
Chapter 332

On August 15, 1867, King William IV of the Netherlands stated that the Netherlands, as a member of the International Society of the Red Cross, the Dutch cabinet government urged the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to pass a draft, which was intended to send a message to the newly established Kingdom of Siam within the International Society of the Red Cross. The Refugee Council provides more than 2 million guilders ($400,000 = £80,000) to support the International Red Cross to help refugees from the war in the Kingdom of Siam.

At the same time, the king also said that he will personally spend 10,000 pounds from his pocket to fund the project with the government.

For a time, the actions of the king of the Netherlands and his government were appreciated by countries all over the world, and other countries followed suit. The Kingdom of the Netherlands even triggered a large wave of donations, which William IV never imagined.

So at the beginning of the Assumption of Our Lady on August 15, 1867, major consortiums in the Netherlands and individuals in the country began to make donations one after another. When the upper government and King William IV sent nearly 200,000 pounds to the ICRC headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Director-General ElBaradei even held a press conference to express his gratitude to the whole country in the Netherlands for supporting the ICRC.

And on behalf of the Kingdom of Siam thank the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

With the end of this press conference, this information was quickly transmitted around the world under the action of telegrams. William IV, the Dutch government and the Dutch have become the hearts of people around the world and have become linked to friendship and peace-loving. This makes more than a dozen Dutch people from all over the world raise their heads high, which is enviable.

At the same time, there is no longer any ambiguity about the headquarters of the International Society of the Red Cross being located in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. After all, look at others, for charity, that is 200,000 pounds a week. You can try it in other countries, you know , Now a first-class steam battleship, the most advanced in the world, is only 200,000 pounds. If it is the previous sailing-class battleship, it is only 100,000 pounds.

In other words, the Netherlands donated the purchase cost of a most advanced steam-class battleship to the Kingdom of Siam in one week.

Is there a more direct act of kindness than this?

I haven't seen the world's most powerful country, the United Kingdom, who followed the Netherlands as a charity called Lao Huan, but when the one-week armistice period ended on the 22nd, the United Kingdom only donated 100,000 pounds, of which 10,000 pounds belonged to Queen Victoria. 50,000 pounds are from the British government, and the remaining 40,000 pounds are private donations.

It can be seen that in the UK, there is still a lot of thunder and little rain when it comes to charity.

In addition to the United Kingdom, the larger donations this time include Prussia £90,000, the Commonwealth of America £80,000, Austria-Hungary £50,000, the Confederate State of Millikin £40,000, Tsarist Russia £40,000, the Kingdom of Denmark and The Kingdom of Sweden is 30,000 pounds. The most surprising thing is that the Kingdom of Belgium has reached 30,000 pounds, which is extremely surprising.

It is said that many Belgian French people also donated, apparently to distance themselves from their support for the invasion of the Kingdom of Siam.

There are also large and small donations from other places, with larger donations from Italy, Portugal and Greece, ranging from £10,000 to £20,000.

Even in the French Empire, some people set up a French donation group, donating almost 20,000 pounds.

When the one-week armistice ended, the ICRC received a total of more than £800,000 in donations from all over the world, which was the largest donation since the ICRC was founded, and it also became the organization's largest operating fund. The International Society of the Red Cross has become famous and recognized by countries all over the world. Its dove of peace and the Red Cross have become symbols of peace and friendship.

Many political leaders from various countries can't help but sigh that another organization founded by the Netherlands has successfully advanced to become a huge international influential organization, and has the ability to transform the world, and the Netherlands is still firmly in control of the dominance, which makes including Envy glances from countries including the UK.

William IV looked at the statements made by current and former dignitaries in various countries in the European Times, and he secretly praised that the international newspaper he secretly promoted has become No. 1 in international influence.

It has also become a microphone for the best interests of the Netherlands.

"The intervention of the International Society of the Red Cross has really ruined the reputation of the French Empire, and it has also increased the reason for countries to intervene in the invasion of the French Empire. Thinking about it, the French Empire will face more and more difficulties in the future. After all, the French Empire's opponents and strong enemies In fact, there are many. It is not only the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, but Prussia and Austria-Hungary, which are lurking and developing, are even more dangerous. However, this is a good opportunity for me and the Netherlands who are familiar with the future trajectory.

The invasion of Siam by the French Empire will enter the stage of anticlimactic, and it is difficult to achieve great achievements. It is less than three years before 1870. If history is not deviated, after more than two years, Bismarck and William I led Prussia, in success After integrating the resources and power of other countries of the German Confederation, it will blatantly anger Napoleon III in 1870, and let the latter launch a war against Prussia. For the purpose of revenge, he will reach the Versailles Palace in Paris, France in one fell swoop. The German Empire officially Established and on the world stage, the hegemony of the European continent under France and Germany means that Europe will also reach a new balance point, and the next 40 years of peaceful development will come~www.mtlnovel.com~ The Netherlands needs to maintain and plan."

Prussian Berlin.

Prime Minister Bismarck looked at the Prussian cabinet government's report on the influence of the Hague International Court of Justice and the International Society of the Red Cross, the two major organizations formed by the Netherlands. Looking at the potential assessment and influence of these two organizations, Bismarck couldn't help but cast to the west. sighed eyes.

He said to William I: "Sometimes I have to say with envy that William IV's head is so easy to use. The establishment of such two organizations is so in line with the Netherlands."

Seeing the puzzled look of Crown Prince Frederick, Bismarck explained: "Does the Crown Prince think that Prussia can launch the same institution and gain the same influence with the Netherlands?"

"Isn't it?" Crown Prince Frederick asked rhetorically.

"Of course not," Bismarck sighed: "Prussia is too powerful, as are Britain and France. Big powers are guarding against each other, and small countries are afraid of becoming the sphere of influence for big powers and being the target of annexation. I think many people see it now. When we come, we all remember that we just merged with the German Confederation."

Hearing this, Crown Prince Frederick was silent.