
Chapter 218

On January 20, 1865, a series of battles broke out in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the state of the United States of America, now the northern state of the United States of America. It also interrupted various topics and turned to the east coast of North America on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Gettysburg was originally a small village in southern Pennsylvania, and before the outbreak of the war, it was a fruit producing and processing place. With the change of the war situation, Gettysburg gradually evolved into a battlefield between the North and the South, and the peace of the past disappeared without a trace.

On January 17, 1865, Confederate commander Robert E. Lee and the Union Army began a three-day and three-night battle, which ended in victory for the Union Army.

It was the largest and deadliest battle since the American Civil War.

On January 15, Confederate generals Hill and Ewell successfully commanded the army to arrive at Gettysburg first and occupy a strong position.

In the face of the military superiority of the Confederate States of North and South America, General Hancock, the general of the Union of North and South America, quickly adjusted the army, regrouped, built fortifications, and prepared to attack the southern army led by General Hill in the frontal area.

Hancock found that the cemetery hill where they were located was easy to defend and difficult to attack, so he let other troops who came to support it lay out along it to take advantage of the location.

Sure enough, in the next conquest war, the northern army smashed the attacks of the southern alliance army one after another according to the dangerous mountain situation.

At the suggestion of his subordinates, the southern commander, Robert Lee, suspends the attack, withdraws his troops briefly, and decides to redraw the plan and fight again tomorrow.

And Robert. Lee found after research that the left flank of the northern army was guarded by the mountains. If it was forcibly conquered, Wisdom would lose a lot of troops, so he sent General Ewell to lead an army to raid the right flank of the Union Army.

The army in the north was caught off guard and was forced down Mount Puth. Afterwards, the Confederate army returned to his senses, and General Ewell, who immediately reacted to the south, was immediately suppressed and even retreated.

However, Robert Lee is not a person who gives up easily. He made a comeback on the 19th. First, a burst of artillery bombed Cemetery Ridge, which made the guarding Northern Army also use artillery to counterattack the opponent. The artillery battle often lasted for more than two hours, and the air was thick. Gunpowder smell.

After stopping the counterattack, Robert Lee anxiously ordered General Pickett to lead the raiding team over the grass and forcibly break into the center of the federal army.

Because the distance between the two sides was more than one mile, this unit became a living target of the Federal Army, with heavy casualties, but soon as the team reached the north, a hand-to-hand battle was launched, and finally an opening was opened, and the south began to rush in. However, the north also carried out counter-assaults and wanted to block the crossing, so the battle of competition and counter-scramble started.

Finally, on the morning of January 20, 1865, after a heavy rain, the crossing on the battlefield was blocked by the Union Army.

Robert Lee could no longer wade across the river and attacked again, and because of the heavy rain in the north, the counterattack had to cross the swelled river. Therefore, I gave up the opportunity to annihilate the enemy.

This war is known as the most intense and **** battle between the North and the South. The North and South invested more than 300,000 troops, of which the Federal Army invested more than 140,000 and the Union Army invested 156,600.

The final result of casualties was more than 51,000 Union troops and more than 75,000 Confederate troops.

The war marked the first large-scale defeat in the South, and the first time the number of casualties on the battlefield was disproportionately higher than that of the North.

As William IV learned about the occurrence of the Gettysburg War, he predicted:

"The North disintegrated General Robert Lee's attack. Perhaps with the end of this war, a war situation began between the North and the South. This time it will be reversed."

"How can you see, Your Majesty?"

asked the Secretary of State for War, Pete de Jong.

"Before the war, the southern army was a battle-hardened army, and there were many wars with Mexico, and the southern plantations were originally in defense to prevent slaves from resisting, so they were equipped with guns and ammunition, etc., Very complete.

In contrast, the north is an industrial production base. Although guns and ammunition are also being produced, the scope of application is very limited, and many people have never even taken guns.

This is how the first attack launched in the south can beat the opponent. "

Speaking of Chief of Staff Mark Rudd.

Hearing this, Pete De Jong said: "So, in the Civil War that just started, the north was losing ground, is it justifiable?"

"Naturally" William IV sighed: "Before the war, the entire South and North combined, the regular army was less than 100,000 people, but just like this, the United Kingdom has begun to not want to waste its military strength, so it has never launched a campaign against the United States. In a big war, you can imagine how wonderful it will be on the faces of Queen Victoria and the Viscount Palmerston in London now."

When everyone heard the words, thinking about the scene, they couldn't help laughing. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

William IV said it well, but now London is full of discussions.

"The United States has launched such a large-scale war, and the answer of 300,000 troops, if the United Kingdom participates in it, can it get a good result?"

"How is it possible, as the army in the north has been tempered and gradually formed a strong military force, 2,200 Americans who went to the north are less than ten million people less than our British Empire. How can our British Empire be in that group of us? Too much military strength was wasted on former prisoners.

If we were to fight, it would be as big as France and Tsarist Russia and other countries on the European continent, and America was still too poor, and the income and expenditure were not proportional."

"That's right, I think it's not as good as the Dutch Kingdom on the opposite coast of Europe. At least the lowlands there are rich in grain production. The population has migrated to the Far East with nearly 2 million people, and the remaining 6 million people are more than the 2200 people who deal with the northern United States. Good luck dealing with it."

"I almost believed it. If I didn't know from one of me in the government department that the Dutch army is also top-notch, I almost think what you said makes sense."

"When did the Netherlands become the top? What friends, can you believe?"

"Hmph, of course, he is the team leader of the British MI6/Office. It is said that the intelligence they received shows that the Netherlands has hidden a lot of strength. In fact, all European countries are more or less in the process, but the United Kingdom has They have the most information, and that's why, in the past few years, when the Netherlands had a conflict with our promise to the British Empire, our government would have restrained and not completely fell out with the Netherlands."

"No wonder, I am. How come the Viscount Palmerston has become more talkative in recent years. The Dutch provocations are indifferent, and they are aware of the danger."