
DxD: Golden Peerage

[Do you desire to save your race from extinction? if so... accomplish a mission for me and I shall bring your race not only to salvation but also... supremacy!] Those were the words prompted in the mysterious screen in front of her as blood kept pouring out of her wounds, for Grayfia Lucifuge, a devil in the middle of the civil war against the Old Satan Faction; there could not be more treacherous yet hope-inducing words, it could be a trap, but it could not. She had the option to choose between 'Yes' and 'No'. For her who was at the edge of death with a family that needed support and a cause to fight for, there was not much of a choice. Little did she know, the mission she was tasked to do wouldn't be a simple or common one. In the faraway multiverse of Helius, one of the most powerful entities in endless existence slumbered atop his myriad treasures when his senses perceived something that shouldn't be possible. Intruders were common; Intruders remaining in his realm this long without perishing... were extremely rare. Upon appearing before the silver-haired maiden in odd attire, he huffed a breath frightening enough to make the strongest gods flee on the spot, but she remained in place - conflicted, but in place. "Before you perish, tell me... what is an ant like you doing in my realm? and why are you still alive?" Disbelief was concealed in his mighty voice. The maid thought a lot about what words had to come out of her lips for her to survive this hurdle, eventually, with her century-worth of experience in romance, she managed to find a fitting answer. "You're the Primordial Golden Dragon God, Richter-sama, right?" She asked with serenity. "Sama? I don't know about that... but you're correct. With your foot standing on my treasury realm, do you still dare ask about my identity, Demoness? you haven't-" "Richter-sama... my name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm here to conquer your lonely heart" "..." ** ** https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to join my discord server to have novel discussions with your peers, get illustrations and participate in polls! Get up to 30 advanced chapters in my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere

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218 Chs

The Greatest Host

[Richter's POV]

In the mids of my kiss with Grayfia, I smirked slightly, something that she seemed to take advantage of to further push her tongue inside my mouth, what a greedy maid.

As for the reason for my smirk, some people just don't learn the lessons in life. Let it be that way, let me see if Grayfia also didn't learn her lesson.



I was taken out of my delicious cherry kiss with Grayfia when my mother-in-law's voice resonated loudly across the whole hall. She was in the middle of it with something in her hand, it was like a metallic cock if I had to call it somehow, what a naughty mother-in-law I'd say, but no one seemed to be criticising her choice of model.

"I believe that I share most of everyone's thoughts when I say... that no one expected this banquet to be this thrilling~" She spoke to this device and her voice transmitted across the whole hall.

"YES!" the guests yelled at her and threw me sidelong glances, it seems the party is not sombre anymore.

"But now that the issues have been resolved, it is time for us to formally present the guests that have attended today to this banquet; the purpose of it is to congratulate my beloved daughter's return. Many of you know what she was up to leaving her beloved mummy behind, most of you don't but... that is not the case of debate today. Instead, I hope that we can all give a round of applause to my beloved daughter for accomplishing her mission and coming back safely!"

"CONGRATULATIONS!" A round of applause resonated for Grayfia, Fia explained to me that not all of them knew that the reason this Calliope or Destiny came to this world was because of her, they did know however that she was sent away by Calliope and hence; never regarded her as a coward that fled the war.

"As expected of a member of the Lucifuge!"

"Worthy of Greyoll's daughter!"

They all yelled a clamour towards her and her father, Greyoll. But... I noticed that Layla wasn't mentioned at any moment. When I shot a glance towards her, she had been staring at me... a smile flashed on her expression for a moment before she turned away.

I believe that's odd, given Grayfia's genetics the normal thing for her and Fia would have been a blush and then to fiercely turn her head aside, nevertheless, I let her be. I wonder what she's gonna try to do to take me away from Grayfia and make some time for Sirzechs' they must think that I can't see through the punny barrier he cast~

The magic waves are still being transmitted in this space brats, if you don't want me to hear, send them through a parallel dimension instead.

"Not only did she manage to survive... but she also brought along with her a present~ I believe most of you know who he is, the two of them arrived here by 'accident' which means... they actually never tried to come back to this lonely mummy, how sad..."

Everyone laughed at Fia's sulking action.

"Nevertheless, the accident occurred and here they are, I just hope they have an 'accident' in nine months as well~ Little Millicas needs a cousin right?!"

Whistles resonated all around while Grayfia blushed so much that she sank into my collarbone.

'I never thought about it, master... do you think I-?' there was a blink of fright in her voice, perhaps the prospect of being a mother? I don't know... I think she will do well.

'The odds are very low, but it is a possibility' I told her, 'we will discuss this later, just so you can understand, as a primordial... the way you will conceive my child is... different, we have to be prepared'.

'H-Hmm, I will give you... as many as you want, Richter-sama' She rubbed her head against my arm.

This maid... she's looking for it.



"With that said and awaiting my dear grandson! I'll reintroduce you all to my beloved son-in-law, the Golden Dragon God, Richter Golden-Haze! He hails from the same lands as Lady Calliope!" Fia extended her hand in our direction and a round of applause enveloped the hall together with gasps of surprise, I guess most of the weren't aware of this detail of me coming from the same place as 'Lady Calliope'.






"No wonder he's so strong..."

"The Lucifuge Clan just gained another ridiculous supporter".

Everyone had different opinions.

"I'd also like to announce something since my daughter is here~ there is no need for me to remain as the head of the Lucifuge Clan any longer, I'd like to give the mantle to my daughter" Fia expressed herself and beaconed Grayfia to stand up and express herself.

It was to be expected, but Grayfia was not prepared for her mother's sudden decision after all, we were supposed to leave eventually.

'What is mother doing?!' She yelled at me, standing up as a servant walked towards her with another one of those metal sticks.

'Securing me as the Lucifuge Clan's pillar, what else could it be?' I answered her with a sigh, although Fia was in her right to request her daughter to take over, she is aware of our circumstances and still proposed it in front of everyone, indirectly pressuring Grayfia.

Sometimes mother-in-law is lewd and touchy-feely, but at others... she can be shrewd and smart.

"My daughter, if you will... would you like to give some words?" Fia smirked, earning the silence of the whole hall that awaited Grayfia's words.

"My master and I appreciate everyone's presence in this banquet tonight; particularly my person, not taking into account my position in the Lucifuge clan... to see a peaceful underworld has been my deepest desire during childhood; to witness it come to fruition brings feelings that I can't describe, this place is no doubt my birthplace and shall remain in my heart forever. That said, I'm afraid I can't accept my mother's proposal. I can't become the head of the Lucifuge Clan"

"WHY? GRAYFIA-SAMA!?" It wasn't only the noble devils of the underworld, even the servants of the Lucifuge Clan questioned her decision, regardless of race, they had come to like their young mistress that was struggling to change her views on angels and fallen angels.

"Naturally because I belong to my master now... his home is my home, and our home is not here... we're temporarily stranded due to an accident but once the path is clear for us I shall follow my master back to our home. Coming back here is a possibility to visit my clan and acquaintances, but I can't possibly take the charge of this family when I can't be present here at all times".

Her conclusion made most of the noble leaders sulk, the servant sighed and bowed before heading back to her spot.

"I see, those are some bad news, my daughter... I thought you would be the perfect fit" Fia smiled instead, it seems she knew of her failure even before it happened, she was just testing her luck.

"It seems you're going to have to produce another heir, Fia-dono~" Zeoticus Gremory, the other redhead spoke with a smirk; lifting his cup with a hidden glint in his gaze that wasn't lost to anyone.

Another person that grit his teeth was August Sitri together with the older Blonde from the Phenex.

It seems mother-in-law has plenty of suitors, even Grayfia was surprised at their blunt attitude.

"It looks like that Zeo~ then... I'll have to work on that but the council shouldn't fret as I already have the perfect candidate, and he's right here, right now!~" She giggled all the way as gasps of disbelief filled the hall.


Another bombshell was thrown in the room. I wonder who is the lucky fellow?~

Lord Gremory, Lord Sitri and Lord Phenex looked at each other with poison as if swearing that either of them was the lucky chosen one.

"Who is it, my lady?!" The servants added further spice to the fire, aware that the person to marry Fia would be their master, they loved her with their hearts.

"That's obviously a secret~ with that said, then it is time for me to introduce you all, in the rare case that you don't know one another~" Fia ignored the continuous gasps and extended her hand towards the first group.

"First and foremost our beloved family, the Lucifuge Clan that hosts this banquet, conforming it are me, my beloved daughter Grayfia, my beloved son-in-law Richter and lastly... all of my beautiful servants that you see; regardless of their race... I hope that you will respect them in my presence. Insulting them is like insulting me and... I don't think my son-in-law would like that, right dear?~" She directly spoke to me as Grayfia was about to put another cherry in my mouth.

"Absolutely, I'd have to slaughter that person, moreover... whoever insults the shrimps I will personally gut him or her!~" I said out loud with a joking tone merely to go according to her designs.

Alas, awkward laughter spread all around together with sweat and nervousness, I think they didn't like my joke, these lads and lasses are taking things too seriously.

Grayfia's eyebrows twitched as she looked at me, but refused to make any comments.

"Next is the Bael Family, the attendees are Lord Folmes Bael and his son, the heir and rating game young generations champion, the Golden Lion! Sairaorg Bael~"

I saw the man that sat with me prior and the one that looked like his son, they didn't seem to be particularly close with one another and there was a breach. How interesting, Golden Lion.

"The Agares Family is no doubt one of the most influential in the underworld; Lord Agares comes accompanied by his beautiful daughter and heir, Seekvaira Agares!" Everyone cheered towards them and I noticed Seekvaira looking my way, our gazes met and yet she refused to let go.

W-What's her deal? is she going to be looking at me all night?

"The satan of foreign affairs, Serafall Leviathan-sama!-"

"It's Levia-tan! mou! Fia-chan you meanie!" Sera-tan complained loudly, earning a burst of laughter.

"... as I was saying Leviathan-sama has come alongside her family from the Sitri Clan, Lord Sitri, Lady Sitri and their daughter, the heiress of the Sitri Clan, Sona Sitri!" Fia presented the people that I already knew, Sona Sitri seemed to be widely respected despite her age.

"The strongest Devil, our satan of domestic affairs Sirzechs Lucifer has brought along his big family! His wife and my beautiful daughter Layla Lucifuge... Lord Gremory and Lady Bael hug their beloved daughter and our dearest sharing grandson, Rias-chan and Millicas-kun respectively~

The mentioning of them brought upon the biggest cheering yet, it seems the Gremory and Sirzechs are very popular among the noble families. It is no wonder, I have to admit he is the strongest among them four followed by Ajuka Beelzebub.

"Venelana, don't forget... I have the majority of the share of little Millicas, got it?~" Fia uttered only for the auburn-haired lady to smile 'kindly' and make an 'X' sign with her hands as she grasped her shy grandson.

"Dream on, sweetheart~," said Venelana Bael with a sassy smile.

"The next one is the fearful military satan, Falbium Asmodeous-sama who has brought along the heir of the Glaysa-labolas clan, Zephyrdor!"

The number of people clapping but not cheering was so obvious that it felt awkward, especially when everyone looked at the green-haired boy as if he was the pest. Many clapped but I could see that this satan was the least famous by a long shoot.

"One of our most prideful satans, Ajuka Beelzebub-sama has come with his breathtaking wife and queen, ex-Archangel and now Higher Nephilim, Sandalphon-sama! they also brought along their breathtaking daughter, Albedo Astaroth!"

There were a lot of people cheering but there were many more looking at the mother and daughter with a concealed poisonous glint, I see... so Nephilims have this treatment even when they're close to a Devil King. The mother seemed awkward about it as Ajuka hugged her to appease her, but the beauty's eyes crossed mine with a confident smile once again.

'Nephilim, Albedo Astaroth... what an interesting girl you are' I thought inwardly, perhaps I'll talk to her later on.

'Is there anything wrong with her, master?'

'Hmm... well, that girl is concealing her strength with some sort of device. She's in reality way stronger than her aura is letting out~'

'I see, should we mark her as a threat?' Grayfia's eyes turned sharp.

'I don't think she would be a threat to you, Demon Goddess~'.

'Then should we let her be, Richter-sama?'

'For now, yes... I'm not here to divulge anyone's secrets'.

Grayfia nodded but her eyes were piercing Albedo, my beloved maid... don't give us away so quickly.

Fia continued when her gaze swept along all corners of the hall.

"How promising!~ Rias-chan, Sona-chan, Seekvaira-chan and Albedo-chan together in one room~ if Latia-chan was here we would have 100% of the underworld's young gorgeous big sisters in a single room, this old can only sigh in jealousy~"

Once again whistling became the rule, it seems those four ladies that caught my attention were indeed hidden gems of the underworld. To me, this girl Albedo and Sirzechs' sister, Rias, had the most potential power-wise.

Nevertheless, Sona's mature behaviour is way more advanced than her peers; perhaps only Albedo's shrewd nature can compare to her in that aspect. If she's going as far as to conceal her powers in front of the four satans then her motivations should be deep.

"Lastly, there is a surprise guest, the Phenex Family! Lord Phenex and Lady Phenex came alongside their handsome heir Ruval Phenex and the lucky star of the rating games, Raiser Phenex! I firmly congratulate the mutual bond that is going to be formed between the Phenex Family and the Gremory Family through Rias-chan and Raiser-kun~"

I looked at the redheaded girl only to notice that her gaze was firmly placed on me, I lifted my eyebrow and it was then that she evaded my gaze, as for the blondie... he was looking at her with raw lust.

An animal in heat I see; a mere gaze at the two made me understand what was going on. The fate of the weak indeed is to be swayed by waves until settling down in a foreign port, far away from the hoped destination.

At least she has the potential to overcome her fate, the laws of destruction are one of the most powerful in any universe; if she can harness them, in this whole room except for me, Grayfia and Sirzechs, no one can match her.

"With all due introductions done then-"

"Fia-sama, we have a last-hour guest!" Lucy yelled from the back, coming upstairs alongside a tall man. Everyone gasped when they saw him.

From him I smelled sulfur and fire, I see... a Local God.

"Hephaestus-sama! Please come in! Now, this is unexpected! We have a God of Olympus with us today!"

This chapter is worth two...

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