
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 91 Oh, don't worry, my dear boy

"So any particular reason why you decided to lay on the grounds?"

"My body couldn't keep up with your wife." Only realizing how that sounded, Issei wanted to say something back as he was aghast. The relief was immediately felt as Zeoticus only busted out in laughing.

"Oh, don't worry, my dear boy. I witnessed the fight. I did believe it was only safe to enter when the missus left. You did impress me though. Not in just the fight with Riser. I do fear he has some growing up to do. Although, I could say the same thing about you."

Issei looked back to the sky.

"If it does make you feel better, I am your daughter's choice. You came up with the Rating Game. We delivered. No one can complain."

Zeoticus found no reason to question that logic.

"Fair. Although, I do wonder when I could see grandchildren."

Unlike what he would have guessed, Issei acting like a fool, the boy turned to him. A fire of determination burned as bright as the morning sun.

"That is Rias' choice. And my choice. I'll only want offspring if I can be sure that I can protect them. You'll have to give us a decade. Patience is a virtue. One that even Devils should practice."

Zeoticus nodded to Issei as he found there were some more reasons to like Issei.

"Now, I do not want to be a bother but shouldn't you get up? My wife is not a person you'd like to see angry."

"I take that is the same with Rias. I would have loved to move but find myself incapable of doing so as my body had given out on me. I know it's a lot to ask but could you help me out? I do believe there is a room foreseen for me."

Again, Issei made his future father-in-law laugh but the Gremory patriarch knew that Issei would never ask this if it wasn't a serious matter.

"Shoulder carry?"

"Yes, please."

Issei did not question how Zeoticus could lift him up nor if he was bothered by the stains of combat on his white shirt.

The only thing that Issei did was gracefully and gratefully take the kindness he had been shown.

Rias had a wonderful family but it would take a while before they would accept him as their daughter's choice.

Good thing that he wasn't going anywhere.

Scene skip

He had done a miraculous job by getting a quick shower. Zeoticus luckily had some clothes lying around that he could wear.

The black suit fitted him like a glove but he was not happy with the tie. It made him feel like he was a man, heading for the gallows.

Dinner was a lively affair with many commenting on Issei's fine manners. He and Asia shared a pained look at teachings. Both of them had been forced to learn this from a young age and while they hated every minute of it, it now paid dividends.

Asia was also relieved that Issei was the one who got grilled by Sirzechs, Venelana, and Zeoticus about this.

It could be seen as unpleasant but the ribbing and laughing was something that could be enjoyed.

Later on, it was on Rias and the other Peerage members as Issei got told embarrassing stories about their youth.

Rias looked like she was about to sink through the floor of shame with even Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko having the same things done to them.

Issei was not going to ruin the mood but there was no telling how much he would give that his parents could do the same to them.

The Gremory's had excellent cooks and Issei tested them to their limits.

He would need a serious layer because Zeoticus and Sirzechs had put two heavy hands on his shoulders and marched him straight to the drinking lounge.

Issei had always appreciated those rooms. They were warm places, away from combat and conflict.

A chandelier hung up but several other lights were also hanging around. There were some stuffed animals and ships that were standing on the walls.

The sofas were most likely the same as Rias' room with a table in the middle.

"Take a seat, my boy. You're not leaving this place for a long time."

Following the order, Issei sat down while Zeoticus came back with several glasses and bottles.

Even for a Dragon, this would become quite an amount of alcohol to consume.

This was not just some cheap booze. This was quality, hard liquor.

It costed more than what some people made in a single year.

"Wouldn't your wife be suspicious of doing this? Not to mention, Rias."

Zeoticus poured those three drinks. Issei could smell the large amount of anise in it.

Pastis or raki? Something like that.

It did burn in his throat while Sirzechs and Zeoticus laughed at him.

"Don't you worry, Issei? My wife and Grayfia will keep them busy. We agreed to this. So believe me, you are going to drink. And talk, boy. Talk, drink, and laugh."

Issei groaned while he felt the booze hitting his chest and the back of his head. He wouldn't remember much from the drinks and hoped to God that he wouldn't say too many embarrassing things.

That or that Zeoticus would forget about what he said.

Scene skip

Sirzechs had sneaked in water to keep herself hydrated and sober to a relative degree. Somewhere, it was hilarious to see her father that drunk.

Alcohol was a source of much evil but not in her family. Issei had managed to drink her father under the table and something told her that it would be only her father that would pay for his heavy drinking.

He was now laying on the sofa, with some servants who would take him up. He'd have to sleep in a separate room, so as not to wake his wife from puking or headaches.

There had been many talks with him and Venelana and only in these special cases, would he drink.

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