
Chapter 10: Queen Piece & Muramasa

(Third Person) 

Supremacy War - Year Three. 

"It's almost time," Avalon muttered to himself as he stood in an empty training yard within the central fortress under the cover of the artificial night, looking up at the artificial stars above through his blindfold. 

One that was now black instead of white, a new version that he received from Ajuka during his training. 

There was only one difference between this and the old one, it had the ability to passively use Demonic Power to help substitute for his vision. No longer requiring Avalon to expend any effort to do so on his own. 

Only a few days remained until the fourth year of the Supremacy War would officially begin, a date that also signified the end of Avalon and Adaloth's prohibition from participating in the conflict. 

He was already 5'4, and Adaloth had grown to 5'2. The average height for someone their age being around 3'9 to 4'5. 

Both their parents, and the other soldiers in the fortress were all shocked to see how fast they had grown as the days passed. Well, the soldiers that remained alive that was. 

His muscles had also become significantly more pronounced, especially his back. A product of his constant and diligent training with Souji, not that he had been slacking with Echidna either. 

"You called?" 

Avalon turned his head a little, facing the young woman with light-red hair behind him. 

"Yeah. Adaloth, I've been keeping you waiting for a while haven't I?" Avalon said.

"What do you mean?" She asked, receiving a faint smile from him in return.

He held out his hand, keeping a small object clasped in between his fingers. 

A Queen piece. 

"So that's what this is about. Indeed, you have kept me waiting for longer than I would've liked." Adaloth confessed. "I knew you'd need time to think, but I wasn't expecting it to take this long." 

He breathed a slight chuckle. "If you were in my position, would you be able to make this decision so easily?" 

"No, I suppose I wouldn't have. But assuming that you're done keeping me in limbo, what's the verdict?" 

"The truth is I still haven't decided," she frowned. "I've mostly made up my mind, but I still need you to answer just one more question for me." 

"Go on." 

Avalon had taken his blindfold off less and less frequently as time passed on, sometimes even going weeks on end without even taking a slight glimpse of his surroundings. 

However, he had decided that now was an exception. 

He pulled his blindfold all the way down, revealing both of his amethyst eyes that had grown bright enough to even illuminate the darkness of his surroundings to a certain degree. 

"In your past life, were you even human?" 

Silence polluted the air around them. 

Adaloth's expression started to shift, not showing pleasure nor displeasure, but rather, a strange sense of approval. 

He had always found it strange. 

Her mannerisms went far beyond what he would describe as unnatural. 

The way she talked.

The way she walked.

The way her face moved. 

The way she smiled. 

The way she spoke. 

The way her eyes turned from side to side.

Her posture, her gestures, her motions.

All of it, rehearsed. 

No human could force themselves to rehearse each and every microaction they made, and remain sane. 

That was like becoming both the puppet and puppeteer of your own body at the same time.

It was impossible.

Unless of course, they weren't human. 

"Is that what you spent three years thinking about?" 

Avalon clasped his hands behind his back. "Of course not, I had a great many things to consider. Not to mention that I've been putting a lot of focus into my training, or were you hoping that I had nothing but you on my mind the whole time?" He wore a noticeably mischievous smile. 

The silence continued, but Avalon made no attempt to disturb Adaloth's thought process. Displaying a significantly higher amount of patience then he did three years ago. 

"No, I wasn't human." 

"Thought so," he chuckled, shockingly unbothered by the revelation. "I'm going to assume you weren't a businesswoman either?" 

"I may not have been human, but I did in fact have a human job." 


"Aren't you going to ask me more?" 

"Do you want me to?" He corked his head to the side. "I haven't told you about my life, so I really don't expect you to tell me about yours. Honestly, I don't find your actions before you were reincarnated of any importance to me." 

Adaloth could tell that his disdain for her was still there, but it had become drastically more quiet than before. 

"You don't?" 

He shook his head. "No, it's what you're going to do now that I'm paying closer attention to." 

Again, there was silence. 

The conversation occurring between them had given both parties a lot to think about. 

"I've answered a few of your questions, so I think it's only right that you answer mine now." 

Avalon pursed his lips, looking at the chess piece in his hands while he continued to fiddle with it. 

"Here it is then." 

Adaloth caught the piece in her hands, even someone like her being caught off-guard by Avalon's lack of hesitation.

"It's like you said, I had quite some time to think about it. I'm done thinking." 

She felt like that sentence had more depth to it.

"I thought you wanted to know about my motive before giving me this?" 

Adaloth and Avalon hadn't talked with each other very much during their training period, being too occupied to have time for casual conversation.

There was that, and the fact that Avalon wasn't the type to want to engage in casual conversation with Adaloth all that much. 

But right now, it was evident to her that something about him had changed. 

"I'm hurt, do you really think I'm the type to suspect my sister of having some sort of ulterior motive?" 

Her face made it clear that she wasn't very impressed with his poor acting. 

"I mean, if you don't want it you could always just give it back. I'm sure I'll find another person who would fit the piece somewhere down the line." 

Once more, she didn't find his antics very amusing. 

"You're still suspicious of me, but you're giving me the piece nonetheless." She observed. 

Avalon decided to remain quiet, no longer having anything to say on the matter. 

The ball was now in her park. 

A large part of his future would be decided by what she would do now. 

"You made the right choice," she pushed the piece into her chest and absorbed its strength. 

She was now his Queen. 

Just like that. 

"I hope that's true, I also hope you'll get along with Lars. He's been working hard with Echidna to hone his craft, maybe you could give him some advice here and there with the knowledge you've obtained from Mathers." 

Esdeath could also be added to that roster depending on how their relationship developed. 

"Of course, it's only natural that I help out our Bishop whenever I can." 

The Queen was usually second-in-command of the King's peerage, Grayfia for example had taken charge of her husband's peerage many times when he was absent or busy with other matters. 

"It's reassuring to know that Lars can count on you," he walked forwards and patted her on the shoulder. "Souji called me elsewhere for something important, I'll probably see you in the morning." 


"Goodnight," he replied. Making his exit at a speed that would one day rival his teacher. 

Once he had departed, Adaloth breathed a deep sigh, as if a colossal weight had been taken off her shoulders. 

"All that acting was seriously draining, but it was worth it in the end. Now it'll be much easier to keep watch over him." 

Her smile stretched a bit wider than usual as she returned to her personal quarters. 

"Don't worry Avalon, it's only a matter of time now. You don't need to be scared of me anymore. As long as you don't resist, we can both have what we're searching for." 


(First Person - Avalon) 

Well, this is surprising. 

Souji seems to have brought me to his house for some reason, which is a good distance away from the main fortress. It took us about half an hour of running to get here, which probably would've been less if it was just Souji going. 

"You've been doing well in your swordsmanship training," he said out of the blue.

It had taken me about a year to perfect all the close quarter techniques for using the one-prong and three-pronged kunai down, and for the next two Souji actually started to teach me swordplay like he had promised. 

"However, personally speaking I'm not satisfied with your current level." 

"Oh," well now I feel bummed. 

"At least not in regards to what I'm supposed to give you right now." 

"What?" And now I feel confused.

"Follow me," he led me inside as I was careful not to touch any of his belongings. 

Eventually he brought me to a set of steps leading downwards into a basement area, motioning for me to walk behind him as we descended. 

I could feel the tenseness he carried with him, as if each step were making him gradually more and more uncomfortable. 

"Honestly, I'm not sure why my Lord wishes for you to come into contact with such a revolting existence. But I have never been one to question his orders, nor will I start to do so now." 

I've never seen him like this, he's usually always calm and composed. 

If whatever's down there is enough to cause him unease, then I should probably reciprocate his sentiment. 

We arrived at what looked to be a steel door, a chain wrapped tightly around its handle. 

"Give me some space." 

I stepped back as Souji unsheathed his sword, proceeding to take a deep breath as a slimmer of Demonic Power gathered into his blade. 

And with one swift strike, he cleaved the chain in two. 

So this is what had him all nervous. 

I was met with the sight of a dark room, ropes were scattered all around the walls and ceilings with rectangular sheets of paper attached to them. 

Wait a minute, I know what these are don't I? 

These are seals! 

And they're not just any kind of seal, these are suppression seals. But what's with the insane quantity of them? There has to be at least a few hundred of them by the looks of things. 

"There," he pointed to the middle of the room. 

I looked upon a long, slim curved blade that had been embedded into a circular piece of stone, the color of which I couldn't make out with my blindfold still on. 

Emphasis on long by the way, that thing has to be at least two meters in length! 

Just who on earth would use such a blade? 

"Do your eyes see anything stirring within it?" 


"I see, then that means he's still asleep." 

"He?" I could really use some answers right about now. 

"That's a Demonic Sword, the ultimate counter against Angels and Fallen Angels." 

"A Demonic Sword?" I couldn't help but repeat in astonishment. 

"We talked about giving you one at some point when you were about five, the theory being that your mutation should allow you to control any Demonic Sword you please. But even if that's true, I still feel like this one is too much. They should've given you a weaker one to start out with." 

I've read about a few Demonic Swords such as Gram, but I don't recognise the one in front of me. 

"That's Muramasa, that blade belonged to my grandfather-in-law. I've had it in my posession from even before when I was reincarnated as a Devil." 

So it's like a family heirloom. 

"Have you ever used it before?" 

"No, I love swords, and I've used a few Demonic Swords in the past. However, I have absolutely no interest in touching that abomination." 

I could tell that his mood was continuing to get worse and worse the longer we were in this room.

"What makes Muramasa worse than other Demonic Swords? Aren't they all cursed weapons to begin with?" 

"This one is the most cursed in my opinion, and it's not the blade itself that's the problem. I could handle that part on my own easily, it's what's inside the blade that's the problem." 

"Inside?" I looked at Muramasa again, and I still couldn't sense anything moving within it. 

"My foolish grandfather-in-law thought it was a good idea to make something that was already a Demonic Sword even more wretched, he went on to seal an outrageously powerful spirit inside it. A spirit that he attempted to make use of, but ended up being used by instead. Leading to his demise." 

I know that Souji keeps a bunch of Youkai sealed inside his body, is this blade something similar? 

"All the seals you see in this room are designed to keep that spirit from breaking out, your objective will be to get that spirit to agree to a contract with you. Which in turn will make you Muramasa's wielder." 

I'm all for being an overachiever, but the current mood is starting to make me think this might be above my weight class. 

I mean, this is something that not even Souji wants anything to do with isn't it? 

"Do you think I can do it?" 

"I don't know, personally I don't want you anywhere near that thing, but here we are." He sighed. "Your brother and Lord Beelzebub believe you are capable, that's the only reason why I brought you here." 

"I see, then I'll do my best not to disappoint." 

"The spirit's name is Tomoe, and even though he's a Youkai like the ones I keep stored within my body. He's on a completely different level to them, so I'd highly advise against taking him lightly." 

I wasn't planning on it. 

"So how do I make a contract with it?" 

"It's simple on paper, I'll undo the seal and allow Tomoe to manifest. Then you're going to have to convince him to enter a contract with you on your own, which is much easier said than done." 

"Wait, if he's unsealed then doesn't that mean he'll be able to attack? That sounds dangerous." 

"Yes, he'll be able to attack you if he chooses to do so, and it is also extremely dangerous. Hence why I do not understand their decision to have you use this Demonic Sword out of all the other options we have," I could see his face contort uncomfortably as he looked at the blade. "I can't be in the same room as you while you're talking since disturbing him is bound to set him off, not to mention that he knows me a bit too well. However, I'll be waiting right outside the door in case something does happen." 

"Alright, I'll do my best." 

"I know you will, I suggest that you also have at least one of your eyes open during the conversation." 

"It's that bad?" 

"Yes, he's that bad." 

This Tomoe and Souji seem to have quite the history together, which is understandable if this blade has been in his possession for over a century. 

I pulled up the right side of my blindfold, now able to see Muramasa in colour. The blade had a slight blue tint to the edge of its alloy, and the hilt was pitch black. 

I should be able to keep my eyes open for a few minutes before I experience any adverse effects, so I better make this as quick as possible. 

Souji started to run his hands across the strands of rope spanning across the room, stopping at one of them and brandishing his sword.

"Good luck, you'll need it." 

He cut the rope in half, and soon the rest of the ropes followed along. The seals attached to them all fissured out into a pile of white dust as he left the room, leaving me alone with what they had been keeping suppressed. 

"Shit," I murmured under my breath. 

A torrent of bloodlust shot out from Muramasa all at once, causing me to take a step back out of sheer instinct while sweat began to build up on my forehead and palms. 

The hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood up, the temperature seeming to plummet at an alarming rate to the point where I started to feel hypothermic. 

My hands were shaking even more than they did during the evacuation three years ago, and I felt tempted to reach into my pouch and grab hold of my kunai. Stopped only by the unbearable dread keeping me in place. 

Should I pull up the other side of my blindfold? No, sight clearly isn't the problem here. 

The deep-rooted animosity brimming from that blade would be clear to me even if I plucked my eyes out right this instant. 

Each time I tried to calm my breathing, Muramasa's oppressive aura would grow stronger. Forcing me to fight an uphill battle between my nerves and will. 

A bright white light erupted from the Demonic Sword, causing me to shield my eyes with my hand as I felt a tyrannical presence enter the room. 

"Is it really that time again? It feels just like it was yesterday." 

I heard a voice come from within the light which had gradually begun to fade, allowing me to peer into it as I straightened my posture. 

He was a man who looked to be around Souji's age, and probably 6 feet tall.

He had long bright-silvery hair that had what I could only describe as an ethereal glow to it reaching down to his waist. 

His eyes were a darker shade of purple than mine, and his pupils were slit like a fox. His eyelashes were long, accompanied by what appeared to be purple eyeliner tracing the sides of them. 

He wore a kimono that was scarlet red on one side, and dark indigo on the other with golden lining. 

And then his appearance grew even stranger. 

A set of white fox ears had appeared on the top of his head, and like a blossoming flower nine fox tails protruded from the back of his waist. 

So Tomoe is a Kitsune, I see. Wait a minute, since he has nine tails doesn't that make him a Kyuubi? Those are supposed to be super rare aren't they? 

He grinned while staring at the door, completely ignoring me as he revealed his especially sharp canines. 

"You can hide your presence all you want Souji, my nose still remembers you perfectly well." 

Does he even know that I'm here? 

"What? Not going to come out?" Souji remained silent, not making any attempt to interact or open the door. "Hmph, I guess you're still the same brat. How disappointing." 

All of a sudden, he looked at me, a frightening chill running down my back as I felt my flight or fight instinct kick into full drive. 

"Speaking of brats, why are you here with me while he's out there? Oh, is he offering you up as a sacrifice to me? Maybe he's learned to show some respect after all." 

"If you so much as scratch him, I'll dismember you in ways you didn't even know were possible." Souji's voice reached us from the other side of the door, and his words reassured me a great deal. 

"Mm? Protective of him are we? That's interesting, but he doesn't have your scent so I doubt this one is your offspring." 

"He's my student." 

"You have a student now? Well forgive my manners, maybe you have grown a little. But don't forget Souji, no matter how many years you keep me sealed for I'll always be stronger than you. The sole fact that you gave up your humanity doesn't put us on equal terms." 

Souji didn't respond, causing Tomoe to scoff as he fully retracted his attention from the door towards me. 

"If you aren't here as an offering child, then what are you here for?" He folded his arms together, frowning as he looked down at me. 

"I'm here to make a contract with you." 

"A contract?" His face started to contort, his brows furrowing before his expression relaxed. "Hahahaha! A mere child wishes to contract me? Me? Souji! You've really done it this time! Hahahahaha!" He clutched his stomach, tears of laughter leaking out of his ducts. 

Alright, now I'm starting to get a little pissed. 

"I wasn't the one who arranged this just for the record," Souji replied. "And you should probably take a closer look before you shrug him off as a mere child." 

It took a while, but eventually Tomoe's laughter died down. 

"If he's so special, then why don't you come inside and tell me about him face to face?" Again, Souji decided to remain quiet. "Thought so." 

Is Souji actually scared of this guy? I mean I'm definitely scared of him, but I don't see why Souji is. Is Tomoe actually stronger than him? Or was that just a flat out provocation? 

What would happen if Souji stepped inside? 

"Fine," Tomoe sighed. "Let's have a look here." 

I tried to take another step back before he approached me, but my hesitation allowed him to grab both sides of my face as I felt his sharp nails prick my skin. 

I have a feeling that this guy might almost be as troublesome as Adaloth. 

His facial expression started to change, his eyes widening a little as his eyebrows lifted. 

"I see, so you weren't just spouting nonsense after all Souji." My discomfort continued to rise as my one eye locked with both of his. "Child, it is clear to me that you are perfectly capable of sight. So why do you wear that blindfold?" 

"I can't take it off for extended periods of time, my eyes get easily strained and consume a lot of my brain power." 

I'm not sure whether I made the right choice by answering him, but I doubt this conversation will get anywhere if I don't. 

"Ah, well we can't have that now can we?" One of his tails reached forwards, pushing my blindfold back down. 

I certainly wasn't expecting that, and having his tail brush against my face makes me want to sneeze. 

"I'll admit, I find your eyes strikingly beautiful. It is essential that all that is beautiful remain in-tact, such as myself." He huffed triumphantly. 

Is he trying to court me or something? I heard about foxes being seductresses. Sorry, I don't swing that way. 

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment?" I said with evident confusion. 

"You should, and you should also be honored. People used to throw their entire livelihoods away just to hear a few words of praise from me." 

And now we're back to unadulterated arrogance.

"Although, it would seem that your eyes are not the only thing of interest to me." 

He grabbed my hand, holding it up to his face and sniffing it. 

Souji, I think I'm being attacked in a different way than you imagined. 

"The smell is faint, but it's an odor I recognise better than anyone." 

Eeee! He licked my hand! 

Gross! Gross! Gross! Gross!

"Yeah, the taste confirms it. You're a violent one aren't you? Consider me impressed," he breathed a grim chuckle. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Don't play dumb child, you've killed haven't you? The number is a bit small for my liking, but taking your age into account I suppose it would be unjust to expect more." 

He figured that out just from molesting my hand? 

And that battle happened over three years ago! Shouldn't the 'smell' have long since washed off? 

"I feel obligated to ask, just what kind of situation is the Underworld in to require one as small as yourself to kill? Has another Great War broken out?" 

"We're at war, but it's not a Great War. It's between us and the Fallen Angels." 

Tomoe hummed while scratching his chin. "I see, I'm surprised you two didn't go at it sooner. Sharing the Underworld was always a pipe dream, especially between two races with such overwhelming pride and animosity." 

He seemed to fall into thought for a while, looking around the room aimlessly. 

"So you want to contract me to use my power in the war, it has indeed been some time since I last participated in one. Remaining within my seal has grown most tiresome, especially since Souji refuses to talk with me." 

"You'll accept?" 

"That's the million-yen question isn't it? You have piqued my interest, that much is certain. However, I am not sure how I feel about lending my power to a child." 

I took a deep breath. 

"If you choose not to, then you'll have to continue to endure your boredom until someone else comes along. Which judging by Souji's opinion of you, might take some time." 

"No, that's not necessarily true." 

"It isn't?" 

He shook his head. "I mean, Souji unsealed me to give you the opportunity to converse with me. I could just kill you and him, then make my escape." 

I felt the tension from earlier return in full force, his menacing smile causing me to reach for my pouch out of instinct. 

"Don't bother, you probably have some degree of talent, but you're not capable of so much as scratching me." 

"So you say," I replied. He probably has me beat in every other category, but if it's speed I should be able to handle him. 

He sighed. "Like master, like student I suppose. Souji, your idiocy has passed onto your student. I hope you're happy." 

"Just hurry up and make a decision already, unless you want me to find a seal that stops you from talking as well." 

"You see? Look how stubborn he is. You mustn't become like him, little one." He said to me while pointing at the door. "Now then, I've made up my mind. I won't form a contract with you." 


"Let me finish, I won't form the contract you're looking to form. Instead, I'll form a pseudo-contract."


"You'll have access to Muramasa and its strength, but I won't give you mine. Not yet at least, I'll tag along for the ride and see whether I believe you are worth lending my power to or not. That's the only deal you're going to get, so don't bother attempting to negotiate with me." 

In other words, he wants me to prove myself before he lends me his power. 

That's fine with me, especially since I'll still have access to a Demonic Sword. Which will allow me to counter the Fallen Angel's Light Magic head on. 

I can tell that he's dangerous, but I already made the decision to make Adaloth my Queen. 

I quite literally couldn't put myself in more danger even if I wanted to. 

"Deal," I held my hand out towards him. 

"Good choice," upon shaking hands I felt some sort of energy exchange happen between us. 

The door finally opened, Souji seeming content enough to step inside the same room as Tomeo, the Kyuubi focusing his attention onto him with a devious grin on his face. 

"Not bad, you've gotten more handsome from when I last saw you with my own eyes. Maybe becoming a Devil wasn't such a bad choice for you after all." 

Tomoe walked up to Souji, licking his lips and attempting to put a hand on his face, which Souji was quick to swat away. 

"Don't touch me." 

"Is there any need to be so cold? The contract is formed, you can be at ease now." 

Souji scoffed. "That contract only gives him control over Muramasa, not you. You're still a grave liability and danger to him." 

"What's with the paranoia? You heard our conversation, I'm just going to watch him from inside the blade. That's all." 

"Your words and actions have never matched, I doubt the time you spent sealed changed that." 

Tomoe shrugged. "What's done is done, I'll be looking forward to seeing what both of you do during this war of yours. Do try to keep me entertained, I tend to get angsty when I'm bored." 

He transformed into a white scarf, wrapping around my neck as Souji shot a harsh glare towards him. 

I hate to admit it, but this is actually kind of comfortable. 

"Be careful Avalon, Tomoe is as shrewd and cunning as they get. If he tries to offer you anything besides what you've discussed, don't even entertain it." 

I responded with a firm nod. "Understood." 

"Good, now make sure you get as much rest as you can. Soon you'll be deployed as an official soldier, you won't have many opportunities to get a full night's rest once that happens." 

"Do you know where I'm going to be deployed?" 

"No, all I know is that right now Lord Bael has made some progress into the Fallen Angel's territory. However, he's struggling to get rid of the unmanned defenses and is attempting to get a siege in motion for one of the major cities." 

That sounds big. 

"He's going after a city called Mortis, he believes that a lot of the development for the Scourges they've been using comes from there. If we can collect more data on them then it might be possible to find a prime weakness. Or at least find where they're being manufactured." 

Scourges have become a serious problem for us from what I've heard. 

Both the quantity and quality of them that the Fallen Angels have at their disposal is way beyond any of our expectations. 

We were supposed to be able to twist the knife in the wound that is the Fallen Angel's lacking population, but these Scourges have completely counteracted that. 

So now instead of just the Cadres being a problem, these guys are as well. If we can't get rid of both of them, we can't win the war. 

"Their technology is a real pain in the ass to deal with, at first it was just them delaying the inevitable. But now I have a feeling that the scales are about to shift, we don't even know if this is all they have. Or if there's more from then we've yet to witness." 

If that's true, then maybe I didn't miss out on as much as I thought I did. 

'Such is the nature of war, ever-changing and unpredictable.' 

Did you just use telepathy? 

'Yeah, what about it?' 



AN: Was Souji just being paranoid? Or were his concerns justified? I wonder… 

Three Advance Chapters now available on p*treon! Membership is only $5, so if you have some spare cash and wanna support this work that'd be appreciated.


Here's the discord link as well if y'all wanna revive that wasteland.
