
DXD: A Chillin

Well you all know the drill. . . .A loner get's bitch slapped to the world of Highschool DXD with some overpowered wishes. Follow his journey as he spends his time chilling around in the new world while getting a harem.

S_Andrew · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Dawn

"Ugh…this headache" said a young man with black hair and black eyes as he rubbed his forehead with his palm, while walking down the street.

'Sigh…it's already this late, man it will take around an hour to get home from here, luckily its Sunday tomorrow so I'll get to sleep till afternoon…I seriously need some quality sleep' I thought as I continued walking.

Noticing a taxi approaching,


"XYZ#$% complex" , 'dude don't say no' I thought as I waited for his response.

"Okay" said the taxi driver.

After an hour or so I reached my place. It wasn't some sort of villa or something, just a normal 2 BHK flat, though it was big for someone like him who was living all alone.

Entering the house, he just flopped on the couch as he drifted to sleep.


"Huh!?, where am I?"

'What the fuck wasn't I in my room, what just happened and where the hell is my body!?' my thoughts ran wild as I frantically looked around, but all that I saw was endless darkness.

'Is this void?. .

. did I die and some ROB brought me here to grant my wishes and send me to a world of my choice'

I had read many fanfic's and isekai stuff so I knew the drill, it's just I never thought it would actually happen to me. Well might as well just wait, I'll find out what is going on once ROB appears anyway.

I didn't need to wait for long though as a glow appeared, bright enough to light up the endless darkness that shrouded this place. As the glow dimmed, a beautiful lady with golden hair and golden eyes, fair skin and an hourglass figure appeared dressed in a white gown, smiling warmly at me, as she opened her mouth to say,


'Huh!?' Me. exe stopped working

'What the fuck? Though even that ding sounded quite sensual from her ethereal voice, but what the hell was that'

I stared at her in confusion but her expressions didn't change in the slightest as she again said,



This sounded oddly familiar to me, as and how she continued to repeat the sound, I was abruptly woken up.

Looking around I found myself still in my room, just on the floor next to my couch where I had dozed off yesterday night, just then,



I noticed it was my doorbell ringing, groggily standing up I walked to the door, opening it I saw a delivery man standing there,

"Sir your package, please sign here" he said

Absentmindedly signing, I took the package, closing the door I went in the living room as I tried to remember what package.

'Oh yeah I remember I had ordered a body pillow of Akeno this must be it'

Opening the package, there was truck figurine in it as I thought it was wrong parcel,

"You thought it was body pillow, not it was me Truck-Kun!" said the truck figurine as its eyes or rather headlights glowed and my vision blurred as I lost my strength and passed out.


In endlessly dark space, two men could be seen seated across a table, an old man calmly gazing at the young man who was lying with his head down on the table.

Soon the young man groggily woke up.


"Hmm…" I woke up as I rubbed my face.

"It seems you have finally woken up young man" said a voice.

Looking ahead I saw an old man with a long white beard and golden eyes seated across me, looking at me with a smile.

"Uh…Hi there, I guess" I said not knowing what was going on with me since this morning.

"Well you must have questions right, let me get this straight you died apparently because of my subordinates blunder. The package you received wasn't meant for you but accidently you got it and opened it which led you to this.

When I found out what happened I brought your soul here in the void. As an apology I would grant you any of your 3 wishes but remember no asking for omni-level stuff and I will send you to a world of your choice"

"Woah that's a lot to take in, I didn't expect to die this early but well I guess what is done is done, might as well move forward", truth to be told I didn't have many emotional connections back on Earth, I was an orphan and grew up to be a loner, so never had any friends not to mention a relationship.

"It's good to see you are taking this calmly"

"Yeah no crying over spilled milk, especially in front of someone of your league"

"Hahaha…you could say that as well, so then tell me your wishes"

"For my first wish, I want Meta-Ability Creation"

"Hm…that's quite powerful ability to have well since I said I'll grant your wishes then fine…granted but you won't be able to

create any omni-based power with it"

'Hell yeah this alone is enough for me to become a nigh-omnipotent being…finally it's my days of becoming op harem protagonist…hehe I can't wait'

"No problem at all, for my second wish I want my body and soul to have Infinite potential"

"Hmm…this not a problem…granted"

"For my third wish just see that the orphanage I grew up in is well taken care off"

"Oh…you could have asked for something else but why this?"

"It's not like you don't know, I don't have anything else to ask and those people there are my only family this is the least I could do"

"Hmm…I understand, don't worry I'll look over them, well then since the wishes are done tell me the world you want to go and yes it can be a fictional one as well"

"Well then for world I choose – Highschool DXD, make me the same age as Rias"

"Alright done, now off you go kid, remember to enjoy your new life" said the old man with his ever present smile

"Thank you for everything old man, and that's what I plan to do" I replied with a grin, as portal appeared behind me and I was sucked in. Thus, it marked the beginning of my new life.



Please let me know how was the chapter.

Thanks for reading and drop some powerstones if you like the story.

Have a nice day