
Dxd: Dimensionals Group Chat

CodexZero · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

It was a beautiful morning Itsuki could be seen sitting on the couch and looking at his phone there was still 1 hour before school started.

[Itsuki have gained 82 points]

[Kazuma have gained 94 points]

[Maito Gai have gained 70 points]

[Edward Newgate have gained 53 points]

[Kamijo Touma have gained 5 points]

[Maito Gai: .... I'm sure your luck will be better tomorrow..]

[Kamijo Touma: no it won't]

Itsuki spent some time exploring the group chats as he heard his mom said "Itsuki go wake Issei up for me will you?"

"Okay mom," said Itsuki as he went up to Issei room and say "Issei wakes up or you will be late for school"

Issei didn't even move an inch, Itsuki smirk as he said "Issei if you don't wake up in going to burn every single one of your 'special' collection"

"WAIT I'M UP I'M UP" Issei quickly jumps out of bed and yells.

"Good now go change your clothes"

"Kay Nii-san," said Issei while yawning.

Itsuki was wearing Kuoh Academy school uniforms consisting of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes.

After Issei changes they both go down to get breakfast and go to school.

"Bye mom, bye dad," Itsuki and Issei said.


Itsuki and Issei was about to enter the school gate suddenly a stray arrow came out of nowhere and hit Issei in the kn-*beep*





Itsuki and Issei was about to enter the school gate suddenly a baseball came out of nowhere and hit Issei in the Nut

(A/N: Much better)

Issei fell down to his knee as he hold his ball. 2 female freshmen came and said sorry, Itsuki said as he give those 2 a thumbs up "why are you saying sorry you did nothing wrong"

The 2 freshmen were confused as I just drag Issei away to the infirmary. After recovering Issei said dejectedly "how could you be so mean, I'm your brother and when I got hit in the ball you said they did nothing wrong"

"then stop being a pervert then I will stop being mean," said Itsuki.

A young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye walk up to Itsuki and said "the president of the students council want to have a talk with you"

Itsuki sigh and follow her.


Itsuki enter the room and look at Sona and said "I heard you want to have a talk with me?"

Sona nodded and said "yes I want you to join the student council"

Itsuki immediately rejected it with no hesitation.

Sona then said "how about a game. If I win you will join the student council and if you win you can ask any favor from me"

Itsuki needed to change the subject quickly he know he could beat her in a game of chess but that would mean that he would have to marry her.

So Itsuki tried his hardest to bring out his inner Kazuma "I'm sorry but I won't join the student council no matter what. If you ever want me to join the student council then you need to change the school system"

Sona raises an eyebrow as Itsuki continues to speak "well you see I'm a true believer of Gender Equality. This school used to be a girl school, the balance between the two genders is too off balance"

"For example, if a girl drops her bag in front of a boy the girl will expect the boy should pick it up for her but when a boy drops his bag then the girl will think it his fault so he should be the person to pick it up"

"To me, this school system is too unfair for the boys. For me a true believer of Gender Equality we boys should have our freedom also, if a girl can slap our face then that means we boys can drop kick them if we want."

[A/N: Itsuki uses confusion]

Sona and her peerage stood there dumbfounded by what she just heard.

[A/N: it's super effective]

"Now if your excuse me I better get to class or I'll be late" with that Itsuki left the room


On his way to class Itsuki sighs a relief because he manage to avoid a disaster, everything he said just now was BS even he knew that but he had to say something to get away.

On his way to class he saw the Perverted Duo trying to peek in the kendo club, 'what are they even doing, why are they peeking at them training they aren't even in the locker room for god sakes'

And yes it Perverted Duo, not Trio luckily he manages to Drive Issei away from that path, Issei is now a closet pervert which in Itsuki opinion is better than the original.

Itsuki walk over to the two and ask in a loud voice "hey what are you two doing peeking into the kendo club"

Matsuda and Motohama jump at Itsuki voice.

The girl inside of the Kendo club also seem to hear what he said and 2 girls immediately ran outside the club, upon seeing them both Matsuda and Motohama immediately ran

it was Murayama and Katase

Murayama is a young girl with gold eyes and long brown hair. She wears a pony with long strands hanging down to the left and right of her face.

At the back of her head, she wears a red ribbon on the left and right, which creates two ponytails.

Katase has short pink hair and a white headband with brown eyes.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING" Murayama yell and chase after the Perverted Duo.

Katase on the other hand go over toward Itsuki and bows while saying "Thank you Itsuki-san" with a small blush on her face

Itsuki just scratched the back of his head while saying "I didn't do anything"

"Well I'll see you later then I got to go to class," Itsuki said with a small bow and made his way to class.

Murayama came back and grumble "Damn those two got away"

Murayama looks around to find Itsuki but he is nowhere to be seen, her mood drops even more because she wanted to talk to him.

Itsuki walk into class and sit down next to the window (A/N: Protagonist seat)

Someone walked toward his table.

Itsuki looks and immediately recognize who it is, it is Akira Kayoshi one of Itsuki's friend (A/N: OC btw) Akira have jet black wavy hair and violet eyes he is extremely handsome.

All of the girls in class seem to be whispering something to each other while occasionally glancing at them while blushing.

Because he had somehow become one of the Prince of Kuoh academy alongside Akira and Kiba.

Even though he is Issei's twin they are different in a lot of ways, for example, Itsuki is a lot more handsome than Issei, he is smarter, stronger, and also kinder than Issei.

Akira is a natural-born fallen angel he meet on a mission 2 years ago and brought him back to Azazel, his mother was killed because she was a fallen angel and no one knew who the father was, Itsuki even suspect it was Baraqiel secret love child but that theory is still on hold.

Azazel decided to raise him as he did with Vali, him and Itsuki immediately became Best friends.

"Yo Itsuki how it going," Akira said in an energetic tone.

"Can't be better" Itsuki replied with a smile because he had just gotten his Group chat yesterday how can he not be happy.

"I really don't get you Nii-san, Akira-san how can you two be so happy when it's a school day" Issei join in the little chat.

"All you gotta do is believe that you are happy then you will be happy," said Akira with a small smile

"Akira-san are you alright? do you need any help because what you just said sounded like denial" Issei said in a worried tone.

"I have to agree with Issei. Are you okay Akira?" Itsuki also sounded worried but he think he might know why.

"Well try living with a battle junkie who wakes up at 4 in the morning and drags you awake just to train with him then you would realize my pain," Akira said while still maintaining his smile.

"I think I am already living with one" Issei said as he look over at Itsuki and Shiver.

He still remembers a couple of years ago Itsuki would drag him out of bed at 4 just to train martial art with him.

Because of this Issei is way more fit than his original counterpart.

"Oh come on don't be a bunch of lazy bum, training early in the morning is good for your health," Itsuki said with a grin.

Both Akira and Issei just deadpan at him.

As all three of them was talking the teacher walked in

"Okay silence down class"

Everyone stop talking as the teacher started his lecture

While Itsuki was just sleeping because he had already learned all of this before in his past life.

The teacher just decides to ignore him because every time he wakes Itsuki up and tells him to solve the equation he always gets the right answer so the teacher just gave up and lets him sleep.

Issei and Akira was cursing in their mind 'Damn genius'