
DxD: I Got Saved by Ophis

Issei's parents are killed by orders of Kokabiel and he is left all alone. As he is about to get killed by the people who killed his parents Ophis comes to save him. He learns that he is the great-grandson of the Vanishing Dragon Albion and coincidentally has his sacred gear Divine Dividing and the strongest Vritra sacred gear.

cakemonster · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 1

Death. Something that one shouldn't have to deal with until they're emotionally ready. Unfortunately enough at the age of 7 a young Issei Hyodou had to go through it.

"W-why d-did you do this w..why did you do this to my mommy and daddy?" Cried a little Issei. He was looking up at two people, dressed in black armor with large swords which seemed to have a look of dragons circling around the hilt.

"You see" One of the men said. "We were hired by a Fallen Angel named Kokabiel. Apparently he couldn't risk the chance of you and your father ruining his future plans so he decided to hire us. Why he couldn't just have us kill your father and use you as a weapon is beyond me but hey we already got paid so whatever"

"Why are you even bothering to tell him this Siegbert?" The other man asked. "We're just gonna kill him anyways"

"Yes but I can't help but love the look of absolute fear in my targets Xander"

It was absolute fear he wanted and thats exactly what he got. Issei was too scared to even move from the floor of his home.

All he saw around him was the bloody walls of his home and the dead bodies of his parents. He didn't even understand why this was happening to him.

Who is Kokabiel? How were they a threat in any plan? All he knew was that his father was a lawyer and his mother was an accountant, they couldn't ruin any plans.

"HOW COULD WE RUIN ANY PLANS WE'RE JUST REGULAR PEOPLE" Issei cried out. This was the first time that Issei yelled at someone with absolute hatred. But he didn't care, all he wanted was to be reunited with his parents.

"Regular people you say? That's just barely true since your mother is the only one in your family who's normal" Said Siegburt.

"W-what do you mean?" Asked Issei

"Foolish child you really didn't know huh? Well since you're about to die I'll have the decency to explain why. You see, your father is a dragon, the grandson of the White Dragon Emperor to be exact. From what we have been told he came to the human world to live life away from the supernatural 20 years ago. He eventually met your mother, got married and well.. the rest is history" Issei didn't understand how this was possible. His father was a dragon? No, he's just a boring lawyer thats all!

"No..no you're lying! There's no way that my dad is a dragon, its impossible! Issei said, not willing to believe what this man has said.

"Open up your eyes child. Haven't your parents been secretive at all?" Xander asked.

As he asked that Issei did realize that he has been restricted, to the point that he's been watched at all times by his parents.

He's never been allowed to be around fire, never was allowed outside the house unless his father was with him, hell he was home schooled and was never allowed to interact with any kids his age.

He realized that his parents would always keep things away from him. Whenever he would ask why he couldn't do all these things they would just say it was for his safety.

"As I thought, you were never told about your true heritage. Too bad that you learn about it as you are about to die." As Xander says this he raises his sword to execute Issei.

'Mommy...Daddy, now we can be a family once again' Issei thinks as he starts to cry.

"Not yet young one"

When Issei heard a voice of a stranger person he decided to look up, confused at why he wasn't killed right then and there.

Thats when he saw a woman who seemed to be around the age of 20 to 25. She wore a black gothic dress with a purple ribbon on the back and had long black hair.

She seemed to be unafraid that there were two men with swords and armor infront of her but thats when Issei saw what was happening to them.

"D-damn you how dare you interfere with our business" Siegburt said, while slowly and what seemed to be painfully disintegrating into ashes.

"You see I need this boy for future plans and I cannot allow him to be killed, so now I bid you goodbye" Once she finished speaking she snapped her fingers and they began to dissapear even faster.

"I HATE YOU!" They said in unison as they began to burn into ashes until their bodies were completely destroyed.

Once they were no more the young woman turned around to look at Issei. She looked almost emotionless with those dark grey eyes he couldn't see anything, no emotion at all. Even her movement looked dead as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Who are you?" Issei asked, confused at why she wanted to for any future plans of hers. "Why did you need to save me?"

"You have potential to be powerful. You are a descendant of the White Dragon Emporer. I need this power to reclaim my silence. With you I can finally eliminate Great Red" This mysterious girl went on to say that everything about God, Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils is true.

Mythical beings like Dragons, heroes like Heracles and gods such as Zeus, Odin and Anubis are real. "To answer your first question my name is Ophis and my question to you is, what do you wish to do with your life now?"

When Ophis had asked him that it hit him. What was he going to do now? He had lost his parents who were the only source of protection for him.

Now he had only himself to depend on. He was only a kid and he was left all alone. No kid his age should be left alone like this...Wait thats it.

No one his age should lose his parents. They shouldn't have to depend on only themselves.

He doesn't want anyone to be put into this type of situation. He wants to make sure no one will be left alone like he was. Never again.