
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 6 Do you have a girlfriend?

When the school went by, Issei noticed the groups leaving while the perverts were glaring at him. It was like they figured out that he sold them out. Before he left, he got an invitation to the Kendo club. Most likely at the behest of Murayama. Friendly of her but he wasn't interested in joining such a club.

Issei walked back home while his eyes went back to the school.

For some reason, he knew that Sona would be coming over to Rias to talk about him.

It was a question of when and not if he would reveal himself. But it would be on his terms. And despite the fact that she was a beauty, Issei was not going to go after Rias.

Asia came first on his mind. But the only question was where she was. He had no leads and it wasn't like he could ask the Devils. So he was going on his own.

It was on automatic pilot that he walked back home. Okay, first deal with this mountain of homework. Used to working under pressure, Issei finished the annoying paperwork and raced outside. With a helmet on his face, Issei got the motorcycle and drove out. While still minding the speed limits, he drove through the city.

Sunset was always one of his most favorite times of the day. That and sunrise. While in the East, it always went by fast. In the West, evening light could take hours.

Issei drove to a bridge where the trains were passing. It was where he and his father were trainspotting. Besides flying, it was the preferred way for Issei. He loved the high speed, the way how things looked.

Looking over it, he found that it was fine like this. The cycle stood against the railing. He wished he could have some music.

"Excuse me." Turning his head, he was greeted by a girl with long black hair. Her violet eyes shined at him. It was like they were playing something innocent but Issei knew better. He thanked his paranoia to keep Albion hidden for a while.

The girl was wearing a dark red jacket with the letter 'P' embroidered in gold, a white undershirt, a matching red bow, and a green skirt. Issei briefly wondered if she was from another school. If she came from a school.

This was a Fallen Angel, disguised as a human. Issei was sure about it but he found that something was weird. She was familiar. Where did he see that combination before?

"Yes," Issei asked while the girl looked back at him.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Oh, he could see where this was going. His head began to think about where he saw her before while he kept his cool.

"For the time being, no." There were so many half-truths today. One more wouldn't hurt.

"Then, would you like to date me?"

Issei knew that this was something dangerous. Fallen Angels, like this lady, often hunted in packs. But he should be able to take care of them. Plus, given how Asia fell from grace, they would be the most likely contestants to take her in.

"Sure. But before we start to date, what is your name? I'm Issei. Issei Hyoudou."

"Yuuma. Yuuma Amano. Thank you, Issei-kun!"

Issei pondered on it for a second. "Say, how about we go on a date? Does Sunday work for you? Around noon?"

"That is awesome." She chirped at him while he gave her a small smile.

"I'll look forward to it."

After they exchanged numbers, he saw her off. He knew how to prepare for it and he could work things out. He could change the date around. And with that, Issei went off on his motorcycle.

He would probably need a new helmet.

Meanwhile back at school.

"So is this about our newest transfer student?" Sona asked while the two were in a chess game. Both were equally matched.

"Don't tell me that you were taken in by him." Rias had her arms crossed underneath her ample bust.

"See, I told you, Tsubaki. She's in love." Akeno had her hands on her burning cheeks while she was swooning.

"The Great Rias Gremory is falling for a normal boy." Rias ignored Akeno while she moved a [Pawn].

"I don't think he is normal," Sona said.

"Nothing you noticed." In times like these, they could stop the game to discuss important things.

Sona took off her glasses and cleaned them.

"His backstory checks out. Either it's the truth or he went through an awful lot of trouble to get there."

Rias sat back with an arched eyebrow.

"You think he is lying? Even with the information turning up?" Sona rolled her eyes when she heard the accusation.

"If he is Special because of how much he tries to hide it, he is, you can have him. You are in hotter water than I am. But my guts tell me that there is something to him."

And that was something that both Rias and Sona could agree on. Meanwhile, the object of their conversation was moving through the city on his bike. Man, this place had changed a whole lot.

The local noodle stand was open after ten pm. Issei knew that place. It hadn't changed and his face had changed over the years. So he began to eat. It saved going out on dinner.

And while he didn't need much sleep, there were a few hours that this Dragon needed. Albion would be filled in later. There was a lot but the Vanishing Dragon knew that he could trust his host. There were many others who had drilled one important lesson into Issei.

'There is someone better out there.'

He had kept those lessons to heart. Knowing your foe was one thing, never underestimate them. Issei found that she was too pretty a face to take down. If only he could figure out where he saw her before.

But that was for later. Right now, he had to sleep a bit.

Before he would sleep, he dissolved the sign of Albion.

'Hey there.'

[Evening partner.]

'Slept well, Albion.'

[Like a log. I enjoy those seals. So any news?]

'Scored a date with a Fallen Angel and I think that Rias Gremory likes me.'