
Chapter 21 “First Day of Class and Familiar Preparations”

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"Was he really a demon? He was kind. .

. And he looked human.

That was a Gremory Magic Circle. .

Then after her words fell, the dark room was as silent as death, as loneliness creeps into the young girl's life again. .


Sairaorg Bael had finally found me, as I stepped out of that mirror wonderland. He looks sad, but is hiding it with a big dopey smile.

I said to him,

"Cousin, I hope things are doing alright. Good to see you today.


"Mother is awake today, but. .

. Anyway, I did not want to draw attention to you and Sona, so I stayed away during the assembly, but now I am here.


Poor guy, he is your typical bullied kid, but he still does not believe how amazing he can become, so I asked.

"Did you listen to me and find a trainer who specializes in Touki?"

He smiled and nodded, then he explained.

"While mother was still awake, she reincarnated a kind Oni into her Rook servant like you told her, and as part of his Reincarnation, he will be my personal trainer till I turn 18. He is a High Class strength Youkai.

So I will start my training at 10 years old. "

"Good, then you can make your mother proud by kicking in the teeth of those who doubt your resolve. Hmm, The girls are coming.


With that, Sona and Kuisha finished, and the four of us headed to our first class. .



There are a total of 4 classrooms each with 25 desks, and no more than 100 students per age block. Thankfully through string pulling (Devil King siblings), the four of us are all in the same class.

Kuisha can only attend this school because of being my fiance. Normally the Extra Demon Clans are not part of this 72 Pillar Lilith Academy, but as the future Mrs Gremory, the administrators do not dare reject her, just like they dare not reject Sairaorg for being weak.

And entering the room, I can instantly see the Underworld Gods have graced me with No Ass-To-Mouth (Diodora Astaroth) or Green Goblin (Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas), probably our siblings not wanting trouble from me and Sona.

But I do see a Hot Wing (Ravel Phenex) sitting in the first front seat, already covering her mouth and bragging about being her Brother's new Bishop. Well, I do not know why she is bragging, because no one else in this school is a servant, sigh.

The four of us take a group of 4 seats in the back, looking to the front, in a square formation, with me at the back left next to the window, with Sona to my right, Kuisha in front of me, and finally my cousin in front of Sona.

To Sairaorg's right sat Seekvaira Agares. And next to Sona is a goat-headed Devil.

Kuisha, seeing the huge variety of Devils we have never met before, said to me,

"Look over in the seat opposite of you Ray, she is a mermaid like Devil. "

I nodded, because she had fin-like ears, but she used Transformation Magic to turn her fish-tail into legs when not in the water. She is a cute Devil though.

I think she is the next head to a struggling Devil House, sad really.


After a while and all the seats were full, a blonde man with pink eyes entered the room and magically wrote his name on the front board. .

. [Helix Andrealphus]

He then smiled while facing us, and said with professionalism.

"For this next year, I will be your teacher for Class A, Helix Andrealphus. This year, I will be teaching you everything you need to know about being a Noble Devil.

We will cover contract magic, familiar acquisition, territory management, and finally proper social etiquette your families may not have taught you. This is all required by the government for you to acquire your Evil Pieces, any questions?"

One Devil boy who looks like an Elf asked.

"Will you be teaching us magic or Rating Game tactics?"

"first, everyone can just call me Teacher Helix, and no, we will not be teaching you magic your Clans can teach you. We are here only to cover what Middle Class Devils will test on to become High Class Kings, with the one small addition of acquiring Familiars.

So a good portion of the class will teach you how to care for, and maintain a good bond with your lifelong Familiar, who will help you in all of the tasks you deem troublesome. "

"Teacher Helix, will you teach us about getting our Contract Magicians when we also get our Evil Pieces?"

"We will cover it, yes, but like your Evil Pieces, you cannot get a contract Magician until the Magicians get your information, and only after you become a King. "

"Teacher Helix, will you teach us how to control the Evil Pieces?"

"Good question, and the short answer is, yes. Part of becoming a King is knowing what all of your Servants gain and are capable of.

Anything else?"

A few more nonsensical questions were answered, including one young girl asking if he was single, sigh.


"Children, that is it for today, and do not forget in one week, we will take this whole class into the Familiar Forest to get you all your destined companions, good luck and study your materials. "

Apparently all four Devil classes A through D, will take different full-moons over the next 4 months to acquire our familiars, and because we are group A we go first, yay for string pulling!

I am currently holding the book the teacher gave us. .

. [Basic Contract Magic for Familiars, Servants, and Humans]

Naturally I have learned all of this at home years ago, but new sources of material might contain something my library at home missed, maybe.

Instead of playing with toys and fooling around after my kick to the head, I have been frequently involved with reading, training, and exercising under the tutelage of my mother and brother. I was shocked to find out that the Kitsune Fox I fought was Ultimate-class-low.


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