
DXD: Master Shooter(up for adoption)

What a life, a normal person, dying as they did a good dead. His last breath was taken in consideration of others. A compassionate person. “What bullshit!!” Someone shouted, the normal person, he was simply walking from school to his house when he accidentally tripped one a rock. His falling body pushed a kid out of the way of a car which then proceeded to turn him into mincemeat. Sure he loved fame, and love, but what is the use of it when you’re dead, you can’t. he was going to whine some more when he was suddenly approaching with an offer he couldn’t refuse. (This is a fanfic, that means I do not own Highschool DxD, I do not own any mentioned franchises. I do this for fu. and to get my head off other things. )

DaoistLvbLz6 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 16

"No." I said, she was shocked by this answer. I took my gun out and aimed at her arms, legs and one of her wings. I then pulled the trigger five times and they managed to land on the intended target. The bullets dug into the skin and flesh before it spewed out blood like a fountain.

"You need to work on your acting skills, you may trick a normal person, but I am someone who has seen a lot of things, that includes intent, I could feel your hostility from the day we met. As for the other three, why don't you come out from your hiding spots and play with me." I said, my voice started to sound demonic.

"How did you find us, I am confident we hid ourselves quite well." The man said, he was in a large trench coat with a hat covering him. In his hand was a large blue spear of light.

"You are no ordinary human are you?" A few meters from him was a woman with blue hair. She wore a somewhat office looking uniform that was modified. She held a twin sided sword with a golden hue.

The last one was a blonde haired girl in a maid like dress. She held a spear glowing with a pink hue.

"I have seen more deaths than you can imagine, I have razed cities for their resources and have raided military bases for their equipment and technology. I have destroyed forests and towns for my own selfish needs and have driving beasts into insanity. Doing all of that eventually gives you a sixth sense and a sense of being cautious. You three were also quite terrible at hiding, you simply stayed at the corner of someone view, but for someone like me, it was like you were right in front of me." I said. And it was all with a smile.

"Really, then die." The man said, he charged forward. But this was easy, I simply tripped him with a crowbar I had in my inventory before I smashed it into his head. He would be okay, but that might give him a concussion.

Right behind him was the blonde girl. She was hiding behind his huge frame, but monsters, zombies, and beasts have all tried this trick and have failed, this would be no different.

"Die, how dare you do that!" She shouted.

"Tip, when you try to do a sneak attack, don't scream like a banshee!!" I shouted before slamming the crowbar into the head of her fallen angel. I then ducked down as the first fallen angel tried to attack me, but I simply dodged it before slamming my crowbar into the chin of the fallen angel and shot her in the legs another two times.

I moved to the side and the blue haired fallen angel tried to kill me. But she was too slow and her intent was clear as day. I tripped her before forcing her into the ground.

"Now, now, if you don't want to get hurt, then they don't you spill the beans. Why are you doing this and what is your base of operations?" I asked the blue haired fallen angel.

"Don't you dare." The first fallen angel said, I took a look at her and finally saw just how pathetic she was.

[ Raynare:

Level: 17

Health: 135

Strength: 52

Endurance : 53

Vitality: 57

Agility: 56

Dexterity: 58

Senses: 61

Intelligence: 75

Wisdom: 80


She was so pathetic, so much so that even the boss from the first dungeon could probably beat her ass a dozen times over. I was around four times her power in stats alone, not to mention the curve the stats go through.

I then looked at the others, they were equally weak and pathetic.

[ Dohnaseek:

Level: 16

Health: 129

Strength: 56

Endurance : 58

Vitality: 61

Agility: 58

Dexterity: 50

Senses: 57

Intelligence: 61

Wisdom: 63


[ Mittelt:

Level: 16

Health: 113

Strength: 48

Endurance : 49

Vitality: 53

Agility: 64

Dexterity: 54

Senses: 61

Intelligence: 64

Wisdom: 67


[ Kalawarna:

Level: 17

Health: 1300

Strength: 53

Endurance : 54

Vitality: 56

Agility: 57

Dexterity: 60

Senses: 62

Intelligence: 70

Wisdom: 74


"How about this, tell me or I will slowly pump holes into your body." I said, I then aimed the gun I had and shot it into her legs. It was full of demonic energy and was made in such a way it would be lethal even if it only hit the fingers or toes, not only that but it was also made to be painful.

"Aaaaaaah!!" She screamed out. She tried to push against the wound and numb the pain but I just shot her hands.

"Gaaaa!!!" She screamed out, it was obvious she was in great pain, and if she didn't answer my question she would be in greater pain. Well, I actually didn't need for her to answer, I already had a good idea where their base was. It was an abandoned church, they were divine beings so churches were the first place to look, and with all the supernatural energy residue staying in the church I imagine it would be that church. As for the reason, I can think of a few, to get rid of a future threat.

"The abandoned church, and we don't know the reason, we were just following orders, please, stop." She said, and begged for me to stop. So I did. I dropped her and had the robots and drones near the area attack the place, to raid it clean and kill anyone who resistes. I looked through their cameras and saw a bunch of priest looking dudes with and evil air around them being killed. Each shot easily crippled someone or killed them. Their screams however could not escape. They were sinply killed too fast. That was until I saw a priestess with an air of purity, so pure in fact the angels which even if fallen, had divine energy looked like grey compared to hers. I had the robots keep her alive and captured. I then had tie her up and bring her along.

"You won't be able to go through their numbers, you will be killed." Raynare said, grinning at me.

"Is that so, then why are they dead before us?" I asked, at that moment around thirty priests were thrown onto the ground, well, they were more like corpses of priests.

The fallen angels then saw it, an army of robots and animatronics. They all had blood spilled all over them. And the smell of gunpowder was fresh as was the smoke. It was clear these priests that died from gun shots were killed by the robots.

The last one was a blonde haired girl that was unconscious. She was being held by one of the robots. They could tell it was Asia, for she was the only female priest among them.

"Now that I have what I want, tell me, why should I spare you?" I said. I was crouched down before Kalawarna. But it was Raynare who answered, she looked up at me and she had a small grin on her face.

"If you kill us now, then you will make enemies with the entirety of the Fallen Angel faction. Can you handle that? Human." She said, like she had the upper hand.

"Maybe, maybe not, but what I can say is that if all the fallen angels are like you, dealing with a thousand of them would be easier than what I do for a morning routine. Besides, can't you tell this entire being is fake?" I said, this time I had my combat knife and cut myself. But instead of blood, cotton and fluffy wool came from the cut. I was a plushie decoy, so that was what the plushier part was about.



"This is simple, this is a toy I made. And I have more, much more being made at this moment." I said, I was a plushie decoy and the creator could maintain a total of five of us, and now we were around half his strength and double his durability.

"Now, devils, how much longer do you plan on eavesdropping on this conversation?" I asked, looking at th corner that the devils were hiding behind.

"So you were fake all along." Rias said, looking dejected.

"Yep, this is but a puppet made to play with. As are these bots and turrets." I said, looking at the bots that surrounded us.