
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 12 Balance breaker

"Get on." And it proved to be an excellent thrill ride for Rias as Issei raced down the hill. He had to spend a week in isolation. With some luck, he could make things work out fine for the entire school. Hypnotizing the school shouldn't be an issue.

"Where to in Kuoh?"

"I'll direct you," Rias shouted back at him. He could hear the giddiness in her voice. They could say what they want but mankind really knew how to make the best vehicles. It wasn't a surprise that Rias home was a small vehicle.

When she got off, she looked disappointed.

"That was fun." Issei bowed his head to her.

"You're welcome. Hey, do you mind if we exchange phone numbers? I'll let you know when I start my Raid."

"That would be doable. Good luck." Issei wanted to kiss her but felt that there would be a time and place for that.

[And those are two more for your harem]. Of course, now, Albion would let himself be known.

'Shut it.' Issei replied back to him as he turned his back around. While he couldn't be in school for a week, Issei would use the week of isolation to scout the Church.

Despite having one of the most powerful [Sacred Gears] in existence. Issei had learned many magical tricks. One of them was to conceal. Another one was what he liked to scan. He learned the layout of the building.

These were tricks that he learned from older fighters. Reconnaissance, scouting, examining, making plans. Of course, he could just ram his way through the building and fight his way through. But he needed Asia alive.

He kept Rias posted. Luckily, the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess had more than just a pretty face. He trusted her to keep the other Devils informed. And out of his way when he wrecked the Church.

And he hoped that Raynare knew what she was doing because he got some texts from her. The photos of her friends came through. He really liked the image of Kalawarner. Mittelt was another story. She did have some fashion sense.

Not to mention a really nice body.

Besides that, Issei kept focusing his powers to make sure that he was hidden.

Patience was a virtue and he had learned it very well.

Throughout the days, he saw more and more Priests arriving. One took his interest. The rest didn't so much. He was a cut above the others. In his instability and his powers. But that was what he could do. Only sit and wait until he knew that Asia would be there.

Scene skip

Issei laid sleeping in his bed. If he could be honest, he could say that sleeping was the only thing that he really took seriously. It was one of the things that he adored doing. But when he heard his phone ringing in the middle of the night, Issei jolted up.

He looked at the caller. Raynare wouldn't call him in the middle of the night just for no reason.

"Ray, what the?"

"Issei, not good! They found out about our deal. My friends agree on it but…"

He heard an explosion and some shattering of windows.

"Come over here now!" It appeared that he could play the hero that he so despised of being. Well, it would give him some hot babes.

Sending a text to Rias, Issei just opened his window and flew out of the room, in just his boxer.

'Albion, Balance Breaker!'

[Will do partner. Vanishing Dragon, Balance Breaker!]

Issei felt the armor building around him as he flew to the Church. The armor around him encased his entire body. Blue jewels were around him and his wings came out to show off. They lit up the night.

"Asia, please be alive!"

Issei crashed into the doors and just like he had expected, he was greeted by numerous priests.

"Well, it looks like we got our honor guest." The unhinged one spoke to him and Issei's eyes glanced around.

"I'll give you all one chance to walk away with your lives. Give me Asia and the Fallen Angels." Loud laughter echoed through the Church. Issei waited until they were done laughing. At least, they would go to hell with smiles on their faces.

"This is funny!"

One of the priests couldn't stop laughing.

"Yeah, where does he think he is making demands?" Issei's eyes zoned in on all of them.

"Very well then." Before they could even see what happened to them, Issei smashed through them like they were made out of tissue paper. He didn't even get to have fun with them.

He looked back and saw that the only thing was carnage.

"Fuck you." Issei just said while he turned to the secret entrance. Subtlety was now long out of the window.

One or two of the priests could still be alive but Issei couldn't care less about that. He raced through the stairs. The advantage of being a Dragon was that he had gotten many traits. The low light didn't hurt him as he smashed through the priests who were guarding the place. His nose told him the stench of blood.

Luckily, it also told him that there were at least four Fallen Angels. He knew of three he wanted alive. And Asia. He could smell that she was also still alive.

Eventually, he ended up at the place where he saw the remaining priests. Rias had better be grateful to him. He was going to take care of a pest problem for her.

The number of priests easily outnumbered the Devils one to ten.

"Ah, so our Guest of Honor is here. White Dragon." Issei's eyes zoned onto a Fallen with a fedora. The only male that he could smell.

"And you are?"

"Donasheek. I heard of you, all from Raynare. And sweet, cute Asia as well." Issei's eyes narrowed to slits when he looked around for her.

"Where is she?"

"Oh, don't worry about her." Snapping his fingers, eight priests brought in four bloodied figures.


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