
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 11 : "Must be Souna."

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Chapter 11

I cracked my knuckles and grabbed the needle and thread from the table, "For now though, let's see what else I can do with these scraps."

[50 minutes later]

[Shade Cloth Socks- Wearing these will silence noise made by anything you step on, even those pesky conveniently placed branches. Don't worry wearing shoes over them won't nullify the effect.]

I gave my new, block colored socks a smile before I put them in my inventory and looked to my next creation.

[Shade Cloth Shirt- Wearing this will constantly suppress you're power to a reasonable level and make's it difficult to identify you as anything other than human when wore. It's also thin enough to be considered an undershirt, but it doesn't do anything to withhold heat.]

My eye twitched slightly at this, if I had known about this thing before then I wouldn't have held back on trying to train.

Slipping the shirt on using my Inventory's ever so convenient 'Equip' Function I opened back up to my stat's screen and put in the last 12 of my points.

[HP: 205/205]

[MP: 160/160]

[STR: 14]

[VIT: 11]

[AGI: 13]

[INT: 11]

[WIS: 11]

[LUCK: 12]

[Unused Stat Point's: 0]

"Well that's off my schedule." I said dusting off my hands, then I blinked, "The heck is with these Shade Cloth items though, this is pretty strong long term gear for such early enemies? And why the hell am I questioning it in the first place?"

With that I left the room and walked to the Spirit Sanctuary and to the tome, I did give a look around the place and saw that all my Spirits, at least 2 dozen Shades, were all in their little blue flame form just floating around.

Opening the tome I held the Shade Cloth Revolver over the tome.

[Infuse: Select the Spirit you want to infuse into this weapon]

"Shade." I said simply, I mean it's all I got at the moment.

At that moment a blue flame appeared in front of me, flashing into a translucent Shade before turning back into a blue flame and launching upward and then back down into my revolver.

[Infusion- The bullets themselves shot from this gun make no sound no matter what they connect with. Meaning if they hit a wall next to someone or shot right by their ear, they won't notice it unless the see the bullet's impact site or feel the thing.]

I picked up the revolver and observed it, just to make sure that my Modification wasn't destroyed.

[Shade Revolver]

[A revolver that has been modified and infused, making it the ultimate in short ranged stealth attacks]

[Infusion- Bullet impact and travel are silenced]

[Shade Cloth Mod- Gunfire is silenced]

I could effectively fire this right next to someone and they wouldn't even know what happened…

"Okay, what the hell is with these Shade's and Shade materials?" I asked looking at the Spirits… Speaking of which I don't think I've ever equipped one.

So I pulled that up on my equipment screen real quick and equipped on of my lower leveled Shade Spirits.

[Shade Spirit Equipped- +2 INT]

[Note: The level of the Spirit's you equip has no effect on the equipping effect, the effect of equipping a Spirit is based PURELY on the type of Spirit you equip. In other words don't equip a high level Spirit when there are plenty of lower leveled Spirits of that type you can use.]

"Now there's some useful information." I said smirking before returning to my Sanctuary Living Room… in Which I got a pop up.

[A New Room has become available in the Sanctuary]

[Library- In your library you will find all the books you have in your inventory, along with any Skill/Spirit Books you've used. Note that these Skill Books cannot be used a second time and thus are purely there for reading.]

[Two new Books have been added to your Library.]

[Material's guide- This books holds all the information you've learn about materials and their uses in Modification and Potion making.]

[Spirit Manifest- This book holds information on each Spirit you've collected, what abilities they can currently use, and any information on the effects of Infusing them.]

"Now that's certainly helpful." I said smirking, "Though I have to wonder why I didn't get it before though?"

Shrugging I decided to think about it later and left my Sanctuary.


I walked back into my house and stretched a little bit, "Morning jogs are always a good way to wake my ass up." I mumbled to myself, though I made sure Kuroka could hear me speak so she would have a reason why I'd vanish every morning after feeding her.

I'm also actually going to go on morning jog's starting tomorrow anyway, gotta boost my stats somehow.

Of course naturally a few minutes after I was back inside I heard a knocking on my door.

"Must be Souna." I said to myself, also cuing Kuroka to run off and hide, "After all I do need to learn about where I'll be attending."

Walking over to my door I pulled it open with a smile while saying hello to the woman on the other side of the door before I blinked at who it was at my door.

"Well, you aren't who I was expecting today." I said with a blink.


Yuuma Amano A.K.A. Raynare was standing at my doorway and had blinked in confusion, "Who were you expecting then?" Yuuma asked.

"I was expecting Kouh Academy's student council president, she said she'd come by to give me a layout of the schools rules and regulations… probably more." I admitted, "Would you like to come inside?" I asked.

Yuuma seemed hesitant in answering before she nodded and took her shoes off before stepping inside.

"So what bring you to my humble abode slash gaming den?" I asked hiking my thumb at my bookshelf full of video games, which I'm glad I have, but am not gonna question why I have them here.

Yuuma raised an eyebrow and looked at me, "Are you some kind of Otaku?" Yuuma deadpanned.


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