
Chapter 110

Hakuji enjoyed fighting quite a bit, it was his only real hobby besides praising his sun, but even he wouldn't want to fight the guy capable of shooting realm destroying nukes. Luckily, it seemed like it was a taxing spell since it hadn't been used again. That or the caster was dead.

"How. Fearsome." Cocytus summed it up nicely, his eyes returning to Hakuji just as quickly as they left. That was horrifying and signaled bad things for Styx but Cocytus trusted in his sibling's ability to survive.

"We have to finish this brother. I'm not going to last much longer." Even if aspects like them, gods in their own right, had survived more than the average species Phlegethon was reaching his limits. In reality, it was a miracle he had lasted this long.

"I. Agree. Let. Us. Finish. This." Despite being outwardly fine Cocytus was badly injured as well, his injuries no less severe than his brother. Meanwhile, Hakuji was fine with his undefeatable regeneration. It was like a never ending marathon with hope lost each second.

Raising his broken and battered halberd Cocytus awaited his opponent's attack, the two aspects much too tired to waste energy starting conflict, but it never came. Instead, Hakuji looked the two up and down before saying the most foolish things.

"Want to join me under my king?" It was an honest request of Hakuji even if he knew it was unlikely. The others like Lethe, the aspect of memories he killed, were people that Hakuji was fine with killing but these two were different. They were warriors, true ones.

"Ridiculous. We. Would. Never. Stoop. So. Low." Spitting out those words with a flaming vengeance Cocytus regained half his energy from anger alone. Although Phlegethon didn't say anything, it was undeniable that he felt the same way.

"I thought so. People like you wouldn't betray your loyalty." Sighing Hakuji rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. He wanted to fight the two for the rest of his life, always battling and growing together. He respected them that much.

"As annoying as your offer was, I see your point. We might be enemies but you don't seem too bad. But this needs to end." Holding out flaming fists Phlegethon changed his strategy, completely abandoning his long ranged style in favor of burning up his body and soul to do as much damage as possible.

Hakuji may seem fine, he may seem unwinded and his regeneration wasn't hindered but that wasn't true. His regeneration was slower just inwardly. His organs were taking longer and longer to come back the 'hungrier' he got. He was approaching his limit.

Luckily for Hakuji, he was used to starving because of his sun's punishment. Luckily, he was used to controlling his regeneration because of his king. Luckily he was used to working with fewer organs than normal because of Ingvild. Luckily, he had them around him to grow.

Stomping his feet once more the atmosphere ripped under his feet while his hands glowed a fierce crimson. This would be his best strike. It was something that encapsulated him as a person and the path he walked. His own Origin equivalent.

Holding his halberd in two of his arms Cocytus created two more weapons for his other hands, his plan of using them to freeze his opponent's body completely gone from his mind. He wanted to defeat his opponent or die trying. There was no scheming, no plotting, and certainly no trickery in a warrior's duel.

Yet before they could move a wall of ice manifested in front of them, the blistering speeds of the magic created a gust of wind so powerful that it practically begged for whatever rags that still covered Hakuji's body to come flying off.

"Stay out of this. This isn't something you can involve yourself in." Hakuji came off colder than he intended to but that was fine. He was about to finish it anyway so there was no reason for her to interrupt!

"Don't get cranky with me. Do you remember why I'm here?" Scolding Hakuji like one would do a dog Lavinia was uncaring of his battle. The reason she was here with Hakuji was because she could stop him for quite a while if he got too rowdy.

"Fine, fine, I'll step back." Glancing at the ice climbing his foot, Hakuji quickly dropped the topic. It was his fault for getting so heated and they didn't exactly have the time to argue. Of course, the same could apply to playing with his food.

"Phlegethon. Prepare. Yourself. She. Is. Strong." Cocytus went out of his way to warn his sibling but that wasn't necessary. Even with only one eye, he could see the monster at their doorstep and it was horrible.

If Phlegethon was to rank Hakuji, it would be a fierce tornado that destroyed anything that it came across and moved on. Lavinia on the other hand was like winter, a time of permanent frost that was inescapable. 

Hakuji was powerful, immortal, and strong, and yet Lavinia was a monster. Cocytus, the resident master of ice and snow, couldn't control his own power. His wavelength was being overwritten purely by accident. Or rather, it was so easy that Lavinia wasn't even thinking about it.

"I know that you idiot." Phlegethon spat back with a frown. Against Hakuji alone they had a chance but that wasn't the case anymore. With Hakuji the plan was to burn him so badly that even he would struggle to heal from it and then Cocytus would seal him away until this whole war was over.

But Lavinia was the exact solution to that problem. With her control over Cocytus' ice they couldn't seal away Hakuji and even if they did it would be useless. In the end, they were screwed entirely.

"Phlegethon. We. Must. Not. Fail. Our. Liege." Cocytus declared, his body abruptly glowing ominously as his damaged exoskeleton began crumbling away, its solid form melting into ice blue motes of light.

"It looks like we've got no choice. Hey, thief. It was fun." Praising his opponent with a smirk, Phlegethon's body immediately burst into glorious flames for only a second while Cocytus' body froze and shattered away. 

"They're trying to return their essence to Hades!" Shouting with worry for the first time in quite a number of years Lavinia swung her hand forward, a cage of ice trapping thin air as far as Hakuji could see. But he could sense it, their remaining energy running away.

Suddenly manifesting in front of them was a group aqua blue cubes, a wall of energy forming in between all of them creating an inescapable barrier for the energy. Shrinking and shrinking the four cubes the barrier was less than an inch thick before the cubes teleported away.

"I've taken care of it. Move on." Aguero commanded them, Lavinia swiftly creating a teleportation circle to help Tobio as soon as possible that closed as soon as she stepped through.

"What about mine?" Hakuji murmured pitifully.


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