

In a world where magic once fostered harmony between humans, dungeons, and mythical creatures, a cataclysmic rift shattered the unity that existed. Within the echoes of this fractured realm emerges "Dungeonbound," a spellbinding saga of power, lineage, and unbreakable bonds. Sentient dungeons, once the epitome of enlightenment, find themselves plunged into chaos as the very enchantments they once shared with humans turn unpredictable and wild. Amidst this turmoil, a figure rises from the shadows—Rowan Blackthorn. Born within a labyrinth's heart, Rowan's origins are steeped in secrecy, his birth concealed beneath layers of enigma. Rowan's journey unfolds within the labyrinth's depths, a journey of trials that test not only his abilities but also his very identity—a fusion of human and mysterious lineage. Venturing deeper, Rowan uncovers not only the labyrinth's secrets, but the echoes of a family's love who adopted him. Their unwavering devotion propels him forward, kindling his resolve to uncover the truth that shadows his past. Beyond the labyrinth's confines lies a realm fractured by war and magic gone awry. But within Rowan courses the essence of unity—a blend of powers that once bound the realms together. His existence becomes the key to restoring the fractured reality, not only bridging the divide that sundered worlds, but reshaping the very destiny of existence itself. "Dungeonbound" is a mesmerizing tapestry woven with threads of mystery, power, and profound bonds. As Rowan's odyssey intertwines with allies of enigmatic lineages and adversaries fueled by discord, the narrative unfolds against a backdrop of ancient magic, labyrinthine depths, and a family's enduring love. Through battles, revelations, and the untangling of secrets, Rowan's journey isn't just one of personal discovery; it's a quest to rewrite the narrative of a fractured world and rekindle the symphony of unity that once resonated between realms.

Lord_stillwaters · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Dungeonbound chapter 1

Chapter 1: Whispers of the Labyrinth

In a realm riddled with the echoes of a cataclysmic schism, where once dungeons and humans flourished in harmonious unity, a single place stood as a gateway to ancient power and enigma—the labyrinth that rested on the 10th floor. Within its depths, the very essence of magic seemed to swirl, veiled by shadows and guarded by time.

Step by cautious step, Rowan Blackthorn embarked on a journey that led him into the labyrinth's heart—a heart that beat with the pulse of forgotten stories. His stride held a curious mix of determination and apprehension, his gaze capturing the dance of torchlight against obsidian walls, inscribed with glyphs that whispered tales of bygone eras.

Rowan's presence in this labyrinth was no mere chance; it was a chapter of destiny written in the ink of lineage. Born within these labyrinthine chambers, he carried with him secrets, a heritage that was both human and something more—a lineage that fused the essence of dungeons and humans.

This labyrinth wasn't just a maze; it was a riddle waiting to be solved, a canvas where Rowan's footsteps painted his narrative, his journey one that transcended both dungeon and human realms. His strides were imbued with purpose—a quest for more than just treasure, a quest for self-discovery, for revelations that would shatter the illusions that had clouded his existence.

As Rowan navigated through the labyrinth's intricate design, a symphony of memories and emotions swirled within him—the gentle warmth of his family's love, the bedtime stories spun by his mother Selene's soothing voice, his sister ela's dreams that danced in her eyes. His family's aspirations and sacrifices became the fuel for his determination, the very essence that propelled him forward in search of treasures hidden within these shadowy corridors.

Yet, the treasures he sought were not gold or silver; they were magic stones, gems infused with arcane energy. Each low magic stone bore the weight of a million dollars, mid magic stones five million dollars, and the elusive high magic stones held the value of ten million dollars. They were scattered throughout the labyrinth, concealed in crevices, and often guarded by monstrous entities whose fierceness matched their allure.

Magic stones were no ordinary currency; they were tokens of power, keys to unlocking possibilities that transcended the constraints of the fractured realm. To Rowan, they represented more than wealth; they held the potential to transform his family's dreams into reality.

And so, within the labyrinth's shadows, Rowan pressed on, driven by his purpose, his determination to unearth the elusive magic stones intensifying with each step. He had learned the labyrinth's patterns, deciphered its language of symbols and obstacles. Each level he conquered brought him one step closer to the treasures that could rewrite his family's future.

As the night descended, stars twinkling in the velvet sky, Rowan's slumber became a realm of dreams—portals to the past, whispered memories that danced at the edge of his consciousness. In his dreams, his parents' voices resounded—their tones fraught with concern, their pleas urging him to stay away from the labyrinth, away from a heritage that was as mysterious as it was potent.

With the dawn's arrival, Rowan awoke with renewed vigor. The labyrinth's call was irresistible, its promise of magic stones and hidden truths a siren's song. He knew that his journey was not just a solitary pursuit but a beacon—a beacon of hope, a means to bridge the chasm between the realm of dungeons and humans, and a means to mend what had been shattered.

In a world where whispers intertwined with torchlight's dance, Rowan Blackthorn's odyssey had begun—a journey to uncover the labyrinth's secrets, to unveil his own destiny, and to mend a reality that had been fractured. And as the labyrinth's enigma unfurled, it beckoned to him—a symphony of arcane mysteries and family devotion, echoing through its corridors and resonating with the very essence of his being.

Thank you all for reading my very first novel' Doungeonbound'.I was in a surprise state to see that it has above 80 views which I thought for me it was hard to achieve, I hope you liked the prologue and I will be posting a chapter each day( sometimes it might get delayed due to some situation so bare with me)...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

- the author

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