
Chapter 167

The convening of the Paris Conference is behind what many people think is the most grand European conference after the Vienna Conference held in 1815. In this conference, all the capitals of European countries were present, and all of them were royal families, kings, emperors, etc., No longer the head of government cabinets such as prime ministers in Europe, many people see this as a symbol of the concentration of European royal power in the royal family again.

But there are also different views. They believe that this is because the six major countries are all powerful kings. It is not appropriate to send cabinet heads. Therefore, if the kings of small and medium countries go there, it will increase the chances of reaching an agreement between the countries.

Among them, there is Queen Isabel II who is not very strong in the country.

It turned out that after the meeting, she held a secret meeting between the two countries with William IV of the Netherlands, and finally reached a military cooperation and commercial cooperation in the Far East between the two countries, including the two countries holding quarterly meetings of various sizes in the Pacific region. Acting, and at the same time announcing that in the Far East, the two countries will understand each other's positions, and at the same time, they will coordinate to resist and advance and retreat.

To put it simply, the two countries in the Far East will appear as alliances.

This makes many countries frown, especially the United Kingdom and France, where the United Kingdom is nibbling away at Burma a little bit, and after France seized South Vietnam this year, it has also begun to advance to the central Baiyue, and even started from time to time. To test the Kingdom of Siam, at this time Spain on the opposite sea chose the Netherlands to form an alliance. For both countries, it has to be said that this is a signal. Obviously, the two countries expressed dissatisfaction with Britain and France.

But I don't know if it was intentional or not. Spain and the Netherlands even later accepted Prussia as a member of the alliance, and even Prussia even announced that he had made an agreement with the Kingdom of Siam. Lend Kampot, a port in southeastern Siam, for 50 years.

With this announcement, the Far East has ushered in more attention from Europe.

However, this is only short-lived, because everyone is still on the front page of William III, who was selected by various powers to succeed the king of Greece.

Most people think that the powerful countries want to rebuild the situation in the Balkans. Napoleon III seems to have done nothing at this Paris Conference. In fact, inviting all countries to attend has already balanced the interests of the major powers. This is from the United Kingdom. Tsarist Russia, Ottomans, and Austrian Prussia will know.

Moreover, after this meeting, the relationship between the Netherlands and Austria with Portugal and Italy has become worse and worse, and even the Greek issue has not been satisfactorily resolved satisfactorily.

This is something that countries have already foreseen.

After all, after centuries of **** by the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria and several Orthodox Slavs also began to awaken. After this meeting, they no longer satisfied the status of a duchy, and began to request the establishment of a nation from Russia and Austria. nation.

This is a headache for both countries.

But what is even more troublesome for Tsarist Russia is that after this meeting, other countries, such as Britain, France and even Italy, began to throw olive branches to the Ottoman Sultan and expressed their support for the Ottoman Empire to develop its economy and industry.

At a glance, this discerning person knows what their several countries mean, so that a powerful Ottoman Empire can continue to prevent Tsarist Russia from going south, expanding to the Balkans and heading south to the Indian Ocean. The idea of ​​​​is broken.

In short, there were agreements between countries scattered around the time of this Paris meeting and after it.

On December 20, 1862, Spain was developing eastward in Western Sahara, but in Mauritania and France in Shega, there were many competitions.

"This location is too important, because the Western Sahara Desert is huge, but Shega is a key place from Western Sahara to the east to penetrate into various places, Western Sahara in the west, Mauritania in the south, French Mali in the southeast, and French Algeria in the north.

Therefore, this place is a key location for both Spain and France to win. "

Chief of Staff Mark Rudd sighed.

After William IV returned to Amsterdam, he could not wait to convene a meeting of the Privy Council.

Because the Minister of Industry Wem Cotter, the Minister of Education Ruud Bells, the Army Chief of Staff Jopp Il and others are now in the Far East Melbourne to carry out the Far East Small Cabinet gradually, and at the same time intensify efforts for the construction of the Far East, so now this The Dutch cabinet is temporarily understaffed and has not been replenished.

Therefore, in this meeting, in addition to Prime Minister Tolbek, Home Secretary Jonrell, Finance Minister Jane Poe Capello, Foreign Minister Heisbet Feng, Minister of Agriculture Ernest Bevin, these civilians.

In addition, there is the military's Chief of General Staff Mark Rudd, the Minister of the Navy Jan Peter, the Chief of the Naval Staff Joseph, and the Minister of the Army Pede de Jong.

Director of International Intelligence of the Netherlands Mackay Sean, Director of Royal Dutch Intelligence Bill Charlie.

Agriculture Minister Ernest Bevin: "Haysbet, Spain has now formed mutual assistance with us in the Far East, and France has cooperated with us in the Indian Ocean. Will this lead to a contradiction in the Dutch position?"

Haysbert Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then professionally said: "No"

"Why?" Owen Bennet continued to ask.

"Because all European countries are doing the same thing, Britain has had power politics with France many times in the Mediterranean Sea and the English Channel, but in the Far East, both countries are launching joint operations, especially in the direction of the Qing Dynasty.

Also in North America and in the direction of Mexico, the two countries have also acted jointly against the United States, so local cooperation and competition in other local areas are commonplace for big countries."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. ]

With Hesbert Feng's explanation, many people also understand that the diplomacy of the European countries is really not generalized.

Hesbet Feng said worriedly: "But the situation in Spain is not stable now. In this country, there are many factions, those who are pro-French, those who are pro-Portugal, and those who are pro-British.

There is also the pro-Austrian faction formed by the continuous relationship with Austria. These forces are not something that Isabel II can handle. The Netherlands has formed an alliance with such a Spain. Can Spain help us? "

As long as people in Europe care about the domestic situation in Spain, there is no one who does not understand.

Heisbert von added: "Since Isabel II came to power in 1843, at the time of the great fate of France, wave after wave came.

Spain's liberal opposition became increasingly powerful, and this period led to the emergence of court intrigues and zheng in the Kingdom of Spain.

The queen had to deal with it by changing the government frequently. In the past 20 years, Spain has changed more than 20 governments, promulgated 5 constitutions, launched 13 riots, and various groups of ministers have come to power one after another.

Isabelle II herself also lived an absurdly decadent life, sometimes interfering in cabinet politics in a wayward and irrational way.

Moreover, the queen seems to be particularly fond of the anti-Dong elements in the army and the church, which makes her even more dissatisfied in the hearts of Spaniards.

However, after the military rule, after the reformist Espartero, who came to power in 1854, came to power, soon because of internal discord, the liberals came to power. Once every two or three years, Spain's political ecology is stunned.

During her entire reign, the life of the Spaniards did not improve. Because the rebels and the army controlled the Spanish government, it made everyone's selfish interests cautious, and people's expectations for Isabella II were reduced to a minimum.

Many people hope that her reign will end soon, and the 6-year-old Prince Alfonso will grow up quickly, inherit Spain, and lead Spain out of the predicament as soon as possible. "

Heisbert Von said to William IV: "Your Majesty, an ally like this may be a burden to the Netherlands. After all, many allies of the two countries have agreed that they will sway because of the chaotic situation in the country. In terms of execution, it will also delay a good time."

"That means you don't agree with the alliance between the Netherlands and Spain," William IV asked Heisbert Von, and looked to the side.

In addition to Tolbek, Mark Rude's expression remained the same. Well, there are also two intelligence directors. They know some of William IV's situation, so they know more inside information.

William IV smiled and looked at Mark Rudd, "My Chief of Staff, why don't you tell me what you think?"

Mark Lü De stood up and performed the standard etiquette of salute to military superiors, then said to Haysbert Feng: "Everything is good and bad, and it is wrong to only see the bad side or the good side of many things. of.

I remember that I was just a low-ranking officer who had taken two guards before. One was very diligent, but not very talented in spear skills, and the other was very talented in spear skills, but not diligent.

At that time, the guard I was looking for was the one who needed a lot of spear skills, but then I chose the one with poor talent~www.mtlnovel.com~Why, because the person with good talent likes to be tricky and like Comparatively, but in this profession, this is not in line, although his marksmanship gives him extra points.

The person with poor talent later asked me why I chose him, and I only told him that diligence is his strongest status talent, and your self-discipline is also one of my choices. "

"The Netherlands needs strong allies, which is of great help to us, but it also poses a threat. On the contrary, if the Netherlands has weak allies, it is actually a kind of protection for us. I have studied The United Kingdom, what the United Kingdom likes most is that it likes three religions and nine first-rate people, likes to make allies in various places, and helps these allies deeply. The strong regime is stable, and the United Kingdom is very friendly.

But when it is weak, the United Kingdom will show its minions, tear up this fragile ally, and win the benefits that it has long favored.

Therefore, I think that His Majesty knows Spain's internal chaos, and wants to form an alliance with Spain, even if the idea is not this, it is almost the same. "

Clap clap clap!

Tolbeck was the first to applaud, obviously, he thought about the same thing.

Others also woke up.

"Love and kill each other!"

William IV sighed: "Europe has never had true allies, only eternal interests.

The Philippines is good, especially the south"

"Your Majesty, will this arouse dissatisfaction from all countries, especially Spain?" Heisbert Von worried.

William IV smiled, "Who said we should do it first?"

"Then who did it?"

Everyone looked at him curiously, even Tolbeck and Mark ruud.