
Chapter 106 : Ravel Phenex

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Chapter 106 : Ravel Phenex

"The winner of the battle is Issei Hyoudou, candidate 559."

The referee announced as Issei patted his opponent on the back, and bowed towards the referee and started making his way towards the garden.

Leaving a lot of people to stare at his figure as he was walking away from them.

'He is strong and interesting. I hope I will meet you again Sekiryuutei.' One girl with white hair thought as she was still looking in Issei's direction with a small smile on her face.


It took a few more hours for the exam to finish completely, and now Issei was in the chamber with Lady Phenex and Ravel.

While the Lady Phenex had a calm and peaceful face, Ravel's face was red as Issei's Balance-Breaker.

"What do I owe a pleasure of meeting you Lady Phenex?" Issei respectively asked making the Matriarch of the Phenex Household to smile at him.

First you don't need to call me that, you can call me Sierra. Secondly, I want to congratulate you on your promotion to Middle-Class.

Before you say something, I will let you know that you did very good in your written part and your combat has inspired a lot of the Low-Class.

Those who fought after you had went full power. Because of you, we saw a lot of potential and even discovered some hidden powers in others.

I thank you for that and your King should receive your promotion sheet tomorrow morning, but I thought it would be nice to tell you this now.

Sierra said making Issei go wide eyes as he couldn't help but smile before loudly shouted in happiness, making Sierra smile at his cheerfulness.

"YESSSSS! But wait, I thought you guys would hate me for what I did at the wedding party." Issei said after his yelled of happiness was over.

"Oh my, you don't need to worry about that, while we are not happy for the missed marriage we are not going to blame you wholly on it.

In fact, we are a bit happy that you put Riser in his place as he is now less… how could I put it in your human terms… ah yes! less of a jerk towards those of lower classes.

In fact, he is behaving nicely towards others.Sierra explained making Issei sigh in relief.

"That is good to hear really." Issei said feeling a bit at ease.

"Umm... Ise... there is also one more thing that my mother called you here for." Ravel shily said her face going even redder.

"Hmm...?" Issei hummed making Sierra giggle a bit.

"Why yes, you see after that battle with Riser, I traded my bishop piece with him for Ravel, so in essence, Ravel is now free.

What I want to say is that when you hit the High-Class, I would gladly trade her with you, as I have a feeling that you will be a good influence to her and Lucy Lucifuge could help her learn a lot.

Yes, I saw Lucy and know her very well and I'm glad that she is now back to her former self." Sierra told him making his eyes go wide before he nodded his head.

"You sure that is a good idea to have Ravel in my peerage? I will be glad to have her with me, but I think it's better for her to choose if she wants to have me as her master. Then forcing her to accept it."

Issei said making Ravel go wide eyes at his declaration. While Sierra again just giggled.

"I see that you respect what other people think and feel. I'm sure that Ravel will be very happy to join you.

And I have a small gift for you Sekiry..." Sierra tried to finish it but Issei stopped her.

"Please just call me Issei or Ise, I'm not one for titles." Issei told her getting her to nod.

"Very well Issei, like I said, I have a gift for you, think of it as my husband's and mine way of saying that all is well between the house of Phenex and Hyoudou."

With that said Sierra nodded towards Raven who quickly stood up and left the room before returning with a small package giving it to Issei.

"Um... here Ise this is for you."

Ravel shily told Issei who smiled and patted Ravel on the head prompting her to have atomic blush and steam coming from her ears at his gesture.

"Thank you very much." Issei said getting Ravel to nod.

"You can open it if you like." Ravel quickly said getting Issei to nod.

Opening the package, Issei was left speechless, in his hand he was holding three bottles of Phenex tears that from what Lucy told him was very rare and expensive.

Quickly looking towards Sierra, Issei tried to say something but she beat him to it.

"Before you say anything, know this. While they are rare and expensive, we do have a storage of them for emergency and 3 bottles of them are not going to harm us or the market so take them. They will be more at use with you than sitting here."

She told him getting Issei to just nod his head before smiling.

"I have no words to describe what I feel. Thank you very much for this. If you need my help I will gladly help you all. But sadly, I must return home, I wish you farewell."

Issei said as he stood up and bowed to Sierra before Ravel escorted him towards the exit where he called Lucy to come for him.


It didn't take long for Lucy to appear near Issei and Ravel who were wait for her. Seeing her Love Lucy smiled gently hugging him tightly.

"How did it go dear?" Lucy asked while releasing him a bit to look at him for any injuries.

"It went perfect, I will tell you more later. I would like you to meet the youngest daughter of the House of Phenex. Ravel Phenex" Issei told her before introducing Lucy to Ravel who was a bit frightened by the girl in front of her.