
DxD: The Civil War (Under Rewrite)

A crossover with multiple anime. No System.

DreamFrost · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs


Ah..... I was just a normal person before.

Here's my story before I became what I am now, a soul.

I was just a daily programmer for a large company.

After completing my work, I walked toward my apartments.

To reach my apartment, I had to walk quite a distance hence today I had taken a shortcut, it was a dark alley just behind the apartment that I lived in.

Looking at the gloomy alley, I felt afraid.

But I wanted to go to my home as soon as possible, I mustered up my courage and went into the alley.

As I walked, I observed that on the pathways there were people sleeping and even there were huge dustbins placed every five to ten meters.

I felt weird as I could feel that some people on the pathways were looking at me without another thought.

I just walked, walked, and walked.

Just as I could see the end of the alley and the entrance to my apartments, "Yaa, leave you valuables, or I'll shoot you.", I heard from my behind.

I stopped and put my hands into the air turning around to see a man in a long jacket with his face covered and holding a gun pointing at me.

"My man, cool down. I'll give it.", I replied as he said, "Don't be loud and put everything you have on the ground."

I mean I had to do that, as I said before I was just a computer nerd without any self-defense moves.

I put the money from my wallet down and was about to ask him if this was enough but before I could continue he said, "Put your mobile and electronics down too."

How could I do that, but I had to do as he moved the gun close to me, I put my mobile and the laptop on the ground, and I said, "Is that okay?", with a forced smile.

He was just looking at the stuff on the ground and he nodded without paying any attention.

I slowly turn around and walk briskly towards my apartments or so I thought.


"AAhhh..... fuckkkk!", I turned back to see blood flowing down and the person with the gun had put on an enraged face, "Why? Didn't I give all the stuff?"

"You didn't, you didn't put your watch down!!!!", He said with the craziness in his eyes.

before I could even reply, I was shot again and again three times.

'Why the fuck do people carry guns, I regret that I couldn't carry one', complainingly internally, I fell down.

He came towards me and snatched my watch from my wrist.

I could hear the rushed sound of footsteps towards our location.

The man, reaching his limit, ran away.

I felt my senses failing, no strength to support myself and my eyes started to blur.

Before I lost my consciousness, my whole life flashed before my eyes.

My life.

My regrets.

My goals.

My parents.

and finally....

My girlfriend

If only I was given a second chance, I promised myself that I would live a life without regrets.

Time passed by and I was in form of a gaseous state, as I float in this dark dark place.

It took a long time before a bright light shined and completely lost my senses.





I slowly took a gaseous human form that was neither condensed nor particle.



I slowly opened my eyes, and what I was seeing had completely shocked me.

In this Fanfic, I'd focus on the DxD verse mainly and slowly merge other anime into it.

DreamFrostcreators' thoughts