
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 35 : Godzilla

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"I would have never pegged you for a Godzilla fan." I admitted as we watched one of the movies I had on a separate shelf.

"Well then I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover." Yuuma said teasingly.

"I suppose so." I admitted, 'Though I can still tell you that you are a Fallen Angel.' I thought afterwards.

Thus we continued to watch Godzilla, actually two of them, an old VHS pair I had, Godzilla versus the Sea Monster and Godzilla versus Megalon.

"Well then." I said as I started to rewind the old tapes, and don't judge me, I like the old films better than some of the new films, it's the same thing with videos games. A lot of old games actually have heart in them while a hell of a bunch of new games lost that heart real fast and turned into Cash cows… I'm looking at you Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed, "What do you want to do next?" I asked.

Yuuma's stomach answered for her.

"Never mind." I Chuckled, "So I'm guessing you skipped breakfast."

Yuuma blushed at what I said, "S-so did you!" She cried out genuinely embarrassed.

"Ah…" I teased, "But you arrived so early I couldn't have breakfast."

"What is that supposed to mean? I'm a distraction?" Yuuma demanded.

"Well…" I said intentionally lengthening the word, "You are rather attractive I'll admit."

Yuuma just grinned, "Oh? Are you some pervert that likes looking at these?" Yuuma asked thrusting her chest out at me.

"Oh no, these aren't what I was calling attractive." I said pushing her chest back, not touching her breast's mind you, "I find the most attractive part of a woman is her eyes."

"Eyes?" Yuuma asked tilting her head.

"The eyes are the windows to the soul." I said, "A woman can hide her appearance and her personality on the outside, but the eyes are must harder to hide things with."

"A-and what about my eyes?" Yuuma asked, starting to sound a little worried.

I just smirked, "They tell me you're a girl who likes to keep a lot of personal secrets." I said, "They are also quite beautiful I'll admit."

"Thank you." Yuuma said after she took a silent sigh of relief, though I did notice her blush ever so slightly.


The two of us had a late breakfast, to which afterwards Yuuma said she had to go, saying that she wanted to get some cleaning at her home done and she couldn't put it off for two long.

"I'd love to come visit you tomorrow though." Yuuma said.

"Well that would be nice Yuuma." I said holding out my hand for her to shake it, which she did, "Though I feel I need to warn you, some girl I saved without even knowing I did so has committed herself to serving me in anyway possible, I managed to convince her to stay home today but she's probably gonna barge in tomorrow."

"I… See…" Yuuma said admittedly confused.

"Yeah… Still don't get it myself." I admitted, "Hell she even tried to slip into my bed last night… Butt naked too."

"Perverted woman." Yuuma grumbled.

"Agreed." I said, "Well, see you tomorrow Yuuma."

"Bye." Yuuma said as she left out of the door.

At that same moment the door shut I was hit by a Pop-Up notification.

[A Bounty has been slain and reward sent]

[Return to Bounty Board to claim reward]

Oh, I had forgotten I had sent out a few of my Living Dolls to take care of the Devil Bounties I had.

So with that I went into my I.D. and found the returned Living Doll standing by my bulletin board, her Longsword (Which Misha decided to give me last night after I nearly kicked her out of my house… I also learned she really can turn into a bat) sat on it's shoulder, the blade cutting into the dolls dress ever so slightly… And the five other dolls in similar set's of gear behind it.

I walked up to the bounty board and set my hand against it.

[Devil Bounty- Jean Graviins: Dead]

[Reward: 20,000 Yen]

"A reward that is admittedly too simple." I sighed putting the money in my pocket and sent a set of Spirits out for a traitorous Fallen Angel (To which all the requests were from Azazel so he at least gives reason as to why they should be killed.) this set being a single Living Doll with a troop of five Shades' following it.

It was at that moment my next set of Spirit's arrived… A whole troop of six Zomibes… What? I like sending out my troops in groups of six, seems like an efficient number, enough to overwhelm the enemy and keep them well distracted, but small enough not to draw too much attention.

I figured I may as well take a seat and wait an hour for any more to return.


"Holy hell." I muttered after 7 more Troops of Spirit's returned, with seven more sent out as I'm constantly getting new bounties, and I had amassed a hell of a lot of Yen.

"A Million Yen." I muttered looking at the cash on the table in front of me, "Oddly… Not very exciting a reward. I mean I don't get any experience for these Bounties."

I sighed once more and returned to my house, now don't get me wrong, A Million Yen's not as good as a Million US Dollars, but it's still nothing to sneeze at… Though with Devils rewarding me I was expecting something more… Exotic really.

Ah well those were weak strays, all of which were determined as Criminals and had a human fatality count… Maybe I'll get higher ranks if I have higher level bounties taken care of.

One thing I can't seem to find myself doing is sending out my hunts toward Stray's that have a Human Fatality count of 0. Why? Because honestly I feel they may be like Kuroka. An innocent that killed their master out of fear, fear of what they were doing to them or what they were going to do.


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