
DXD Issei: The Mind of Games

Waking up to reality with the view of a system, the stats that he could see described his powers. Issei died to only be revived once more to see the world in a different view. This view was the supernatural world... the same world that killed him. Getting up and with this new gamer like system, Issei would strive to become the strongest there was. He would be the epitome of strength and resilience just to get his revenge on that fallen angel. (Title cover is not mine and is drawn by Juan Acosta)

DatBoiEraser · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 10

Rias could only stare at the devastation that lay in front of her. Only thing that remained in her mind was... who could have done this? There was a single thought... there was no doubt that it was Issei. He was the only suspect that she knew that might have done this.

"Rias... Who do you think could have done this?" Akeno looked to her king. It wasn't that hard to tell that her peerage was concerned with the destruction that occurred.

"Akeno... I want you to tell Koneko that I have a mission for her."

"Alright, Rias... But still... you didn't answer my question..."

"Akeno... I will handle this." Rias didn't want to tell Akeno because the last time she brought up Issei, Akeno kept forcing her to sleep and trying to calm her down. She didn't believe that Issei would be the culprit.

Akeno sighed before nodding while walking off, "As you wish Rias."

Rias continued looking across the ruins, the flames that covered the area, and the rubble from the collapsed building, it was inevitable that the humans would be curious about what happened here... Now it was fine for some random bullshit rumors to spread throughout the town.

Where was Issei when he finished his massacre?

He was sitting down on his bed going over his shop menu...

He had 1 silver coin and 18 bronze coins... He wondered what he could get with all that.


• (Uncommon) Sword of Thorns — 55 bronze coins

• (Uncommon) Leggings of Dishonesty — 45 bronze coins

• (Rare) Shield of Judgement — 1 silver coin

• (Rare) Great Sword— 1 silver coin and 25 bronze coins

• (Epic) Ruins Great Sword — 5 silver coin

• (Rare) Gold Chest Plate — 1 silver and 5 bronze coins

• (Epic) Great Shield - 5 silver coins and 25 bronze coins

• Health Potion — 5 bronze coins

• Mana Potion — 3 bronze coins

• Larger Health Potion — 15 bronze coins

• Mana Potion — 10 bronze coins


These were the things that interested him... Issei could save up to buy another Great Sword, but the shield really got his attention. In games, shields were great for tanks... Issei really wanted to get the shield and place it onto his offhand. Curiosity got the best of him and Issei bought the shield. It magically appeared in front of him.


Shield Name: Shield of Judgement

Rarity: Rare

Attributes: +5 Endurance

 +10% Damage Reduction

 -2 Agility

Requirement: 15 STR

Details: Once was the holy shield of the many people in the past. The relic is now just lost treasure. One of the best shields for foot soldiers during the Great War for the simple use it had... Tank attacks.


Issei felt... very powerful wearing the shield. It made him... feel... very complete with the shield, large sword, huge health pool, and a huge amount of strength. It made him feel like an actual tank... combine that with his massive size and he felt like he could take on Rias.

Standing up, Issei realized that someone would be curious about the entire mess he created today, but he wouldn't deal with it just now. Turning to see the window, Issei widened his eyes upon seeing a familiar figure. Rias Gremory was approaching his home...

Why was she here? Was she watching the entire massacre occur to know that it was him? However, those thoughts quickly changed when Issei realized that when Rias would knock on the door... his mother would be the person opening the door. It would become inevitable that his mother would know of his height and the new changes to his body.

Opening the window, Issei quickly jumped out of the window and landed in front of Rias. Seeing the new Issei... Rias widened her eyes and gasped. She was not expecting Issei to just... jump out big of the window and greet her like this.

"What do you want?"

"I was right... you weren't normal. You've changed in such a short time... what are you?"

It was inevitable... His physical change was in no way human... everyone would know that. Since this woman was a part of the supernatural world, Issei could already tell that he couldn't lie out of this one.

"The bigger question is... What do you want from me?" Issei took the chance to finally check her stats. He didn't have time before when they first met because of his anger towards her for using his perversion. However, he was confident that he would somewhat be able to hurt her if they fought.


Name: Rias Gremory

Race: Pure Devil

Title: Heir to the House of Gremory

Level: 36

HP: 1600/1600

MP: 3400/3400

STR: 40

AGL: 34

END: 32

INT: 48 (+20)

Bonus: +30% Magic Damage


She was four levels higher than his current level. Seeing his stats compared to hers... Issei could guess that she was more magic compared to anything else that she had. Not only that, but he could also guess that being Devil increases mana gains since her level times the normal amount only amounted to half of her current mana numbers.

"You did it... You did it... Didn't you?" Issei knew that this woman was referring to the abandoned church's destruction.



"Fallen Angels..." That was all that was needed to be said. Rias widened her eyes in disbelief... There were Fallen Angels hiding in the most obvious place yet here she was trying to figure out where they hid. Rias couldn't decide what to say... She wanted to assess Issei as whether he was an ally or an enemy... Hearing that he killed the Fallen Angels gave her hope, but seeing thr destruction from the aftermath made her doubt her hope.

"The Fallen Angels... Why did you kill them?"

Issei immediately responded,"They tried killing me, I simply gave them equal treatment."

Rias, once again, was stunned. Issei not only survived an encounter with Fallen Angels, but he killed them without looking... Hurt much, besides the slightly burnt arms.

"Are you... A threat to this town, to me, to my own people?"

That was when a message popped up...


Major choice incoming: This decision will dictate your future.

Choice 1: Say you're an ally and this will prevent an unnecessary fight between you and her peerage. It will also prevent a certain race from becoming your enemy.

Choice 2: You can say you're an enemy and fight her peerage. This will bring a bunch of pain in the future as the Devils are a huge component to the world.


He didn't know much about Rias... But there was one thing for sure, she was easily a threat to him if she wanted to be and combine that with her peerage, she would easily kill him off. Not only that, he didn't want to make unnecessary enemies and making enemies with an entire race was... Not the brightest idea.

Issei looked at Rias and answered, "I will not hurt you if you don't hurt me. Simple as that... I'll treat you depending on how you treat me."

The choice had been made... Rias softened her glare and smiled. "You don't know how happy that makes me. I did not want to hurt you... Issei."

Ignoring her comment, Issei turned around... "Shit... How do I get into the house without my mom noticing?"

Upon hearing that, Rias laughed while placing her hands on her mouth to try and calm herself down. "Have you been trying to hide your physical changes from your parents?" Turning around... Issei slowly nodded. "You do know... I can help with that. I can make their memories slightly altered so that they can accept their son is this huge behemoth walking around."

Hearing that, Issei simply scoffed... "What makes me think I would trust you with anything related to my parents?"

Crossing her chest and looking at him seriously, "If I do anything weird or bad to them... I will, upon my name as the future leader of the household of Gremory, let you cut me in half without any hesitation."

Staring at her straight in the eyes, Issei could tell that she was serious. She was still staring at him with her upmost serious expression. Putting her life on the line if she failed to comply with her promise... That was something... Issei kind of wanted this to happen... He wanted to see his mother... He wanted to hug his mother and see his father. "Fine... But..."

"I promise... Nothing bad will happen."

Nodding and letting her walk into his house... Issei was going to definitely have issues with this troublesome woman.