
Chapter 84


On March 14, 1862, the British cabinet government announced that from now on, 30,000 troops would be dispatched from the British Isles to support the Cape of Good Hope.

At the same time, Shepstone was removed from the position of governor, and he was replaced by the appointment of the noble Joe Buen, who had been appointed to the post of major general of the army, as the new governor. It is expected to complete all the deployment work, which should be completed before the end of March.

Many people think that it is only a matter of time. After all, Shepstone has caused the whole of the UK to lose face, and getting such a punishment is the best result of popular anger.

In addition, the British Empire announced a shocking news that it will form an alliance with Italy and Austria.

Britain will support Austria and Italy to negotiate peacefully to resolve the Venice issue, while the three countries will cooperate in ultra-friendly cooperation in the Mediterranean, and Britain will also support Austria's continued leadership in the German Confederation...

This alliance was speculated to be used to balance the three-nation alliance of France, Prussia and the Netherlands, and it was clear that Britain felt threatened.

With this news, European countries are even more turbulent.


The Russian Empire, the Royal Palace of St. Petersburg.

"What the **** is the UK doing? It's such a move. Obviously, it can't see the three-nation agreement between the three countries, and it breaks the threat of the three countries to the UK.

However, following such an undertaking, the huge Central and Western Europe actually consisted of almost four parts, the United Kingdom, Italy, Austria and the Netherlands, Prussia, and France.

In addition, there are Sweden and Denmark in northern Europe and Spain and Portugal in southern Europe. "

Alexander II thought of the situation of the Tsarist Empire with some anxiety, "Britain is repeating its old tricks, or wants the developed Continent to fight first, but she is preparing to ignite the dispute between Austria and Italy, especially between Puo and Austria. , although this is a bad street trick, but it is very useful.

Victoria, Victoria, although we can't get married, but we cherished our first love with our hearts, I am a little curious, what do you think now, I don't believe it, you will forget me and forget the Tsarist Empire in you Beyond the chessboard with Viscount Palmerston.

However, the recent actions of the Netherlands have made me a little interested. Compared with William III, I prefer the little guy William IV. It is a pity that the Netherlands is not strong enough now. Otherwise, it would be good for Russia and the Netherlands to build a peer-to-peer alliance. choose.

However, as the Netherlands has established a presence on the Alaska Peninsula and Russia has an enclave on Kalimantan Island, the Russian Empire can create some potential threats to Britain in the Pacific Ocean.

I am very grateful for the help of the Netherlands. It seems that this time, the Tsarist Russia owes the Netherlands a favor, remember it first and pay it back later."


"What, the British Empire, the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Italy are preparing to form an alliance?" Bismarck frowned slightly.

"The British actually chose not to watch the development of the European situation? This is not their usual style." Old Mao Qi was also very puzzled.

William I said distressedly: "In this way, we are likely to face those small countries in the German Confederation that were about to fall to us, and shake the decision we just made. The name of the United Kingdom, It's too big"

William I regretted a little, "Did we do something wrong with the Three Powers Agreement with the Netherlands and France? Shouldn't we have joined the Three Powers Agreement in the first place, because so far, there seems to be something to be said, but it seems that there is currently none."

"Your Majesty, this is a taboo. Don't retreat when you do it. This is a taboo" Bismarck retorted: "The benefit, we are enjoying it now."

Seeing the confusion of William I and the curiosity of others, Bismarck explained: "Don't forget, because of this agreement, France, which we have been wary of before, has now become an ally, which allows us to concentrate on dealing with Austria within the German Confederation. influence.

The Netherlands can attract the attention of European countries for us, and we can develop silently, so why not do it?"


Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Bill Charlie said: "Your Majesty, the British seem to be suspicious, I'm afraid"

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that the British group this time will pose a threat to us?" William IV interrupted him, calmly opening the latest news about southern Africa.

William IV slowly flipped through the pages and said, "What's the situation in Belgium now?"

When Bill Charlie saw that William IV didn't answer him, he was stunned for a moment, but then relieved. His Majesty has always been jumping with such wild thoughts, and he was used to it.

"The four of them all started their final sprint. Currently, Melante from the French-speaking area is in the lead, Orban is behind, Danetang is third, and Bait is fourth."

Closing the "European Times" newspaper he had just finished reading, he raised his head and stared sharply at the Dutch director of international intelligence Mackay Sean. Urban fame stinks"

McKay Sean nodded and replied with a little excitement: "Yes"

William IV turned to Bill Charlie and said, "Danetang has been a little too low-key recently. Tell him to be a bit more high-profile. I've already given him the opportunity. If he doesn't seize it, the name Beit will be his. Nightmare"

Bill Charlie nodded heavily.

Because, he knew that the election campaign that had already been prepared this time was a huge wave, and the general election in Belgium will be a test for the Netherlands.

"While everyone was staring at the Hop-Prussian alliance, I started the Belgian evolution.

While all eyes are on Belgium, the Netherlands has completed a record territorial exchange deal with Russia.

At this time, when the world was amazed at our deal with Russia, especially because of its strategic position, when Britain was dissatisfied, I pulled South Africa out, so that Britain had to focus on it."

William IV confidently said to the two intelligence chiefs he trusted: "Now that thousands of people have died in the UK, they are panicking. If they know, this is just an appetizer, and the main course is still to come.

Hehe, when the main dish is on the table, let's see how much energy they can put on us, then, you have to..."


Southern Africa.

With the world famous because of World War I, the Zulu Kingdom has recently become the focus of various countries. At the same time as a foil, the British army in the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Town also became a joke.

However, will things be so simple?

On March 25, 1862, the new British governor of the Cape of Good Hope, Jobon, went to the Transvaal Republic to lobby and persuade them to accept British rule.

Due to the financial difficulties due to the war with the Zulu Kingdom for many years in the past few years, and the large-scale conflict with the Zulu Kingdom in the east, Joben finally got an answer that the other party considered.

However, this has already given Joben a good start, enough to temporarily transfer to London.

However, with the increasing number of British troops who landed at sea from Cape Town, the British here began to become more and more presumptuous, and even in the British colonies, there were cases of bullying the Boers.

This made the Transvaal Republic very dissatisfied, and directly told Jobon that if they did not change the situation, the Transvaal Republic would not accept any surrender from the United Kingdom.

The public statement of the Transvaal Republic did not result in any improvement from the British. On the contrary, the local media reported more incidents of Boer women being raped, and the frequency increased rapidly.

This led to a sharp decline in the relationship between the two places.

But when it came to March 27, Joben, a soldier, was indifferent.

Why, because the local army has already sent 20,000 people, and the remaining 10,000 people will arrive within 5 days. At this time, the pride of the British officer made him lose his eyes.

He also chose to be indifferent to the request of the Transvaal Republic to withdraw.

It did not improve the living conditions of the lower Boers, nor did it increase investment or improve local financial, economic, and political life. Instead, British businessmen and consortia were allowed to invest in land and make up for taxes that appeared out of thin air to the Boers. Aroused unease and dissatisfaction among the British Boer people.

On March 28, 1862, just when the British native army had landed 30,000 people, the Transvaal Republic issued a statement to the Boers, UU read www.uukanshu. com expressed their willingness to accept them from the British colonies to the Transvaal Republic to settle against the British atrocities.

With the issuance of this statement, the British were dissatisfied.

Jobun was the first to dispatch troops to gather 20,000 troops and quickly deploy them to Kimberley City.

This threatens the security of the Transvaal Republic and the Republic of the Orange Free State.

The Transvaal and Orange, plus the Boers in the British colonies, were naturally unwilling to be threatened.

So they united and expressed their opposition to British rule.

The war is about to break out, and the world is once again paying attention to this place. The Zulu Kingdom has assembled its military base next to the Orange Free State to face Cape Town in the south.

Up to now, Britain has less than 40,000 troops on its own side.

And the other Transvaal Republics, the Orange Free State Republic, and the Zulu Kingdom turned out to be the enemies of the past, and now they have become allies against the British, with an army of more than 60,000, a gap of 0.5 times.

However, many people think that in front of the elite troops of the local regular army, these parties are just dogs, and even if the military strength is doubled, it is enough to settle the opponent.

Even many countries in Europe are not optimistic about them, thinking that it is a question of whether the British won easily or difficultly!

On March 29, the Boers in the British colony took advantage of the main British army of 20,000 troops and drove to East London, a small town on the border of the Zulu Kingdom.

When another 10,000 native British troops entered Kimberley, the 50,000 Boers in Cape Town quickly overwhelmed the remaining 3,000 British troops.

It only took 3 days to occupy the entire Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope, and announced support for the Republic of Transvaal and the Republic of the Orange Free State.