightly, and she noticed him staring.

Dany let go of his cheeks and sat down beside him on the bed. She moved her hand behind her neck and rested it there, looking away from him.

"Are you okay?" Kaida asked.

Her face turned bright red as she tried to look anywhere else other than in his direction.

"Yeah, I am fine." She answered.

"Then why are you embarrassed?" He asked.

"What? No, no, I'm not." She denied.

Kaida chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Well, it's good to see that it is me teasing you now. Though, I like seeing you with a smile."

Dany blushed even more and hid her face under her bangs.

"Why don't I take a bath first? Then you can rest for the night while I prepare dinner." Kaida suggested.

"No!" Dany vehemently shook her head; not only was he injured, but he was also her king. There is no way to ask him to make dinner for her. "I'll do it myself. You should stay here rest for tonight."

Kaido nodded. He really wanted to rest, but he wouldn't be able to sleep without giving her some food. He should be gone for an entire day, he was sure she couldn't have eaten anything. But turning to his right, he was surprised to see he had gone for only half a day.

'Umm... It seems the started pack gave not only the essence but also increased the time variation. 6 days in the game world is just 12 hrs in the real day.'

Hearing the falling of utensils, Kaida tilted his head over the door space to see panicking Dany, who looked like she had no clue on how to use a pan on a stove.

Chuckling to himself, he grabbed a red crystal from the inventory. Crushing in his head, he can see a small amount of energy passing through him, filling him with newfound vigor. Though it only made his injuries little betters, as they were just the blood essence of small animals.

After gaining the ability to control blood, Kaido was unhappy when he found he couldn't suck the life out of most of the enemies, as many of them were just husks. Most of the soldiers, trolls, and weird, even the merchants looked like they were husks. So with only wild animals, he had to suffice with smaller healing.


─ Name: Kaida Fukumoto

─ Level: 29 -> 48

─ Total Runes: 24,207

─ To Next Level: 14,535

─ HP: 553/553 (+31) - 100%

─ FP: 88/88 - 100%

─ SP: 105/105 - 100%

─ Attributes: [VIG:15] ♦ [MIND:13] ♦ [END: 15] ♦ [STR:16-> 18] ♦ [DEX:15-> 23] ♦ [INT: 11] ♦ [FTH:10-> 20] ♦ [ARC:13]

─ Skills: <Holy Nail Thrust - Rank C> ♦ <Holy Strike: Rank C> ♦ <Crucify: Rank A>

─ Sacred Gear: Alphecca Tyrant (Subspecies)

─ Right Hand: Uchigatana +3

─ Left Hand: Godslyaer's Seal

─ Talismen (2/2): <Crimson Amber Medallion (6% HP Increase)> ♦ <Ring of Unheeding>

─ Memory Slots (1/2): <Black Flame>

Kaida thinking it would be better to use the runes he had obtained after killing Godrick, ended up increasing [Mind: 13 -> 14]. More mana doesn't hurt anyway.


Hearing Dany's cute scream, Kaida immediately got up, ignoring his wounds to check to see her struggling with a pan of burned food.

"What happened?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Kai..."

He can feel her panic and sadness in her eye. She was close to crying and trying hard to fix it but couldn't seem to get the hang of it. He then thought of a good idea. "Let me help you."

Approaching the pan and looked into it for a while before finding a piece of meat that was charred black and smoldering. He could smell a strange stench coming from it and quickly realized that Dany had used the wrong type of oil for cooking, and the food was now burned to a crisp Looking around the kitchen, and he saw a knife in the sink. Kaida took it and cut off the burnt part from the meat, and after some effort, managed to pull it from the pan.

"Don't worry; you don't have anything to apologize for. It's my fault for being late." Kaida smiled reassuringly at her.

"But...but it was a big mess! And I'm so clumsy with cooking!" Dany complained wither her wide, teary eyes as she puffed her cheeks.

"It'll be okay. Everything will be alright. You've done great so far. I'm going to put this in a sink to soak the burnt part in hot water." Kaida smiled and sighed happily as she rubbed his hand, and he felt the heat coming from her body as well. She was really soft and warm, the best feeling in the world.

All of a sudden, his eyes widened in surprise, feeling a wet patch on his cheek and a whiff of an intoxicating scent. He turned around to see Dany running with bright red cheeks.

Kaida's mouth was wide open, and he could only stare blankly for a second before he went to clean the pan with blood flowing down the body and a broken mind.


"I see... No wonder I recognized her voice." Kaido, who was informed of what happened, now realized the one which he kept referring to as 'Succubus' was none other than Akneo.

Her voice was pretty popular around the school, as many people recorded her 'Ara, ara' and listened to it like a podcast during their free time. And to be honest, sometimes he also feels slight horniness when he overhears her voice through someone's speakers. However, he prefers Dany's voice now, compared to Akeno's.

"Did anyone else come asking for me?"

Dany tilted her head, "No. Were you expecting someone?"

Kaido quickly hid a sad smile appearing on his face. Even if he was angry at her and brutally told her to leave, there was still slight care for the broken girl, who suffered more than enough, one could say.

'... It seems you have already made your decision, Itami.'

Crushing what little feeling he had for her in his heart, he focused his attention on the bright girl who actually cared for him and didn't throw him aside at his lowest point. But suddenly, a dark truth struck his mind, making him realize something which made him feel ashamed.

'Wasn't I being worse than Itami? Not only did I selfishly leave Dany alone by herself for half a day, but also never asked her what she liked or did anything for her. Dany not only cared for me when I appeared in injuries but also helped me during the fight.'

He felt guilty about his actions and decided to do everything in his power to win over this girl.

'... What should I do?'

A small smile came upon his lips, and the girl smiled back at him with her beautiful smile.

"You know, I think it is time for a new home. The one-bedroom house won't do for us. Do you want to join me in search of a house? We can grab some groceries for tonight."

Even with tons of money, Kaida never brought extravagant mansions or luxury clothes. People called him a cheap sake, but that doesn't mean he would not treat Dany, who was the 'Queen of Dragons' improperly.

'Yes. It is time for me to get out of this house. I've been stuck in this place where my mother and father were murdered. It's time for me to move on.'

Kaida was looking at Dany with a smile. He had a new goal for himself — to become a King for her. He was willing to change for her sake. He would do whatever it took to make her happy. He is no longer that coward who only cares for himself, but instead, he was willing to give up his own happiness to make sure Dany is happy.


Walking through the busy streets of Kuoh, Kadia was less comfortable than his every other day. Not only was he slightly slouched down and filled with bandages up to his neck, which couldn't hide by his hoodie but he was also walking next to a smiling girl whose beauty was at a goddess level.

'Is it just me, or am I getting hit on?' Kaida thought to himself, seeing girls and older women giving him a 'different' gaze than before. It is understandable; even though none of his facial features changed except his eyes, his body changed drastically.

Due to bad genes, no matter how much time he had spent in the gym, without steroids or supplements, he couldn't bulk up. With his skinny-toned build, hidden by baggy clothes, people thought he was just a skinny boy. But now, even wearing a hoodie, his build can't be hidden.

It seemed like all the excess fat he was insecure about has now disappeared. He looked like an athlete from the top of the mountain to the bottom. All he has to do is grow out his hair, which will not only make him look more mature but less boyish. His skin color was also slightly darkened from the amount of time he had spent in the sun, making him look more tanned, which made him stand out among the crowd. He also stopped wearing old clothes and started dressing better.

The fact that he has a scar across his jaw, made him more handsome, giving a 'bad boy' look. It is not that he was trying to show off; he wanted to present himself presentable next to Dany.

"So...what do you wanna do first?" He asked, trying to cover the fact that he was feeling nervous. It was a bit embarrassing to walk with such a gorgeous girl, while he and she were being stared at by men and women alike.

"We can go shopping for clothes," Dany said, her eyes glinting with excitement, and then added, "Do you have a lot of money?"

"Yeah! I have a lot." Kaida said, feeling proud. "I can buy you anything you want!" He added, making a big smile as he tried to be charming for her.

"Oh, thank you! I'll take you up on that~" Dany said and giggled, and then she turned to the side to wink at him. She then looked up and smiled as the sunlight shone upon her. She looked like an angel. Kaido's eyes widened a bit, and then quickly turned away from her. He knew it was rude of him, but he constantly felt the need to stare at her for a long time.

'Damn this vixen!' Kadia doesn't need to turn his head to see a teasing smile on Dany, who can feel his emotions through the bond. It is not like it is her fault, he learned when he is 'excited,' he subconsciously pushes through feeling through the bond, making Dany forcibly sense them. But he was sure there was nothing 'forcible' about this situation, Dany was more than happy to accept them.


Kaida turned to his left and saw frowned his brows. To his right was his classmate, dressed in school uniform, ready for school.

What annoyed him wasn't him disturbing, but the way he was looking at Dany. That lust-filled gaze and his slow attempts to lean towards Dany. He didn't know why his heart raced so fast every time he saw that boy, but he always felt that urge to punch him in the face. The boy was trying to flirt and getting closer to Dany. He was so obvious about it, and yet so stupid and blind about it.

This man was dangerous and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"Yo, Kaida, how are you doing man? You haven't come to school for the past few days. Did you get into an accident or something?" He heard the boy say. Kaida noticed the boy was hinting at the scar on his jaw, and bandages wrapped around his finger and neck.

"Something like that." Kaida curtly replied. He then pointed a finger toward the school and said, "You are going to be late for school. Leave"


"That's enough talk for the day. Let's go." Kaida said, turning around and pulling Dany along with him. He did not stop when he heard the calling behind him.

'Why do I feel like this?' He asked himself, wondering about the unknown sensation in his stomach, which started when his classmate disturbed them.

"What's wrong, Kai?"

"Nothing..." He said, but suddenly he stiffened slightly, feeling soft fingers wrap around his hand. He quickly tried to remove it, but Dany's hand stayed on his palm, holding it firmly. It was a warm sensation, one that made him happy.

For some reason, he saw sure Dany felt that same warmth from him that he felt from his own hands, a different type of happiness. It made his heart pound. His heart also felt a strange warmth whenever he felt her close by. It made him happy but also made him worried that she might not be feeling the same. After all, who was he? Just a random nobody.

"Are you feeling alright, Kai-T-A-N~"

Kaida felt his lips twitching as he wondered from where did this western woman learn Japanese terms.

"I am feeling fine. We don't have that much time to waste on my classmate." He said, pulling her along with him.




When he secretly glanced at Dany, he saw her face show a smile that could make a volcano erupt!

[Self note: Image in the chapter.]