
Durable Empowered Series

“Keith and I watched in awe and joy as the inexplicable happened. Nikki was alive! My mate was back! Then suddenly, those brown eyes I loved so much started morphing. Her right eye lightened and became as golden as mine after I shifted into my wolf. While her left eye deepened and became black before turning blood red like Keith’s right before he feeds. It was unfeasible but there she laid a vampire-werewolf hybrid.” Nicolette Winspere always felt out of step with the world around her and for good reasons. She is a genetically engineered vampire-werewolf hybrid but she has no idea! Created as the ultimate weapon, Nicolette is a timid African American woman caught in the middle of a deadly war between humans and non-humans. The humans want her to destroy their natural enemies the vampires and werewolves; while her creator wants to use her to avenge an over 2 millennia-year old slight. After narrowly escaping the clutches of her “parents”, she begins a new life with no intentions of looking back. However, after 5 years of freedom, her hybrid genes start attacking her human ones forcing her to do the one thing she swore never to do…return to where it all began. Upon her arrival home, Nicolette finds herself in a desperate fight to keep her life, her freedom, and her humanity all while dealing with the unexpected re-appearance of an old flame. Truths will come to light, the inexplicable will happen, and monsters will be birthed!

sugarkitten21 · Science-Fiction
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39 Chs


I shook my head hoping to get rid of the memories I would rather forget. While simultaneously trying to ignore the man who, as much as I wanted to deny it, still had my heart.

"Nikki!" My name, like a caress, came from behind me but I pretended I didn't hear it as I searched for my car keys. I was steps away from the car when those warm hands from earlier clasped my elbow and pulled me into an embrace. I almost released the torrent of tears that had been building since Dr. Carol gave me my test results.

I soaked in his warmth for a couple of seconds choosing to forget just how angry I was at him while I got my emotions under control. With a shuddering breath, I pulled away without turning around. "NO! Just no. Not today Josiah. I just can't."

My voice sounded pitiful and small even to my ears. With a sigh and a kiss to the back of my head, he released me. My knees went weak and for a brief second I wanted to turn around but I forced myself to jump into my VW bug and speed away.

The sweet and spicy scent was all that was left of my mate. I watched her peel out of the parking lot desperate to get away from me. All I could do was run a hand over my face as my whole being throbbed with regret and yearning.

It had been 3 years and I wanted my mate in ways that caused me and my wolf to be in angst, constantly.

At first just watching over her was fine. Making sure she was safe and no one had found her was good enough. What I hadn't anticipated was that the longer I was near her, without being truly near her, the more my wolf would be driven crazy.

Normal mates would have met, married, and had babies in the time we had known each other. I had always thought that was the natural progression of a wolf relationship but now I knew better.

It was a biological imperative for wolves to copulate as soon as they met their mate. Otherwise, they would become temperamental at best and insane at worst. I was going on three years and touching her just now, even though it was only for few seconds, almost caused my wolf to take her forcefully right here in the open.

It was smart of her to drive away from me when she had. Maybe she could feel that my wolf was right under my skin itching to get out. With another heavy sigh, I turned and walked away. I had the weirdest sensation that someone was watching me. Jumping into my truck, and being as discreet as possible, I searched for the eyes that felt like they were boring holes in my back. I came up empty.

The organization was here. I could feel it! I hadn't seen any movement yet but, somehow, I knew that they had found her.

They were the only ones that had the ability to mask themselves from a wolf so effectively. I barely sensed the presence and there was no scent for me to track. We were in trouble! I couldn't let her be on her own anymore. I had no idea how I was going to approach her without her trying to run from me, again.

Well, Well, Well. This is certainly a twist. Don't forget to comment and leave a review please.

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