
Sephiroth Graal

"I'm Cao Cao, the descendant of the Chinese Warlord Cao Mengde from Three Kingdoms." The Holy Spear user introduced himself.

Valerie tilted her head confused. Is Cao Cao a big name? She isn't really aware of various figures from other factions as she was mostly locked up in the dungeon.

He must be very strong though, fighting off against their faction and leaving unscathed is a very impressive feat.

And he looks so young too. She's probably even older than him..

"So what are we gonna do now?" The Vampire Princess asked the million dollar question. They can leave from the looks of it but where would they go?

She's a Dhampir and fairly recognizible as well, the Carmilla Faction is the closes but she doesn't think that they would welcome them, even if she's a girl.

"The Church. It's the most suitable place for us currently." She heard Cao Cao speak.

The Church? Suicidal, she hears that someone named Vasco Strada exist there. A person that even her father feared.

She also needs to find her too.

"Yes. For a Dhampir, it may be a bad place for you, but you're not just a Dhampir but a Longinus user." 

Valerie tilted her head at Cao Cao's words. Longinus user? Is it related to the chalice inside her?

Cao Cao blinked seeing her reaction but soon chuckled and explained.

"So you don't know huh? I guess that's understandable. With the ego of vampires, they don't want something surpassing them, so they will keep the knowledge for themselves."

Valerie was even more confused, "Can you explain? I feel like I'm not getting you.."

The hero descendant cleared his throat and explained the general knowledge about the supernatural world. She may be a part of a supernatural faction, but since she's isolated most of the time, it's understandable how she's ignorant of the world's affairs.

"As for Sacred Gears, they are created by the God of the Bible so that humans can protect themselves. Among this Sacred Gears, there's a class called Longinus, those Sacred Gears are classified as Longinus due to their potential to kill Gods."

Valerie perked up hearing that. Gods? A human with this Longinus can have the potential to kill them?

"There are 13 Longinus, and you Valerie possesses one of those, the Holy Grail of the Secluded World: Sephiroth Graal, the Holy Chalice used in the last supper."

The Vampire Princess' eyes widen at that revelation. She knows that the golden chalice she has is special, her brother is always forcing her to use it after all.

But to think it's a God Killing Artifact is just… surreal.

No wonder she was spared in the execution.

"So… what does my Longinus do?" Valerie stood up and asked.

She knows it can heal, but other than that she only knows some theoretical knowledge.

"Well, it's supposed to manipulate the principles of life and death, but…." She saw Cao Cao looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"Tell me, how many chalice do you have?" 

Valerie's was surprised by that question but still answered, "... I have 3 chalices under my possession."

Cao Cao closed his eyes and sighed.

"I see." 

Nothing has changed so far, he's worried that something may have changed but it seems there wasn't.

That was relieving.

"Is there something wrong with having three?" His reaction confused her. Is it bad having 3 chalices?

"No. On the contrary, it's good. That means you have three Sacred Gears: and those are Longinus," Cao Cao continued his explanation, "Summon your grails." He urged her.

Nodding, she reluctantly brought up her palm and summoned three identical golden chalices.

"Fascinating…." Cao Cao muttered with amazement. If Azazel saw this, he would be jumping in joy.

"You have a Subspecies Sacred Gear. Subspecies gives Sacred Gears extra properties that they normally wouldn't. Yours is a miracle, not only it's a subspecies, it's also a Longinus. A terrifying combination." 

Hearing that, Valerie recalled two of her grails and looked at the remaining one.

"So this is supposed to be really special right? How do I use its other abilities?"

She doesn't understand what controlling the principle of life and death is. She does know basic healing.

".. I heard that a subspecies Sephiroth Graal can do miraculous things like removing someone's weakness or reviving dead." Cao Cao lied through his teeth. There are no records about subspecies Sephiroth Graal, this is the first time it happened.

But she doesn't need to know that.

Valerie, who was looking at her grail, was surprised. So that's why Maruis was adamant of using it. By removing their weakness to sunlight, they would be stronger, probably even beat their rival faction.

"Are you a Longinus user as well?" She can see that he's a human, but with that strength, he should also be a Longinus user.

"Indeed, if you wield the Holy Grail then I wield the Holy Spear. In a way, we are connected." Cao Cao made a joke in the end. There's no point in hiding it from her, and it's also better to have someone you trust.

Valerie Tepes fit that category. From her background alone, she can be considered an outcast plus her Longinus, then even she will have a tough time to find someone to be in her back.

Reveal some of your secrets to make others comfortable, a risky psychological trick, but if you use it correctly then it can work.

"So that's the reason why the spear hurts…" Valerie mumbled under her breath. That spear was terrifying, even now she can still feel the phantom burns.

"You can remove your weakness, just ask your Sacred Gear, they do answer sometimes." From what he remembered to his master, Longinus had spirits inside them. Even someone like Dimensional Lost has one. It may not be like the Boosted Gear or Divine Dividing that has the soul of Heavenly Dragons to aid the user but other Sacred Gears have their own.

The True Longinus for example.

"I remember trying to talk to it once but I saw something instead… " Valerie shivered. 

"That something must be a ghost." The Dhampir looked at him in surprise.

"What? It's not really that weird. I did hear that by overusing the Sephiroth Graal, the user would end up being broken and even start seeing spirits due to their connection to death." Cao Cao shrugged.

Valerie on the other hand was terrified. Ghost? She's afraid of ghosts, although she wouldn't admit it. But this Sacred Gear of hers would harm her?

"Hey, don't look at it like that. Yours is different, remember? You have subspecies, I'm sure that you'll be fine." The hero descendant assured her. That was true, she wasn't broken yet. It's only a matter of time before she could fully understand it.

Nodding, Valerie recalled her Sacred Gear and asked, "When are we gonna go to the Church?" 

"Tomorrow, let's leave here first. It'll be bad if vampires catch us here at night." Cao Cao shook his head. True Longinus or not, vampires are stronger at night, he doesn't want to face an army of those amped fodders.

It'll be annoying.

Without further saying anything, Cao Cao summoned Kinto-un and asked Valerie to get on it.

Nodding, she took one last look at their territory's direction before flying away.