
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 98 That's cute

When Issei left Kuoh, he left behind a penthouse. Instead, he found out that he owned a mansion. Compared to the house of Rias, it was dwarfed in size but if he looked around the place, there was nothing that came close to his place.

He stood before his new house with the entire Peerage who could feel the annoyance radiate out of him.

Black wings, four on two and two on one, came out as they landed in front of him.



Raynare and Kalawarner greeted their master with a proper hug while Mittelt kept her distance and made a shy wave.

"I suppose you ladies woke up and found the house completely altered like this."

"How did you?"

"Sirzechs-sama told me that she would remodel my house as a reward." His head turned to Rias, still annoyed by this action.

"We are going to talk to your sister when we see her again," Rias smirked when she heard those words.

"Oh, you can be sure about that, Issei."

"Issei, what is going on?" Raynare joined the Dragon and the [King]

"Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittelt. From now on, the Peerage of Rias Gremory are your new housemates."

There were a few moments of predictable silence before Mittelt shouted a deafening "WHAT?!" but Raynare just looked over to Rias.

"You're moving in with us?" Raynare crossed her arms beneath her sizeable bust.

"Is that a problem?" Rias mirrored her action as their eyes twinkled.

The Fallen Angel beauty pondered on that for a few seconds and then shook her head.

"Not at all. I think it will be a lot of fun to have you around."

Getting hugged by Rias was something she had to get used to but she would always welcome those eager hugs.

Raynare looked over her shoulder to the rest.

"All of you." The smiles that she got from the Devils made the idea even better.

Issei had found something of an inner peace when he looked at the group that he could call his own.


Issei woke up in his new bed in his new room. There was a simple reason why his bed felt familiar.

Multiple supple forms of female beauty had chosen his bed as their place to sleep.

They had forgone a blanket as their shared body heat, Issei's as the main heater, made them able to sleep like that.

Currently, Rias, Akeno, Raynare, Kalawarner, Asia and Koneko were all sleeping in his bed. Like before, the more mature girls laid on his arms, with Kalawarner being the pillow where he rested his weary head.

'I gotta admit. This is one hell of a perk.'

[If only you'd start breeding those women.]

[I'm in high school. I can't exactly do it like this.]

His musings were shaken by Rias who stretched out.

"Good morning, Issei."

There was a cute yawn which was followed by Issei's loud one. It did the trick of waking up every lady in the room.

"Morning, Rias." His eyes shifted downwards.

"Akeno". There was a small giggle.

"Raynare." The raven-haired Fallen had shifted into her mature form, laying closer to Akeno.

"Koneko." The cat girl just waved her pawn at him.

"Asia." The former Nun blushed when she watched that most women, excluding herself and Koneko, had forgone wearing anything of clothing.

It'd be a while before she would be able to show her skin to anyone, besides Issei.

"Ara, ara. Issei-kun, it seems that quite a few ladies have found their way into your bed. How would you handle that?"

Akeno's comment caused some to blush while the Dragon stretched out. His body felt refreshed and calm now it was at home.

Although, it was coming home in a new house.

Rias and the others had moved into Issei's place after they had returned. The warm welcome from Raynare was not forgotten.

All women had their own rooms, with Raynare and Kalawarner still sharing and Asia with Mittelt.

Although Issei doubted that they would sleep in his room if they had a chance.

"We need to have a discussion. Good rules make good places, good places make for nice living conditions. Ladies, we do need to work out a schedule."

It was Koneko's turn to yawn.

"Chief, we don't need that. We'll all sleep in your bed. It worked before." The [Rook] had an impish grin on her face.

Issei smirked when he sat back on his bed.

"That's cute, Koneko-chan. But there is one particular thing that you ladies need to keep in mind. I got a Dragon Body. And let me tell you that it is rough."

Raynare and Kalawarner would usually tease their Dragon but they were aware of what a horny Issei entailed.

"Rough how exactly?" Rias sat up and there was no denying the fact that she had the nicest sets of tits that he ever laid eyes on.

"Oh, I don't know. Six forms of female excellence, are in my bed, four who are wearing nothing and I am using all my self-restraint not to do something that some might not appreciate or not ready for."

That did however get them to understand and the stern tone that Issei used, showed it.

"Ladies, get in a circle. The sooner we have this talk, the better it is, for all of us."

Rias and Akeno followed up that order, still naked while Raynare grabbed an oversized shirt from Issei that was left on the floor and found a place next to Asia who smiled at her. Kalawarner sat next to Koneko and their differences could be more apparent.

"Look, I get the idea you all like to rest in this bed. It doesn't stop the fact that I still have needs."

Crossing her arms, Rias would be the one who would voice the opinions of the other women.

"Do you suggest that we just open our legs for you, because you demand that of us?"

Her glare was showing through but she found that Issei's stern look showed he didn't back down easily.

"I will never ask something of you, that you do not want or do not feel ready for. But two of you have shared a bed with me in that fashion."

Raynare and Kalawarner grinned at the remark. Akeno and Koneko both turned to them while they had dreamy, blushing looks on their faces.

Rias was about to remark but found Issei sitting in front of her.

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