
Chapter 337

On September 10, 1867, when the situation in the world was changing,

Prince George, the second son of Christian IX of Denmark, has officially married Princess Helena, the fifth daughter of Queen Victoria.

Following the marriage of the Danish royal family with the Netherlands, they have once again married a major country with influence in Europe, and the latter is also a world-class British Empire.

This makes all countries look at Christian IX with envy. After all, with the marriage of the eldest daughter and the second son, the two hugely influential roles in the world situation, Christian IX can be said to have a stable position at last. Even the German Confederation led by Prussia cannot or dare not invade Denmark at will at this moment. After all, it will face the two marriage partners of the Danish royal family.

And, don't forget, Christian IX isn't just marrying these two parties.

He has four unmarried children. Among them, the eldest son of Christian IX, Crown Prince Frederik, will be officially engaged to Princess Louise, the only daughter of Charles XV of Sweden, next year, and the marriage will be arranged in 1869.

The second daughter of the Kingdom of Denmark, Damag, and Crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich, the eldest son of Tsarist Russia's Alexander II, are officially married next year. If the two major marriages are successfully completed in the past two years, then the four sides of Denmark, except Prussia, are all his marriage allies. At that time, Denmark's position will be more stable.

Because of this, Denmark began to look forward to this day coming sooner.

But sometimes, the world is unpredictable, and joy and sorrow can be found everywhere.

On September 20, 1867, Crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich of Alexander II died of meningitis after falling from a horse in St. Petersburg. The European royal family was in shock.

Denmark couldn't be more wrong.

At the same time, because Crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich is married to Princess Damag, the second daughter of King Christian IX of Denmark, this fall has made the position of the princess of the Kingdom of Denmark very embarrassing.

Princess Damag, who was born on November 26, 1847, will be 20 years later in two months. She originally planned to marry the crown prince early next year. At that time, she will be the crown princess of the Tsarist Russia Empire, with infinite beauty.

But now suddenly the other party is gone, which makes the Danish marriage to the Tsarist Russia Empire get strong protection, and it seems that it is about to break the defense.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

Denmark's alliance with the Russian Empire in the east seems to have been shaken.

Marriage was originally a relationship bond established by European countries to find more reasons to combine the interests of both parties. If the bond is suddenly gone, some things don't work as well.

For example, the Russian Empire intervened in Denmark's affairs, and Denmark asked the Russian Empire to help suppress the powerful Prussia.

Therefore, all parties, including Bismarck, are waiting to see the reaction of the Russian Empire and Denmark.

Christian IX was also very uneasy about this sudden situation.

The eldest daughter, Princess Alexandra, is already married to William IV of the Netherlands, and even has a grandson and granddaughter. This eldest daughter is very favored in the Netherlands now, and even William IV let his eldest daughter take charge of a major international organization, the International Women's League, which makes Christian IX very envious. You must know that this is transnational in nature. Yes, quietly the achievements of the other two organizations established by the Netherlands today - the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the International Society of the Red Cross. He and most Europeans would not think that this organization was first established by William IV, and it has almost taken over the world. Most countries participate, and the organization is welcomed by women from the upper and lower classes internationally, and the Netherlands has no ambitions.

No one can guess what William IV was built with, and no one can guess how the Netherlands will use it. However, seeing the role of the later two major organizations in stirring up the world situation, no one would think that its role is only the role of women talking about today.

The marriage of the eldest son, Crown Prince Frederick, will strengthen the alliance with Sweden. The marriage with the Tsarist Russian Empire gave Denmark no more worries, but now that this happened, it made him feel a little overwhelmed for a moment.

So, in addition to comforting the second daughter Princess Damag, she could only helplessly wait for the result.

And Princess Damag was naturally very sad. After the death of her fiancé, Damag was distraught, and Damag was so heartbroken that his relatives were very worried about her physical condition. He was very involved in the Tsarist Empire, and he became very attached to the Tsarist Empire. Even she and her fiancé's parents had written letters, and those letters were definitely not the appreciation and affirmation of Alexander II and his wife.

This made her look forward to the future very much.

But now everything has become nothingness, how can she accept it easily.

It was under this circumstance that in order to relieve their daughter from this sad feeling, the Danish couple Christian IX arranged for her to visit Amsterdam and go to their own sister, Queen Alexandra of the Netherlands, to relax.

Now, she is quietly teasing her nephew Albert and niece Anna.

William IV and Alexandra looked at each other, and the latter sighed helplessly.

Alexandra said: "Damag, no one wants to do this. There are some things that God can't stop. What should be put down is what needs to be put down after all."

Damag raised her head, her beautiful face, although she pretended to be indifferent, her eyes seemed to be slightly red, but it revealed that her heart was still sad.

"Alexandra~www.mtlnovel.com~ You know, my relationship with him, since 1864, I have exchanged letters with him at least once a week, never without interruption, I have invested a lot of Many emotions, but at this moment, all collapsed and disappeared, how can I easily accept it."

Alexandra heard the words, but she felt a little empathy, and if it was her, she would do the same. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at her husband William IV.

Suddenly, she was stunned, because, instead of seeing William IV's sadness, she saw a trace of the glowing eyes that William IV showed only when he was in political calculations.

What time is it, when I am still thinking about international political calculations.

Therefore, she was a little dissatisfied, so she gave William IV a dissatisfied look.

Seeing this, William IV shrugged slightly.

No way, just now, a memory appeared in his memory, and that was about the future of Damag.

The sister-in-law in front of her has come here for such a time in history, and almost missed the Tsarist Russian Empire.