

An otaku who is sleeping found himself in DXD and the world he knows is not that fair considering a woman did not reincarnate him due to him became a normal human that did not have a Sacred Gear until he met ROB who gives him one set of power that he loves to have them.

ARCHER07 · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs



"Oh boy. I went rampage on that fight." I mutter as I got a feeling I am going to get scolded by Sona Shitori and her Vice President.

Damn it is a dragon slayer nature to create situations like that every time I battle using dragon slaying magic.

Destructive is a part of the dragon.

"Okay. From what I know from that fight I need to focus on more long-range attacks than close distance attack spells since if they are in pinch flying creatures tend to use their wings to gain some distance or fly away from their opponents. I did not use any of Noble Phantasm and decided to just use my Purgatory Dragon Slaying Magic.

It is just a whim during the battle that I decided to propel myself like Shinra from Fire Force. Oh man, now I remember my shoes and my Kuoh Academy attire are burned apart.

I think I only have my pant and underwear. The other has turned to ashes.

" Hope Sona-Kaichou can get me a new one. I also need her to give me shoes and a suit that can withstand my fire. Wait for a minute how the heck Natsu and that God Serena did not burn their clothes." I crouch down while thinking for an answer.

"Control you, idiot. " I smack my forehead as I did not control my fire properly to not burn my cloth and shoe at all. I just went to Natsu at that fight with my focus is to beat that Dohnaseek.

My brain then did its job as many ideas formed in my head as I know in this dimension my attire will not burn.

"Hmmm. Let's just add many attacks spells in my arsenal. " I thought in my head.

"But first." My body then get pressed to the surface as I changed the gravity pressure 3 times heavy than the one on Earth.

The basic is to do 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats and then run 10 km. But for the run, I will add some courses that I need to do. Hmm maybe do a time limit.

As I except doing the push-ups in the current situation is really hard and I had about 7 hours 45 minutes before I get yeeted out from this dimension.

Ignoring the aching I do the sit-ups as I grit my teeth ignoring my knee and stomach that feels like it's been tightened by something heavy.

"Remember about Trihexia and the future Overpowered Enemies. Remember about Trihexia and the future Overpowered Enemies. Remember about Trihexia and the future Overpowered Enemies. Remember about Trihexia and the future Overpowered Enemies. " I keep chanting them in my mind as I know other than Trihexia, there will be other enemies and creatures that will harm this planet.

I need to become strong. I am not the one who has a Sacred Gear and the bloodline of the devil king. And I did not get power up by pressing my fingers toward the woman nipples. And certainly, I am not the one who has a nocent dragon that can back up their hosts and even rescue their host when their body gets destroyed entirely. I am just a normal guy who has many magics that are not supposed to exist in this world and the next wanna be Diarmuid Ua Duibhne.

Stronger than the characters that I have inherited their power. I can use them in ways they never use.

"Rarghh!" I release a roar after doing the squat as I ready myself for a run.

So being the reckless person I make the 10 km run with many challenging courses like American Ninja Warrior except the floor is diamond.

This is to increase my endurance as I start my run and after finishing the first course that involved my jumping I proceed to do the second course I hug the log as it roll but it got off the course as I fell to the diamond ground with the log is heavier than the normal one.

No pain no gain, sounds cliche but every shounen MC character had to go through that to become stronger than before.

2 hours before the time is I finish running the courses as my body part has scratches and my head is bleeding. Fuck my knee is bent in different angles with my left arm is so numb that I did not feel it.

Closing my eyes my body shines as it gets healed back though I will feel that change in my body after I woke up as I proceed to train my Dragon Slaying Magic.

Now there are 30 minutes before my time is up as my throat feels very dry as my leg is now shaking very badly as I imagined a jug of water that now poured water into my mouth as I gasp for breath with me had to recover my legs from shaking.

Oh man, I hope I can wake up early for school tomorrow.

"Hmm. Time of Space? Ey, fuck it. I am going to inherit both of them." Well, the inheritance has kicked in---

"Fuck. My head!" I grab my head as my head is about to split as I roll on the ground with me seeing many vivid images of both characters from Black Clover.

"Stop!!!" I screamed but they never stop as I now have about a minute with floating grimoires are above me as I close my eyes as I now have access to reinforcement magic that most magic knights used to boost their physical strength.

Okay. I will train Zenon Zogratis's magic and devil powers after training Time Magic. Luckily the devil that I inherited will obey me without feeding me with negative emotions.

The dimension crumbles as I open my eyes I had to close my mouth as I feel the after effect of my harsh training for hours as I had to bite my blanket to avoid me from screaming.

"This is just the second time and I feel like I am about to give up. Yeah, fuck that. No way in hell I am going to throw the towel like that." I close my eyes as I fell asleep.


"Okay. No girls are awake yet." I mutter as I put all the plates with me serving them a toast with sunny eggs with bacon.

I am now brewing the coffee for myself as I prepare a tea for the girls when I turn my head only to see pair of red eyes that are staring at me.

Akame Satsu, that is her full name.

"Good morning Satsu-san." I greeted her as she stares at me.

"Morning to you too Dragon-san." She replied as I never bother to know why she call me that.

So all the peerage members are up and sit at the table as they eat the breakfast that I serve.

"Guess we now have Akito here to prepare us breakfast," Maki said as she finish her breakfast.

"Sweet. That means I now did not have to worry about someone waking up early and preparing breakfast for us." Leone commented.

"Thank you for the breakfast Hiro-san." Stella thank me.

"You are welcome," I replied as I am about to clean the dishes but Reya stop me from doing so.

"Let us wash them Hiro-san. " She said as Momo made all the plates flat toward the sink as she and Tsubasa wash them.

"Whoa. Is that telekinesis magic?" I ask her.

"Yes. I am proficient in using it." Momo replied.

"Then can you teach me how to use it?" I ask her.

"Tell me the time and I will teach you," Momo replied as I nod my head.

"Akito. After school, we will teach you how to use your devil wings. From yesterday fight we see how your movement is hasty as you are like a bull that charges forward blindly toward his. opponent." Tsubaki told me as I scratch my chin seeing her make a review of my battle yesterday.

"Dragon Slaying Magic. A purgatory one that involves you spewing fire attacks. Can anyone learn it?" Sona asks me.

"You need to have a dragon lacrima in yourself. Mine get activated during that night. It seems me almost dead activates it." I tell her as I feel bad lying to her.

"So it is dormant before that huh," Sona mutters.

"Hmm. No wonder we cannot detect it." Sona thought in her head.

"Damn. Now we have another dragon in our group." Leone said.

"Dragon? Another one? Who?" I feign ignorance as I guess who it is.

"Me," Stella said.

"Though the main reason is due to my sword. I will show it after school ended." Stella tells me.

"We have finished cleaning the dishes," Reya announced.

"Okay. Momo and Reya will take care of you." Sona stand up followed by others as we walked toward the school.

"Here. Wear this on your arm." Reya throws me an armband that symbolises me as a member of the Student Council.

"We are going to patrol around the school and wait at the back hate to see if other students she that entrance to enter the school," Momo told me as I got the gist of what I need to do.

After patrolling around the school with me had to listen to all the things I need to do as member of the Student Council by both girls we arrived at the back gate of the school just in time to see a male student who had just jumped over it to enter the school.

When he sees us he scowls as I follow behind the girls.

"You again. This is the third time. I am going to need you to follow us for this kind of behaviour." Momo tells him but that guy just clicks his tongue.

Now I see his appearance he has d hair with ear-piercing on his ears.

"Piss of. Mind your own business." He tells the girls as Reya block his way.

"We insist you follow us Senpai," Reya said as I see how this Senpai glared at her.

"Move away before I smack your face girl." He said as I step forward.

"Are your ears deaf or what senpai? " I ask him as this time he directs his eyes toward me.

"Tch. Another dog from Student Council. Tell these girls to go away. When I am angry I can beat 10 adults at one time." He tried to threaten.

That's cute.

I just snicker as Senpai here gets angrier seeing this.

"Just that. And what is there to boast about? All the adults you have beaten up probably is drunk. Just follow us and I will promise this will end peacefully." I told him but without warning, he tried to kick my head but I let him too as I see how he retract back his leg as he grab it.

"The fuck your leg made of?" He asks me.

"Tungsten. Want to get hit by it? " I feign a kick as he crosses his arm to dodge it as I just laugh adding this.

"Now will you follow us? Or do you need tungsten to kick your leg Senpai?" I ask him as I stare directly at his eyes as he reluctantly nodded his head.

"Good job Hiro-san." Reyapats my back.

"Thanks." I thank her for the praise as Momo guided that Senpai to the Student Council.

Not a bad way to start my morning. And here I thought I need to bash his head to the ground to make him follow my order.

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