
Chapter 253

March 15, 1866.

Scandinavian Sweden and Denmark announced their accession to the International Hague Tribunal established by the Netherlands. On the same day, Belgium and Greece also announced their accession.

On the 16th, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the United States of America and other countries announced their accession.

On the 17th, the justice ministers (ministers) of these nine countries came to The Hague, the Netherlands, where they announced that they would become the founding countries of the International Court of Justice.

On the same day, Dutch Minister of Justice Ross was interviewed and questioned by Sola, editor-in-chief of the European Times.

Sola: "His Excellency Minister Ross, how is the International Court of Justice composed?"

Ross: "The International Court of Justice in The Hague consists of 9 judges from the 9 nations of creation"

Sora: "How are judges elected?"

Ross: "Because the current membership of member states is relatively small, we tentatively have nine judges.

Although each judge is recommended by various countries, he needs to obtain the approval of two-thirds of the member states of the eight countries to be elected. Of course, it is impossible to screen the first and second sessions, so we will start the re-election system from the third session."

Sola: "The highest administrators of the court structure are these nine judges?"

Ross: "No, a snake can't do without a head. The full judges will vote in an anonymous way to elect one of them as the president. The term of office of the president is 3 years."

Sora: "That's in sync with the election every three years?"

Ross: "Yes"

Sola: "The laws and cultures of different countries are different. Will this cause inconvenience in judging cases?"

Ross: "Of course there is, so we made nine judges that must all come from different countries, and must include different cultures and major legal systems. That's how the case can be handled."

Sola: "Has the court made regulations?"

Ross: "Yes"

Sola: "Does the courts have laws that bind elected judges? You know, morality is never binding"

Ross: "Yes, the International Court of Justice has formulated a Statute of the International Court of Justice, which stipulates that the judges elected to the International Court of Development must be of high character and have the qualifications for appointment to the Supreme Court in their own countries or recognized experts in international law.

Moreover, once a judge of the International Court of Justice is elected, he does not represent his own government or any other authority, and his first task is to declare in the open court that he must uphold his public authority. "

Sora: "If the elected judge decides the case of his own country, will the court be suspected of unfairness?"

Ross: "Of course there are suspicions, but the court doesn't stop it, the judge can vote against a position against the country in a case where the country is a party."

Sora: "Why not stop it?"

Ross: "Because, every time a case is decided, at least three judges are required to try a case at the same time. Therefore, if there is no selfishness of one person, the case will appear a cliff-like misjudgment."

Sora: "Three judges trying at the same time? If that's the case, it won't lose credibility"

Ross: "Naturally, the establishment of this court was built for credibility..."


Napoleon III was silent for a while looking at the rules of the International Court of Justice in the European Times.

Prime Minister Olivier naturally understood what Napoleon III was worried about.

"Your Majesty, the Netherlands is obviously dissatisfied with the growing number of big powers bullying small countries. But on the other hand, this has become a constraint for the big powers that have always bullied small countries militarily. Doing this is very unfavorable for the big powers."

Napoleon III agreed very much.

He asked Olivier: "England, Prussia and Tsarist Russia, Austria, etc., what do you say now?"

Napoleon III did not believe that other great powers would not remain indifferent. This is obviously a provocative move by the Netherlands to pull out the beard to the great powers.

"Hey, William IV, this little guy has been too comfortable recently, is he inflated with himself, and he actually wants to operate on our big countries?"

Olivier said: "Perhaps they feel that they can stay out of the war with big countries recently. I heard that in the last few wars, the Netherlands has made huge foreign exchange income just by selling arms to Prussia, Tsarist Russia, etc. The Netherlands used the money for the development of the Far East, which is doing very well there."

Speaking of this, Olivier reminded: "Your Majesty, does the Netherlands really want to migrate to Asia?"

Napoleon III thought about it for a while, and vetoed: "There are poor mountains and remote areas, the Netherlands moved to it, and they died, that is to say, they have become similar to the Northern Qing Dynasty in the Far East, and they will only gradually decline and become fish and meat for our countries. "

"However, the Netherlands is obviously also developing vigorously here in Europe, and it is said that it is now vigorously engaged in construction in Amsterdam and Rotterdam to attract European talents.

It is said that the per capita disposable income (i.e. wages) of these two places, originally similar to ours in Paris, has risen by 1.5 times, and the income of these two Dutch cities has reached 90 pounds. Already over £85 and £60 in London. "

Olivier is worried: "Many talents from various countries have immigrated to the Netherlands now."

"Is there such a thing?"

When Napoleon III heard this for the first time, he looked at Olivier in amazement.

"They just gave up the glory of the French Empire?"

Olivier said with a wry smile: "Of course they won't give up easily, but the helplessness in their livelihood forces them to do that."

Napoleon III asked: "Who are the people who are running in the Netherlands?"

Olivier said: "Art Nouveau painter Paul Se, microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur, etc., these two people have publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with your rule and announced that they have emigrated to the Netherlands"

"You just said that other countries are facing the same situation as France. Which celebrities have immigrated to the Netherlands?"

asked Napoleon III.

"Austrian Mendel used to be a priest, but he became fascinated by a self-created genetics, and many people around him did not recognize him, especially seeing him studying the pea experiment every day, etc., and finally he went to settle in the Netherlands... "

Napoleon III said: "Hmph, is there any way to solve it?"

Olivier: For today's plan, it can drive up wages and income, the government"

Napoleon III stopped him. As soon as he heard about the money, he had a headache. "Financial is not allowed. Put this aside for now and continue the topic just now."

Hearing this, Olivier continued to persuade Xiang, but seeing Napoleon III's discolored expression asking for money, he finally suppressed his impulse and could only sigh in his heart.


William IV stopped the other party, and then took out a document from the drawer: "The Kingdom of the Netherlands happens to have some sources in Paraguay, and this document is from the Paraguayan military. It shows that the Paraguayan army seems to be moving frequently to the south and west. I think Argentina should pay attention to it. It is just a suggestion. How to do it specifically is up to you and the Mitre government. The Netherlands will not interfere. Of course, if Argentina asks us for support, we are generally happy to help. What can I do? Continue to communicate, but the less direct contact between us, the better."

Less contact is better?

Sarmiento smiled bitterly when he heard it, indicating that William IV clearly told him that he would be the agent of the Netherlands' interests in Argentina.

This majesty never made any threatening words from the beginning to the end, but it made him even more scared and made him feel more dangerous.

From this conversation, Argentina may have other people with a certain status who have become the secret hand of the Netherlands. This may be his alternative, or it may be the second hand prepared by the Netherlands to deal with that person. In short, the Dutch means are not seen through.

And he didn't believe that Paraguay's mobilization of the army could be noticed by ordinary people, so there was only one possibility, that is, the Netherlands also had connections in the Paraguayan military, or even secret chess, which shocked him secretly.

Holland is so laborious to stay in various countries, he does not believe that Holland will not put these energy into monitoring his family, which can be done with less energy

Thinking about it this way, he understood that there must be this energy around him. Thinking of this, he no longer seemed to resist the golden lock that William IV put on him.

On March 16, 1866, Sarmiento, the Argentine ambassador to the Netherlands, left the Netherlands and arrived in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, on March 22. On March 25, he was presented to Parliament by President Mitre. Nominate a candidate for Finance Minister and urgently pass it on the same day.

At the same time, Argentina urgently mobilized 20,000 troops north to Corrientes City in northern Argentina and Salta in the northwest.

Since Sarmiento left, William IV began to think about how to gain benefits for the Netherlands from the South American War ~www.mtlnovel.com~.

"In history, because of legacy problems, in 1864, a modern war took place in South America. This war was initiated by a small South American country, Paraguay. This small country was bold enough to fight against its three major neighbors, Brazil and Argentina. The war launched by Uruguay can be called the largest and most tragic war in the history of South America. In this war, the weapons and equipment used by the four countries are so advanced that it can be called a watershed in the history of recent modern wars."

This war in Russia was also caused by the territorial disputes deliberately left by Spain and Portugal before they left after Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay became independent from the rule of Spain and Portugal. war. "

Thinking of this, William IV had to sigh, but Western countries like to play this trick. When Belgium was forced to retreat in Central Africa, the kingdom, and the United Kingdom played the most slippery game in South Asia.

William IV: "There are countries behind these countries, Brazil is supported by Portugal, Uruguay is supported by the United Kingdom, Argentina is now more autonomous with the help of the Netherlands, but the Commonwealth of America, where Lincoln is located, is an ally of Argentina, Paraguay Spain and France, etc."

With the promotion of the wars between the Netherlands and Brazil and Portugal in Africa, the time has been pushed back two years. Now it seems that the South American war is finally going to happen.

William IV had to sigh, history continues to move forward.


In Uruguay in 1866, the generals of the Hong Party overthrew the White Party supported by the Paraguayan leader, General Francisco Lopez. When Lopez was arrogant in mediating the civil war in Uruguay, Brazil intervened, and the friendship between the two countries was overturned. , so Brazil entered the war