

A death saint called Clair needs to go with the heroes party to a dungeon to take a holy sword to kill the demon lord. But unfortunately, this adventure will be more dangerous and magical than she thinks. (I am not proficient in English because it's not my first Language.)

Pergaron · Fantasie
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1 Chs




A woman walks in front of a picturesque Mansion. She is blindfolded, and her black robe is decorated with colourful patterns of skulls and flowers. The silver relics of her god are shining with colourful little gems. She sees many Guards in and outside the House.

The people gaze at her and guards are blocking the entrance of the Mansion. "No Entry, crouch back to your graveyard, necromancer!"

She looks at the guards and thinks: 'Why am I here?! To order me to this Mansion and to be insulted by random guards?!'

She takes a deep breath, takes her letter with the sigil of the Hero says to the guard: "I am not a necromancer, I am a priestess of the goddess of death. My name is Clair and…"

A female voice cut her off and Clair looks behind her. A Golden haired woman with perfect-looking features. Her curly hairs are long and well-made and her red eyes looks at Clair mockingly: "The goddess of the death, huh? You are the first person I have met, to believe in a forgotten ancient god… what was her name? feo e… grö...uhh grotseka?"

Clair is a little upset because she insulted her god and says: "Are you done? I should go to this Manson to meet the hero Kento. But those meatheads don't let me in, and now I lose my nerves because you say my god is grotesque…"

The saint looks at her with a smile and says mockingly: "I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care what peasants say or thinks."

A fake smile creeps over the face of the saint, and the guards looks angry at Clair.

"I don't expect anything from peasants, to be honest. But I give you permission to enter the building. My name is Lumina and I am a priestess of the god of light and the healer of the hero party"

Clair looks at her with a cringe and thinks: 'So generic... like a villainess character from a book!'

Lumina leads the way to the second floor of the mansion and an older well-dressed man comes to the girls and bows to both. "Greetings misses Lumina, is this the priestess, the young master asks?"

Lumina bows lightly elegant at him and says: "Yes Vlodim, maybe she can help Us."

Clair looks at Lumina and sees how different she acts and looks at Vlodim: "sir Vlodim, do you know why I be order there?"

Vlodim looks at Clair and says: "Madame, please follow me to master Kento".Lumina looks at the back of the two and her smile is gone. She gazes at Clair and leaves the floor.

She enters the room and in front of her sits an authoritarian-looking young man. His armor reflects the light and his legs rest on the table.

"My name is Clair, you called fo..."

The young man cut her off and looked slightly bored.

"I need a mage that is proficient to kill undead, and you are here to replace my dead party member, Azrice. She died in an accident on a magic Relic from the blacktrap Dungeon."

Clair thinks: 'I hate to be cut off. Why do that, people?'

Clair answers to Kento: "Why do you choose me? I am a priestess and not a mage. We have plenty of mages and wizards in this region… "

Kento looks at her and answers rudely:

"The undead can only be killed by wonder, bane magic or healing. Your Vidivoodoo, what ever magic goes to the category of one of the three. Now go and get ready,"

Clair trembles with rage and says straight to Kento: "Why are you so rude and disrespectful? Is this a custom from your home?"

Kento looks at her and says to her with his authority: "We are not friends. I can easily kill you for your comment, and nobody gives a shit about you, commoner. I give you 2 Gold, 50 Silver and 20 silver to be quiet. You need to be ready in two hours. Get off"

Clair sights and stand up. She goes to the door and says: "can I decline?…"

Kento answers strait: "No"

Clair says: "I Understand"


She opened the door and leave Kento alone. He looks disappointed and rubs his face: 'Hopefully she is not as weak as Lumina... now I need a knight to go with me'

Clair sits on a bench in the gardens of this mansion and take a sunbath. Two hours later, a shadow blocked the sun and Clair says: "Lumina?"

Lumina looks at her with disbelief and ask: "How do you know it was me? I mean, you can't see… or do you see me?"

Clair looks at her, and she says: "Your perfume makes it easy to smell you behind a mountain. it's kind of powerful…"

Lumina looks upset and ask: "Do you like more decent smell from cows and pigs, Peasant?"

Clair waits for Lumina to finish speaking, and she tilts her head like a dog.

Lumina: "Uhh… Why do you tilt your Head?! It's so annoyingly random"

Clair smiles at her and is quiet.

Lumina looks stressed at her and says: "Lets go to the group… are you ready?"

Clair stands up from the bench and says: "Ye, I don't have much, let's go."

Lumina and Clair comes to the gate and two men are waiting. One of the men is a knight with steel plate armor and giant shield and a spear. The other man is Kento.

"This is David, he is a knight from the Order of valeri." Kento says authoritarian: "Now go to the carriages"

Lumina and Clair rides the same carriage, and Clair looks outside and sees the forest in a bright green. Little foxes hunting rabbits and the raven looking at the carriage.

The wind howls on the trees on a mystical way.


The city in between

The birds are chirping and Clair sits calm inside the carriage. On the way to the dungeon thinks Clair of her home.

Inside the Kingdom Lydion lies a little poor county called wyssmont. Clair looks like a little child and is reading a book on a stone block from the church. The surrounding is a ruined giant city and a skeleton approach Clair and snatch the book from her.

Clair looks at the skeleton and tried to take the book back: "Heey! Mom, I'm not finished!"

The skeleton looks at her and give Clair another Book and open a specific page.

"Mom, it's not night. The undead are n…"

Clair looks on the new page and sees a ritual. Should I prepare this? What is that?


Three painfully hours of silence later, Lumina looks outside de Carriage, and she says: "It's a big castle! Is this the Dungeon? Soo big!


I hope you like this story. What adventure awaits Clair?