
During the Dark Ages

If the world had ended with powerful undeads around every corner, what would you do? Would hide from the world and slowly die or would you fight for your life and happiness If you were given the power to fight for your survival at the risk of your own humanity, what would you do? Would you fear that power or would you grasp it with both hands and fight until your last breath. [Author here! If you are enjoying this book then feel free to vote for it using power stones! This will allow me to post more chapters a day. Starting today I will post one bonus chapter a day for every ten power stone. Please Enjoy.]

shadowlord4318 · Fantasie
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221 Chs

Chapter 55 Preparing for even more Trouble(2)

Night came quickly and it was time to scout the forest but I had to do something first.

" I can't go into the forest yet." I said to Alice

"Why? You aren't getting cold feet or you?" She said,she has already transformed into her vampire form in anticipation of going for a flight.

"I can't go because the imps can use [Aura Vision] just like we can. If I go flying in the forest they would sense me instantly." I said

''How do you know that?" Alice asked and my lips twitched.

"Didn't you read the skill description?" I asked in annoyance and I could see her start to stare in space obviously reading her status and looking for the skills description.

"Oh." I heard her mutter quietly.

"So how are you going to hide from them?" She asked curiously

"The [Aura Vision] skill tracks you by aura so all I have to do is suppress my aura." That was easier said than done. I already tried suppressing my aura before and I was only able to suppress around half of it before getting a massive headache. I had a feeling this is going to be a long painful night.


Synthia POV

I walked down the corridor of the mansion looking at the various people inside. It was night so the children were asleep but most of the adults were out and about drinking, eating and generally having a good time. I didn't necessarily hate the atmosphere but I couldn't say I liked it. There is a constant struggle for survival and although it was peaceful now this was more like a calm before the storm and yet no matter how many times I tried to explain it to them these people don't seem to take it seriously. Even though they acted respectful towards me, they don't take me seriously. The reason why there are only four priests isn't because the rest were untalented or anything like that, it's because the others didn't take cultivation seriously.

Although the prospect of gaining superpowers is enticing they knew that if they started cultivating seriously they would have to fight. At first I let them be since I knew that they were scared to go back to the hell hole outside but now I wouldn't allow it.

"Goodnight everyone, I have an announcement to make so if you be so kind as to meet me in the meeting hall." I said and all of them stood up went there immediately. This mansion is way bigger than it looked from the outside, it had several underground rooms that were off limits to everyone unless told otherwise. My and the priests bedrooms were underground since the [Holy Core] was down there which means that holy energy was thicker down there than up here. But unfortunately for these little humans the meeting hall wasn't underground. I flew to the stage as the hall was filled with people. The hall was spacious enough to hold over a thousand people comfortably and had a high ceiling which means I could fly comfortably. Once everyone was here, except for the children and my priests who were underground cultivating, I began my speech.

"Thank you all for coming. As you all know I have began teaching you how to cultivate holy energy a bit over a weak ago. And most of you have said that absorbing holy energy has proven challenging but we all know that's a lie." I said and I could here murmuring from all around.

"The truth of the matter is that you guys do not want to cultivate and become priests like Claire and the others because you know that once you do you will be forced to fight." And the murmuring got louder.

"Listen I know you are scared and I have allowed all of you to lounge around but I will not allow it anymore. It is time for all of you to earn your keep." I said and everyone became silent.

"And what if we refuse." Shouted a brave but stupid man. If I remember correctly he came here with Claire and the others. I think he was friends with Kirt.

"Simple you can leave."

"And if we don't want to leave." He said and he walked closer to the stage with a few people following behind him. This is getting annoying.

" Whether willingly or as a corpse, I assure you you will leave." I said while narrowing my eyes but apparently he didn't get the message as he continued his advance unafraid his posse following behind.

"I woul..." He didn't get to finish his sentence as I held him by the throat. This guy was seriously getting on my nerves.

"Listen here little human, I don't know what gave you the confidence to question me like that and I don't really care. But I assure you if you continue to piss me off I will kill you and that goes for the rest of you." I said looking at his posse and they shivered and took a step back. It seems they finally got the message. I threw the human towards one of the walls and he impacted onto the wall heavily but I did not care about his condition.

"You can leave now." I said and they immediately left and someone picked up the injured asshole and left.

'I need talk to Kirt and make sure that he isn't the one influencing that idiot. Then again they could be planning a cue or something, that would be amusing. '