
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 48 Best of luck.

After locking the door, Issei flew off with the girls in tow. It would be a major pain if he was to walk around with those weapons.

The trip to the school didn't take too long and they landed in front of the old school building. When inside, they were greeted by the rest of the Occult Research Club. Rias was assorting the last few things for the match, Akeno stood behind like the dutiful [Queen] that she was, Kiba and Koneko were sitting on opposite couches.

Once he walked inside, the group turned to him.

"Issei, Asia-chan. Glad you two are on time."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." The Dragon said as he walked up to Rias while Asia took her place next to Koneko.

"Rias, there is something that I received when I came home last night." Issei unholstered his handguns and showed them to her. The bombshell didn't dare to touch it.

"What is this?"

"Those weapons, my dear Rias, are the Casull and Jackal. Guns I received from my former place of work. I took it with me so as not to be impolite. Don't worry, I won't be using it too much. I got Joyeuse as well and Albion to help me out. This is gonna be fun."

Rias wished he could share his optimism but she trusted his abilities.

"Glad you brought it to my attention. I also have something for you." Rias handed him a paper with her family's insignia on it.

"This is the magical contact that will allow you to travel with me to the Rating Game. It'll take the number of Pieces that I would need to reincarnate you. It's a bit less of a pain than using replica pieces. Effects can be nefarious." Her voice trailed off as she knew what happened before.

Issei took the paper and looked it over. This would be a great help.

"Thank you, Rias. Is there something else?"

Before she could answer, the door opened, to announce some other guests.

Sona Shitori walked in behind her Tsubaki Shinra and the [Pawn] that Issei recognized as Sarakawa Genshirou. The sandy-haired blonde waved at Issei to greet the older Dragon.

Just like before, he recognized her as the wielder of Vitra.

The Vanishing Dragon nodded back to her while he was keeping her in his sight. Not only due to the fact she was a fellow Dragon. No, because he found her to be a very attractive woman.

"Thank you for doing this, Sona." Rias greeted her oldest friend who adjusted her glasses while she talked.

"You owe me big time for this favor." The Student Council President nodded over to the Fallen Angels.

"Rias asked me to allow you three to watch the match unfold in our clubroom. For that, both of you are in my debt."

Issei's eyes shifted to the other dragon and back to Sona.

"Oh, don't worry. I am sure that we can figure out ways to repay you back for this."

Sona took that answer as good enough.

"We'll be watching and supporting you, Rias. Good luck out there." Sona looked back at Issei who sat on the desk.

"To all of you." The Fallen Angels wished they could kiss Issei before they left but understood the proper decorum that they had to follow.

Obediently, they followed the three Devils. With a last glance, Raynare mouthed the same to the group before she followed Sona.

"We do have an audience though. Sona and her Peerage. That is promising for the future." Akeno commented while Issei stared at the door a bit.

"Well, I hope her favor won't be too unreasonable."

Rias rubbed his hand and none missed the small notice of affection.

"Don't worry. I think we both will enjoy it." Issei hoped the hand would stay there a bit but when a blue magical circle opened, he retracted his own as he realized that Grayfia Lucifuge would enter the room.

The maid looked as impeccable as ever as she stood in the clubroom. All Devils rose and gave a small bow to her while Issei saluted to her.

"Ojou-sama, Issei-sama. I take that explanations have been made about the contract."

"Yes, Grparayfia. Is there some news you bring me?" Rias sat back down while she watched the [Queen] of her older sister.

"Yes, as Sirzechs-sama is watching your match, I am appointed as referee. She sends her regards to you." That news threw Rias for a bit of a loop. She hoped that most were not going to watch her perform. But she should have known her older sister would do so.

"Onee-sama did? Did she say anything?"

"She wishes you the best of luck. And as for you, Issei-sama. She would like to meet you." The Dragon crossed his arms while he leaned on the desk.

"I have plenty of time. We'll figure something out." Grayfia nodded when she watched the young man. While she was displeased by his nature, if even half of what she heard about Issei Hyoudou was true, this young man would be just what they needed.

Scene skip

Inside the luxurious mansion of the Gremory house, two pairs of parents met the others inside.

Despite how their children acted, Zeoticus Gremory had chosen the Phenex Heir on account of how long he and Lord Phenex went back.

"It is a shame that it came to this. But I suppose you heard the news." The Gremory Lord asked his old friend.

"Yes, I did. While I do hope that the outcome isn't changed, this Dragon might be good for Riser. It would help them to start on a better note." Raiser's father looked much like his son but lacked the boorish nature and playboy attitude.

They had many other screens for the Rating Games. Their wives were also seated beside them. Lady Phenex had long blonde hair and wore a nice red dress that fitted her form. Venelana Gremory had her usual white dress on.


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