
Chapter 344

On October 1, 1867, an article in the European Times immediately caused a wave of heated comments in various European countries.

"Hermann van Peron is known as the most famous expert on implementation commentary since the 19th century. He has commented on the world's political affairs for more than 10 years in Europe's most famous newspaper "European Times". Even the royal family and government officials will take his views very seriously, and then analyze the pros and cons of them."

"That's right. Principal Herman van Peron is too powerful. It is said that during this period, even Napoleon III was looking forward to his new political commentary. Thinking about it, he could peek into the strengths and weaknesses of the French Empire."

"Well, if I want to say, Hermann van Peron has been the President of Leiden University for more than 20 years, and he was the head of William III's think tank before. Although he has not been absorbed by William IV to continue to hold this position, he has also Being served as a policy advisor by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dutch cabinet government, it can be said that the diplomatic influence of the Netherlands has not diminished."

"You may not know it yet, but this time he published the article "The Great Surroundings of the Rapidly Changing French Empire", which was written by the Dutch government's foreign ministry at the invitation of President Hermann van Peron."

"Isn't it? Then, why was it published in the European Times? Isn't this view being popularized all over the world? How does the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs benefit from it?"

"You don't understand this, right? This is called a strategy of killing hearts. The purpose is to directly attack the French society and disturb the stability of the other society, but it also allows the French Empire and other countries in the world to be convinced of the folk viewpoint, because it only represents the folk viewpoint. , and it's a very convincing kind."

In "The Great Perimeter of the Radically Changed French Empire," Herman, van Perron, said that he had mentioned in the early days of the war that it would be a small Crimean war.

History may not repeat the scene where the Russian Empire faced the British, French, and Austrian lamp cabinets, but people in reality are bound by history. From Emperor Napoleon III of the French Empire to the diplomatic and strategic circles of the French Empire, they are obsessed with the glorious history of the French Empire. It is also entangled in the current rush of the French Empire, the glory of history and the cramped reality of the French Empire tore apart the elite of the French Empire.

The war between the invasion of the French Empire and the anti-invasion of the Kingdom of Siam was a war between two sovereign states, and it was also a war in which the foreign ambitions of the French Empire were most directly expressed. It can even be said that, if victorious, France would stand firm. Since 1815, France's history of being suppressed by various countries has turned an important page and is of great importance to the French Empire.

War is like an earthquake. The earthquake spreads far away and will cause different degrees of damage.

Prime Minister, the "fog" and accident of the war between France and Siam reversed the military image problems of France and Siam, as well as the status generally recognized by the international community. Falling from the altar of the two major military powers.

Over the years, the French Empire, with the status recognized by various countries, has been in various parts of the world, just like the invasion of Mexico in the Americas, which has made all countries fearful. Therefore, the French Empire has faced very little resistance, and very few countries have intervened, which made Napoleon III stable. It has established itself as a deterrent to Russia's military and strategy in the surrounding area and even the whole world. This is the only pillar for the French Empire to continuously pursue the status of a world power, even surpassing that of the United Kingdom.

From the Crimean War in 1853 together with the British support of the Ottoman Empire to defeat the Tsarist Russia, to the leading support for the Sardinian Kingdom (that is, the Kingdom of Italy, renamed after 1861) and the Austrian Empire in 1860, and then to the subsequent Mexican invasion war, and Some time ago, it deliberately supported Paraguay in large numbers to provoke conflicts in South America, and was ready to send troops to participate.

These types of wars of large and small battles greatly expanded the deterrent power of the French Empire and established and consolidated its position as the second largest military power in the world.

On November 20, 1866, the French invasion of the Kingdom of Siam broke out. Three days after the war, France encountered strong resistance. Although it occupied Echajiao, the speed of progress slowed down. Within 10 days of the war, while the French Empire was advancing slowly, its own casualties rose sharply, exceeding 3,000.

At the same time, fear of France broke out in the world public opinion. Most public opinion believed that the French Empire would quickly occupy the Cambodia area of ​​the Kingdom of Siam. But the last estimate was wrong. Until March 20, 1867, after April, the French Empire only occupied a few southeastern cities in Phnom Penh, and the casualties of the French Empire had reached more than 20,000 people. The reinforcements were also unsuccessful. The powerful military deterrent built by the French Empire relying on some advanced weapons and equipment of the army has greatly subsided. The most intuitive manifestation is that the firearms, battleships and troops of the French Empire were blocked by the Kingdom of Siam, and the warships were also sunk. A few ships. Come to think of it, in the future, the export of products of the French Empire, the world's third arms seller in the past five years, has dropped sharply, and the export will be greatly reduced. Some countries have even begun to refund orders.

Secondly, the French Empire War is a war between a big country and a small country. The proud and noble French Empire army originally thought that the road was going well, but the strong rolling side did not happen. Instead, it was trapped everywhere and progressed slowly. Napoleon III's military-strongman status was seriously damaged. . The image of the French Empire has plummeted, and the big country has been dragged down by the small country.

The third is that other middle countries such as the Netherlands joined in defending their strategic interests and publicly supported the Kingdom of Siam, which caught the French Empire by surprise and suffered even more heavy losses.

This is the first time that many small and medium-sized countries have united to resist world powers, and they have resisted. The French Empire was lost, both inside and outside.

Knowing that it is more than a month before the first anniversary, the war between France and Siam is still in the middle of Cambodia. The French Empire has invested more than 150,000 troops in this war, and the damage is more than half. It can be called Waterloo. a war,

The Kingdom of Siam has received more and more support from more and more countries. The members of the International Hague Tribunal Organization, the United Kingdom, the American countries, and until some time ago, Prussia and the Commonwealth of America seem to have expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Netherlands and cooperate with the Netherlands in the Pacific Ocean. This move, although it does not mean to publicly support the Netherlands against the French Empire, but who would think that there is no substantive content.

It appears that even the Confederate States of America in the south are starting to discuss humanitarian support for the Kingdom of Siam in parliament.

The French Empire was the primary contributor to helping Milliken stand out from the British colonies. Now the entire North and South Millikens help the opponents of the French Empire, which is regarded as a betrayal by the French Empire, which arouses the anger and revenge of the French Empire. .

This war in the Far East was an adventurous attempt by the French Empire to challenge the dominance of Britain and the Netherlands in the Far East. If it failed, not only would the French Empire's plan be aborted, not only the previous efforts would be forfeited, but the image of Europe would also decline, and the French Empire's own allies would become stronger. centrifugal tendencies.

In the end, the stalemate in this war was a move to restructure the power of the French Empire. Napoleon III may have realized that the Kingdom of Prussia in the north, with the defeat of the Austrian Empire, annexed the entire German Confederation, and its powerful rise is unstoppable. The kingdom has also absorbed the resources of the Far East and the powerful overseas territories of Africa. Although the rise of the kingdom is not as intuitive as Prussia, it is also a threat to the French Empire. The United Kingdom has completed the integration of the Indian subcontinent, and the rich resources are endless. It was transported to the British Isles via the Suyens Canal and the Mediterranean Sea, and the British national power increased slowly but steadily.

While the French Empire only relied on the barren lands in Africa, with a large area and few resources, it was difficult to fight against these threats. In particular, in the Mediterranean, there are also rising Italy and Spain, which is not willing to become a second-class country, so that the situation in the Mediterranean is also secretly fighting.

All of this brought a sense of urgency to the upper echelons of the French Empire.

Therefore, it is the national policy of the French Empire to plunder the resource-rich Far East and catch up with the tide of plundering resources in the overseas territories of the Imperium and other countries.

The United Kingdom, Prussia, and the Netherlands naturally also saw the mystery. Therefore, this time, the Netherlands took the lead in ganging up on the French Empire and won the public support of the United Kingdom and the secret acquiescence of Prussia.

Although the Netherlands has some fox-like posture, it did indeed play a beautiful set of punches. Punching to the flesh, the French Empire was in deep pain.

After the decline and growth, the French Empire declined, and the international image of the Netherlands increased sharply.

The outbreak of the war in the Far East and its stalemate made the French Empire into a quagmire, and provided the Kingdom of Spain and Italy with a good opportunity to get rid of the French Empire. Queen Yinsabel II accelerated the reform process of domestic politics and strengthened the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The strategic connection between the member states, the rejection of the French Empire's request for Spain to send troops to help France in the war in the Far East, and the distance from the French Empire on the international stage. It can be seen that the French Empire's military deterrent power and its control in the surrounding area The system, because of the stalemate of the Far East invasion battlefield, greatly ebbs.

A deep consequence of this war was that the French Empire had to face the international reality that the French Empire was once again isolated internationally.

Herman van Perron said that the French Empire is now abandoning the positive image established in the past few decades, abandoning many important heritages in history, and it is self-destructing its interests. The Pacific and Indian Ocean systems, but now the Siam Kingdom War will make the French Empire call out a hard boundary line with this grand plan, and the Linxi Empire will be forcibly established by the surrounding countries for a long time in the future. , was expelled from Europe.

After the outbreak of the war in the Far East, the International Court of Justice in The Hague was activated by the awakening of small and medium-sized European countries. Under the leadership of the Netherlands, these loose countries united and cooperated unprecedentedly.

The Netherlands took the lead in resisting the French Empire. Countries such as Sweden and Denmark supported the French Empire in response to the threat of Napoleon III of France. Even the countries in the Americas responded to the call of the Netherlands. Even the United Kingdom was frightened by this force, so the United Kingdom finally chose Joining the program intends to ease relations with these countries.

In the end, this force brought a steady stream of support, including weapons, to the Kingdom of Siam, which made the Kingdom of Siam bear the French Empire's attack. This was not only a victory for the Kingdom of Siam, but also a victory for these small and medium-sized countries. According to the Netherlands In private, it was an attempt by a small and medium-sized country to use proxy warfare to defeat the French Empire, and the result was successful.

Hermann van Perron pointed out that this war broke the rules and the world situation entered a period of chaos. The balance of power among countries also began to change.

The Netherlands even used this peculiar method to break through its own lack of strength and successfully challenge the French Empire, the second largest power in the world.

Fight to Fame is what it says

The French Empire lost the military deterrent power accumulated after the Napoleonic Wars. It can be expected that under the continuation of the Siamese Kingdom War, the sanctions imposed by the countries of the International Court of Justice in The Hague will be further expanded, and more small countries will be recruited to join the organization. Membership will increase, It is even possible that a major power has recently joined. In that case, this organization will have more power in global affairs, and the French Empire will face further isolation. This war incident became an excuse for the expansion of the organization, and the French Empire also became a reason for the unity of other European countries, establishing a hard border with the French Empire.

After this war, the expansion of the French Empire will definitely be suspended, and the policy of turning to the Far East will also stop. The French Empire has to put resources back into easing relations with neighboring countries. However, unlike the first half century, the rise of the Netherlands and Prussia's Strong~www.mtlnovel.com~ Europe has undergone major changes in the situation. It is no longer dominated by the United Kingdom and Tsarist Russia and Austria in 1815. The French Empire needs to face the compensation for the interests demanded by more countries, it is Napoleon III Need a headache.

With a large population and a mixed population, all aspects of France need to be changed, and it will suffer huge losses as a result.

Van Peron pointed out that it can be expected that after this war, the big European countries will no longer underestimate the status of small countries, and will not arbitrarily destroy the interests of the other side. He said that Europe may usher in a brand-new system, and the world will also learn from this lesson and welcome the coming decades of peace. Of course, this is just his guess. The specifics will only be known after everyone sees it.

William IV put this article down, agreeing with Hermann van Perron's point of view.

"It is indeed the folk voice of the Dutch foreign policy that I have tried my best to promote. I think all countries in the world are convinced by his views."

William IV was proud of Van Peron beside him.

The latter said: "The situation in Europe has changed, the rise of the Netherlands has become a reality, and the struggle in the Far East will continue. Your Majesty, I think the UK will be vigilant and be more prepared for us."

William IV nodded, agreeing with this statement.

"The advantages of France and the Netherlands have been thinning, both economic and military"

East Asia has become the center of world economic growth, and there is no military or economic advantage between Russia and Asian countries, but the opposite.

Originally the territory of Africa and allies of Catholic countries such as Spain and Italy were the French manoeuvre. But after this war, the primary challenge for France is how to ease relations, seek to cooperate with other countries again, and even explore other opportunities besides being sanctioned. "