
Chapter 66: Dragged

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"R-Right." Issei focused his small amount of power into his arm, summoning the red gauntlet that had saved his life numerous times already since he became a Devil.

A twisted laugh echoed out from the smoke as it cleared, revealing the body Unas had recovered after he was released from possessing Lelouch.

His appearance was about what everyone had expected considering the age of the mummy and the traditional attire of ancient Egypt, though he had regained a youthful appearance physically speaking.

His chest and arms were bare save for the bandages he could apparently use as weapons and the wraparound skirt held up by a belt along with a pair of sandals that had straps that crisscrossed their way up his shins provided the only clothing Unas was wearing.

The ancient Egyptian priest took a deep breath once the smoke cleared and breathed out a deep sigh. "Ah, it's so nice to finally be free from the curse that bitch from the House of Agares placed on me.

" A grin split his face for the first time in millennia. "Now, I shall take my vengeance upon Devilkind starting with all of you." With barely a thought, he sent out his bandages to attack the Devils standing before him.

"BOOST!" Issei's left arm sounded out, signaling the first increase in power of hopefully many. When Unas struck Kiba remained in front of him to deflect the bandages away to allow his power to increase without interruption.

"Take Asia and move, as soon as you're strong enough you can help out." Kiba breathed calmly after giving his order to Issei.

When he heard the Bishop squeak and the Pawn sprint off, jumping around the rare bandage that managed to sneak its way past his defenses, Kiba grinned. He ran in the opposite direction, forcing Unas to divide his attack even further by giving him a greater number of targets.

With a sense of calm, he steadily hacked and slashed his way through every strike Unas sent his way, jumping over those that were too low for him to attack without risking his blade getting stuck in the ground.

Eventually, he managed to make his way to Rias and managed to divert an attack Unas had sent at her back with ease.

Lowering his blade to his side as he stood back to back with his King, he asked her the only question that mattered right now. "What's the plan, President?" He hoped Lelouch was alright, he still had yet to see his fellow Knight return but he maintained his faith in his friend.

Rias blasted away a cluster of bandages with her powers, blowing a stray piece of hair out of her eyes as she huffed in irritation. "Right now, the plan is to keep these damn things off of all of us until an opening presents itself.

" She blasted away another cluster, bemoaning the fact that she couldn't just unleash her power without posing a risk to the Knight who was still trapped in that room. "I can't use my full power until I know Lelouch is out of the blast radius."

Until she saw Lelouch escape, she was not willing to use her Power of Destruction to take out Unas. It was far too risky.

Kiba grunted slightly as he suddenly found the bandages trying to rip the sword from his hands. Rather than fight it, he dissolved the blade and summoned a different one with his Sword Birth and slashed at the bandages, prompting them to harden and hold their own against him.

Much like a blade. "If I could slip past him I could drag Lelouch out of there and we could blow this bastard away." He pushed forward, slashing hard before he was rapidly forced back on the defensive as he faced even more attacks.

He summoned a second blade and began dual wielding in an effort to hold off the attacks, still backed up against Rias.

Without being able to go all out, this battle was getting troublesome.

As Kiba made his way over to Rias after sending off Issei and Asia so that their healer was protected by the perverted Dragon, Koneko found herself wishing she had a Knight's speed as she learned her punches were incapable of destroying the irritatingly powerful bandages.

She dodged yet another strike with a backflip and found herself back to back with Akeno some distance away from Rias.

"Bet you're loving this." Koneko snarked as she smacked another bandage away from her. "This spell is right up your alley." The Nekoshou felt Akeno's back tremble as the sadistic Devil giggled, blasting away an attack with her lightning.

"Eh, I'm actually less into bondage and more into pain." Akeno admitted with a giggle. Now, if it was in furtherance of causing pain? That was different.

As soon as Unas suddenly began focusing more on Kiba, Koneko saw an opening. Charging forward, the Nekoshou pulled back her fist and prepared to knock the perverted priest's head off.

Unfortunately for her, the opening she saw was a feint. More bandages spawned from Unas' back and bound Koneko tightly and the fifteen-year-old Devil gasped as she felt her connection to her magic get sealed off.

What followed once Koneko was trapped was bandages bursting from the floor, encircling Rias and Akeno, suspending them in the air just like the determined Rook.

The ground was ripped up as it became apparent how Unas managed what he did. While everyone was focused on the bandages above ground, he had steadily been forcing another set to burrow beneath the ground until it was right underneath his targets.

He had used the ones above ground to either lead his targets to where he had them buried or forced them to remain in one place so that the ones he had underground only had to travel in one direction rather than chase the Devils around the room.

Kiba sped off as soon as he felt the ground crumble beneath his feet, but he was unable to prevent Rias from being dragged up into the air and suspended for the perverted priest's viewing pleasure.

He growled in anger as he tried to cut the damn bandages to set his friends free, but it was useless.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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