
Chapter 26

When Louis Bell said that the first secret weapon was the Mauser gun, and after listening to the introduction, several people in the army were surprised at first, and then all showed joy on their faces. This can be said to be an unexpected joy.

After all, what was originally used to deal with the British Empire is naturally the navy that the British Empire is good at, but the contrast is the army firearms, how can this not be surprising.

Especially after hearing that Yu Yue produced more than 50,000 pcs on average, I was even more ecstatic.

With it, the threat on land will plummet.

Several members of the Navy originally stretched their necks to wait for the good news, but they did not expect this effect.

Immediately dissatisfied, they all stared at Louise Bell, the Dutch Minister of Armaments, but the latter turned a blind eye, which made William IV amused. He thought of a certain program in the top ten. The longer the delay, the more scolding and scolding alternately appeared between the audience and the players.

Louis Bell in front of him likes to do this, and William IV couldn't help but think that next time he will host a dinner party and other press conferences, he will be a good expert in pretending to be suspenseful and driving the atmosphere.

"Mr. Bell, do you know what our navy's secret weapon is?"

Yes, many of the army's new firearms present have used firearms, and they all understand that the power of such Mauser guns does not increase by much, but the interval between each of its guns is much simpler and faster. You must know that the battlefield is changing rapidly. , in a second, it may kill you.

The appearance of the Mauser gun will bring earth-shaking changes to the armies of various countries for Europe, and it is even more good news for the Dutch army!

The army's weapons are so amazing, then, now that the strong enemy is on the other side of the sea, it is even more necessary to form a secret weapon to intimidate the other party. Then only a breakthrough can be taken to maintain the tough price against Britain.


From the words of His Majesty William IV just now, Louis Bell knew that it was time to reveal the truth to them, the politicians and military generals of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

What His Majesty wants is to give information to these people, such as a diplomat who has been stationed abroad. If he has a clear understanding of the strength of his country, then when negotiating with the host country, not only will his waist stand up, And in the negotiation process, more breakthroughs can be found.


This is a very embarrassing word, and everyone present felt cold.

Because, submarines are really tasteless.

Even Chief of Naval Staff Joseph Karls and Secretary of the Navy Jan Peter expressed dissatisfaction, apparently not thinking that this belongs to the category of secret weapons they recognize, and do not understand why Louis Bell put it in the secret weapon category. ranks.

Louis Bell couldn't help but explain first:

"Everyone here knows that submarines began to appear in the United States in 1801, and they caused a sensation in Europe at that time.

At that time, the American Fulton built the world's first submarine, the Nautilus. The hull was an iron frame and copper shell. The captain was 7 meters long. It carried two mines and was operated by 4 people. Powered by hand propellers underwater.

However, the speed is only 2 knots, and it can only last for an hour at most. Hehehe, it seems that it can only travel less than 4 kilometers in the water. However, last year, in the Civil War that just happened in the United States, the Henry was built in the south. The submarine is about 12 meters long, about the same size as a cigar. Eight people moved the propeller forward, and the speed reached 4 knots. They used mines to attack the enemy submarine. On the night of November 17, 1861 last year, the Henry became a mine. The warship "Hausatonic, opened the world's first case of an underwater submarine sinking a surface warship, which caused a global sensation and attracted strong interest from countries of all sizes."

This happened on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean last year, and everyone here knows it. However, although they were surprised by this victory, its performance was so disappointing that these navy bosses didn't show any interest.

Just when they were about to express their dissatisfaction, they saw Louis Bell continued: "On November 2, 1861, France built a submarine called Diver. The hull was designed to imitate the shape of a dolphin and was about 42 meters long. The displacement is 420 tons, powered by a steam engine with a power of 59 kilowatts (80 horsepower), and can travel underwater for 3 hours, with a diving depth of 12 meters and a speed of 2.4 knots..."

Seeing the disappointed expressions of several people, Louis Bell continued to speak without any influence before he stopped.

At this time, the Minister of the Navy, Yang Peter, couldn't help but said dissatisfiedly: "You also know that increasing the ballast to make the buoyancy equal to zero will cause the submarine to lose control when it dives, making the underwater navigation very unstable, and it also requires a lot of air. But it can't solve the problem, such a submarine may actually be a burden to our navy, not a secret weapon."

Jan Peter's unceremonious "confession".

The others also nodded involuntarily, obviously they all thought so.

However, Louis Bell is now in the Privy Council. Apart from the two directors of intelligence bureaus, Bill Charlie and Mackay Sean, one of the earliest ones to follow William IV is the servant of the Dragon, who is also in charge of William IV. Many secret celebrities in the world.

Therefore, no one asked directly.

Especially when seeing the face of the other party that is always smiling and holding the Zhizhu, it is even more difficult to understand the reality and reality of the other party.

Otherwise, why did William IV keep silent during the whole process, obviously watching their performance.

Even Prime Minister Tolbeck did.

"Who said there was no solution to that problem?" Before waiting for the drastic change in the expression on Jan Peter's face, Louis Bell first gave a respectful gift to William IV, and then said in shock, "Your Majesty has already helped everyone solve it. In order to improve this problem, in the last month of last year, the submarines of the Netherlands have already broken away from the freshwater area navigation mode in the history of submarines, and have been able to expand operations on the ocean."

"What? Good you Bell, are you telling the truth?" Jan Peter stepped forward, ignoring the man's etiquette, grabbed Louis Bell's hands, grabbed it hard, and asked with glowing eyes.

This news is too timely and powerful for him, although he has not asked about the speed after the solution and the endurance.

He is also a smart person. Louis Bell dared to "leak" it so blatantly at this time. Obviously, he has evaluated the role it played in the dilemma that the Netherlands is currently facing. So, has the Dutch submarine really developed to this point?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Louis Bell, the high-spirited Minister of Armaments, and cursed inwardly, "You kid is still very proud of you there."

However, he thought of his former admiralty rival - Theo Feng. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Linden.

At the beginning, both of them competed for the position of Admiralty, and he won, and he was complacent for a long time.

But now it seems that the other party is doing well in East India, because the development of submarines in the Netherlands is located in the Far East East Indian Navy Makassar and Shrike Bay in New Guinea. This secret development navy , that is, handed over to Theo von Linden to manage.

Depend on!

This former rival originally thought he had been left behind, but now it seems that he is more nourished in the Far East than he is in the Netherlands.

Especially recently, I read the newspaper. Every day I stared at the newspaper, reporting about the news about the Dutch Far East Navy in the South Pacific, today's capture of a reef tomorrow, and the news of capturing an island tomorrow, watching him itching, full of envy for the good luck of that guy Linden , but also happy for the Netherlands to expand its territory there.

At that time, he was really contradictory!

Looking at the constantly changing expression on his face, William IV saw his thoughts like a mirror in his heart.

In 1857, Holland was the one who directly begged his father William III to do this. He argued that he finally persuaded William III and handed over the entire Far East Dutch East Indies to him for management.

Since then, he has actually become a regent directly, developing East India into his sphere of influence. With this as the foundation, he finally completed many plans, whether it is human and financial resources, etc., all for the present and the original An important step has been taken.

That's how he came to be today.

At this time, Jan Peter remembered the question that he had just "forgotten".

"How's the battery life?