(Read the tags before deciding to read :) ) Kaya is human/devil hybrid trying to survive in the harsh reality of her life. --- *Warning: This story will discuss sensitive topics not suitable for young ages. Read at your own discretion. (I suck at writing a synopsis, but I tried.)
Kaya stirred awake as she began to feel the mind-chilling numbness of her body. Like needles in her skin, every slight movement cause a jolt of pain to shoot throughout her body.
Her eyes fluttered open as she began to numbly take in the surroundings. She was in a hospital room. Blindingly white walls with childish animal patterns decorating the walls. In the corner of her eye she saw a crate full of various toys. An IV cable was attached to her forearm as it fed nutrients to her skinnier than normal body.
Every time she began to think for a prolonged period a migraine would bash against her skull. Kaya slightly opened her mouth as she felt her body intensely resist. Pushing past her physical pain she managed to speak.
"I..nu." She croaked out in a hoarse voice.
"Shhh. Don't talk. You shouldn't even be alive right now. Don't strain yourself, just relax. I'm still here.. I won't leave." Inugami soothed the young half-breed.
Kaya relaxed into the slightly stiff hospital bed. Kaya began to open her mouth to talk again before she was cut off.
'What happened?' Kaya projected her thoughts towards her Sacred Gear, although she prefers speaking to him vocally for an odd reason.
"You almost fuckin' died that's what happened! Who told you to use a fucking HIGH-CLASS SPELL with only half of your MID-CLASS reserves!" Inugami scolded as Kaya practically felt the worry roll off him in waves.
'No swearing' Kaya chastised as she began to feel drowsy again.
'I'm gonna.. I'm gonna.. go to sleep now,' She thought as her eyes fluttered before closing.
Inugami sighed softly as he began to use Kaya's extra devil energy reserves to hasten the healing process of her shattered body. "What am I going to do with you," He said playfully before placing materializing a shadow lock on the door and appearing in a chibi version of his wolfhound avatar.
Gently laying down on Kaya's side, he waited.
(One week later)
Physical rehab. Something Kaya didn't think she would have to experience in her life this early.
She felt like a prisoner in her own body with her current condition. She would get good food, entertainment and such but her physical limits were tested everyday to see when she could well.. walk normally again.
Kaya wore a loose black hoodie that covered most of her skin. Her brown hair with red tips fell down her back. She also wore a loose pair of sweatpants as she walked out of her hospital room, cane in hand. Although her clothes were not hospital standard, a few magic tricks here and there will get her what she wants.
Currently, she was using a hospital standardized cane to limp down the hallways towards the front desk. Standing in front of Kaya was a kind middle aged woman with brown hair and equally brown eyes.
"Excuse me miss, you wouldn't mind letting little ol' me out right?" Kaya said as she put a minor spell that affected human minds on the lady.
The woman's eyes glazed over before she nodded and pulled out a sign-out sheet. "Sign here please," she said mechanically.
Signing a simple 'Kaya' without her last name, she walked out of the hospital with a limp that was gradually disappearing. She felt her muscles burn as she walked on the sidewalk, her retinas shrinking when making contact with the copious amounts of light rolling off the sun in waves.
She drew a few gazes from unsavory individuals as she walked down the street. Kaya promptly ignored them before continued her walk. Feeling the lecherous gazes of a few thugs she shivered, 'Disgusting,' she thought.
Although she might not now the innerworkings of sexual attraction, from what she read during her days in the library. It was frowned upon heavily to be attracted to a clearly underage girl like herself.
Shaking herself out of her thoughts she walked into a back alley before using 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 to teleport to a different street. As she appeared in the back alley she saw what could be described as a handsome man with blonde hair and green eyes shooting thunder bolts at a stray devil.
Quietly observing the fight, she saw the blonde man completely decimate the stray. One lightning bolt to the head and its body practically exploded from the impact.
"Yuck. I was holding back to try to save my clothes.. I suppose I didn't try hard enough," the man said to himself with a small chuckle as he wiped off some blood from his suit. "And who are you? Young one?" The man said before turning into Kaya's direction and looking straight into her eyes.
Kaya didn't understand why but she began to sweat nervously at the soul-piercing stare of the man. "K-Kaya V-Vulpes, a-a-and y-you?" She stammered.
"Ah, no need to be afraid child. I would never stoop so low to hurt a young child like yourself. My name is Dulios Gesualdo." Dulio said with a lazy smile.
"R-Really? Y-you swear?" Kaya asked still somewhat nervous.
"Truly," Dulio said as he held out his pinkie. Kaya grasped his pinkie with hers as the promise was made.
"S-So, what were you doing here?" Kaya asked somewhat curiously even though she already had an idea of what happened.
"I was merely ending a threat to the public, while on my way to get some dinner" Dulio said nonchalantly as a gust of wind came out of his hand that caused all the nearby blood to evaporate.
"Oh.. also its morning time." Kaya stated.
Dulio visibly shrunk at his miscalculation as he looked at the position of the sun. "It would appear that you are correct.. haha, I suppose I was overworking again" he awkwardly chuckled. "Would you like to join me?"
"I don't think your supposed to ask 12 year old girls on dates mister, its very very illegal.. and gross." Kaya said skeptically.
Dulio visibly paled before waving his hands around, "No! I would never! I am a man of God! I would never stoop so low! I was merely offering food to a frail child whom looks like they haven't eaten a decent meal in weeks!"
Mentioning 'God' caused a small pang of pain to jolt Kaya's brain. "Ow."
"Oh? I apologize for not noticing your energy pattern earlier young devil. I will refrain from mentioning my Lords name for now." Dulio apologized somewhat sheepishly.
"Aren't you supposed to be.. ya know. Killing me right now?" Kaya asked.
"Under what assumption?" Dulio asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Aren't followers of.. Big-G, exorcists or angels that kill devils like me?" Kaya asked as she quoted what she read from a book while making Gods name say-able.
"Hahaha! Big-G! I am going to have to tell some of the more lax Angels that one!" Dulio genuinely laughed. After calming himself, he continued. "While yes I am indeed a follower of.. Big-G *stifled giggles*. Most exorcists and Angels would never kill an innocent devil child. Only the more.. eccentric or deranged stray exorcists would even think of such an act. Tis' truly such a horrid thing to kill a child, no matter the race."
Kaya relaxed a bit in her position after the confirmation. "I am pretty hungry.. so I suppose I could go for some food." Kaya said.
Dulio smiled before he finally noticed the cane in her hands and the noticeable limp. Recognizing the standard hospital cane that the Lupa Saints Hospital has in stock, he thought of something. Bending down on one knee to be eye-level with the much shorter Kaya, he placed his index finger on her forehead.
"𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝," Dulio said as a soft white glow enveloped Kaya's body. Expecting the burning sensation of holy magic, Kaya was pleasantly surprised to feel the aching muscle and creaky bones dissipate and go back to her normal peak condition.
"What was that? Also I thought that holy magic would hurt devils like me?" Kaya asked excitingly and hoped to learn it. Although she did reluctantly call herself a devil as she much preferred being called a human.
Dulio chuckled, "No no. That was no holy magic. While I do have access and can use holy magic spells, I am still human so I am not restricted to strictly holy magic. I used a minor healing spell from the restoration branch of magic."
Kaya beamed, "Can I learn it? Please please please please please!?"
Dulio awkwardly coughed, "Yes I suppose.. I can show you a few spells."
The two spent a while talking about magic as they walked off to get some food. Many passing admired what they thought was a father and daughter duo.
A ghost plushie laid against the blood soaked soil. Its pure white fabric skin began to turn ethereal. Its arms began to move slowly as it floated into the air. Its glowing red eyes brightened with new life.
Sitting in a hidden portion of the inside, was a soul. A blindingly white ball of memories, actions, and ideals. Its truly a beautiful sight.
Fragments of memories began to play across the soul's surface. Memories of playing at the park, running to school with her best friend, bringing her best friend out of her shell.
Thoughts began to appear in the ghost's mind. At first it was incoherent and nonsensible but it slowly stabilized into one word.
"𝐊𝐚𝐲𝐚." It thought as it began to rapidly fly in the direction of the hybrid.
Concept Progress:
Fire: (Expert)
Earth: (Master)
Water: (Expert)
Wind: (Basic)
Shadows (Fed to Canis Lykaon): (Master)
Fate: (Basic)
Items: Raine's Ghost, Hospital Cane
Sacred Gear Progress:
Canis Lykaon Telumkinesis: (Half-Expert)
Balance Breaker: (Locked)
Further abilities unknown.
Devil Progress:
Devil Energy Reserves: High Mid-Class
All-Seeing Eye/Eyes of Providence: Half-Awakened
(A/N: Should I keep the romance later in the story exclusively fluff or should I add lemons? So many options.)
P.S: I'm releasing another chapter in a day.