
DxD: I Got Saved by Ophis

Issei's parents are killed by orders of Kokabiel and he is left all alone. As he is about to get killed by the people who killed his parents Ophis comes to save him. He learns that he is the great-grandson of the Vanishing Dragon Albion and coincidentally has his sacred gear Divine Dividing and the strongest Vritra sacred gear.

cakemonster · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 16

He lunged towards Issei and swung two new spears at him with the full intent of killing him on the spot. Every swing of the spear he made Issei dodged it with little to no effort and continued to destroy them one after another.

After this process was redone a few more times Issei dodged a final swing of a spear and cut one of Dohnaseeks arms off.

"GOD DAMN IT YOU BASTARD" He yelled in pain. "HOW DARE YOU!"

"Well you were about to kill me so I call that self defense" Issei replied almost mockingly. "Now time to choose what else i'm gonna cut off"

Dohnaseek tried flying away and use Twilight Healing to heal his lost arm but was interrupted when Issei flew up and sliced off one of his wings.

"Well isn't that unfortunate it looks like you lost your wing" Issei mocked. "I hope you don't mind if I TAKE THE OTHER" With a swing of his sword Issei cut off the other remaining wing leaving Dohnaseek screaming in pain.

"PLEASE SPARE ME" Dohnaseek pleaded.

"I bet the nun was also begging for mercy yet you still killed her. Its entertaining at how these events turned out" Issei stood in front of the down Dohnaseek, eyes closed and reach his arm towards him and began to summon shadows around him. The shadows waved around him until they went into Dohnaseek and pulled out the sacred gear he had stolen from the nun.

"You're no longer a threat to anyone Dohnaseek. You have no wings, no power. I'll let you live to fight another day" Issei said as he turned his back towards him and began to walk away.

Dohnaseek just laid there, enraged that he was defeated by a simple half breed. He shouldn't accept this. He won't accept this! He stood up and made a final spear of light and started to run towards the unsuspecting Issei to slay him on the spot.

Everyone besides him noticed what Dohnaseek was about to do and tried to call out to him.

"ISSEI BEHIND YOU" They called out.

Unfortunately he wasn't quick enough to turn around and what he saw was a large spear of light heading straight to his face.


The sound of breaking bones was the last thing everyone heard until they realized what had happened. A spear of light had pierced the skin and the bones of not Issei but instead of Dohnaseek.

A large gaping hole formed in his stomach by the spear which had stabbed him.

It wasn't a violet spear of Raynare nor the yellow spear of Kalawarner but it was one he didn't recognize. This spear of light was light pink in color.

"M-mittelt h-how dare you" Dohnaseek struggled to say.

"You were a traitor Dohnaseek. There's no place in the Grigori for traitors" Mittelt said. "Now die" She summoned a new spear of light and impaled it into Dohnseeks head, killing him.

"Mittelt I was gonna do that, you stole my moment from me!" Kalawarner said.

"You were just too slow Kalawarner" Mittelt replied. "I think old age finally caught up to you"

Ignoring the two Issei began to make his way towards Rias and her peerage.

"I gotta thank you Rias. Without you I don't think either Raynare nor Kalawarner would have survived this" Issei said.

"You're welcome Issei but I hope you're gonna keep your end of the bargain" She replied. "Its time that I reincarnated the nun"

As she was making her way towards the nun Issei went in her way and stopped her.

"I don't think that she would be the best of servants" Issei said.

"And why's that?" Rias asked.

"If she got herself tricked by the rogues then it would mean she's too trusting. What if she gets tricked into betraying you?"

"If she won't be my servant then who will Issei? You promised me"

"I know I did. I have the two perfect replacements"

Issei began to walk towards Raynare and Kalawarner with Twilight Healing in hand.

"Ray, I want you to have Twilight Healing and join Rias' peerage" He requested.

"B-but why"

"She can keep you safe as long as you're a part of her peerage. This way if i'm not around she can take care of you"

Rias walked over to them and tried to help Issei convince Raynare to join her. "You don't need to worry about how you're treated. My family is known to treat our servants like family" She explained.

"Can I stay with Issei?" Raynare requested, trying to hide a blush.

"Of course you can. I won't take you away from him" Rias replied.

"Hey hey hey" Interupted Kalawarner. "If you make her your servant you will have to do the same to me"

"If that is what you wish I can't deny you of that" Rias said.

Issei gave Raynare the sacred gear and Rias reincarnated both her and Kalawarner using 4 pawn pieces for each.

"Alright I think it's time for everyone to head home" Issei suggested .

"You're right. I'll see you tomorrow at school Issei" Replied Rias as she and her peerage, minus Raynare and Kalawarner, teleported away.

Before leaving, Raynare and Kalawarner ran up to Mittelt to see where she was heading.

"Mittelt where are you going to be going now" Raynare asked.

"I'm not sure. I might just go back to the Grigori" She replied

"Why don't you come live with us" Kalawarner suggested. "I don't think Issei would mind. Do you Issei?

"No not at all. I think I have an extra room for her" Issei replied.

"It's settled then! Mittelt is gonna come live with us now" Raynare exclaimed.

"A-alright then. I'll gladly live with you guys. Thanks you" Mittelt thanked.

"Let's go get you settled" Kalawarner said.

The Fallen Angel trio went flying towards the house to get settled in. Leaving Issei in the church alone.

[Aren't you going to follow them?]

"I will but I have to do something really quick"

Issei went to the laying body of the nun and carried her outside. Once they got to the outside he church he dug a quick hole and buried her.